My Life With Misophonia

Publicado 2012-05-20
I made this video when there was only 2 other videos on YouTube about misophonia. Now there are many many videos. Wanna know why? Because people are just trying to spread awareness. I may have sounded a little uninformed, which I was, but it was like EVERYONE had misophonia because they thought chewing was annoying. I was just trying to make a statement. Just because something annoys you, does not mean you have this disorder. When you feel rage and panic and cannot ignore the annoying sound, then maybe you can say you have it. I was officially diagnosed. People are self diagnosing, which is what I did, but then my psychologist did his research and officially diagnosed me. I was just excited. Please stop the negativity. This is my first video, I plan to make more videos. I will probably make one when I start feeling the anxiety/rage just so everyone can see the emotions Misophonia brings a person. Watch this and see why I am the way I am.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @nyoomies
    it really hurts you when your family refuses to accept that sometimes you just cant control this condition.
  • @lyndseymonet
    I was so happy when I found out Misophonia was real. All those years of my family members not understand why I would get so upset at certain noises like chewing, breathing, certain voices, sniffing, or even motions like someone rubbing their feet together. It feels good to know that I am not alone!
  • @officialmrwest3902
    Iv'e had this my entire life but no one has ever taken it seriously. Just found out that Misophonia was a real thing a couple weeks ago, and i'm really happy i'm not the only one in this world who understands the feeling.. People have just called me a sensetive little prick when iv'e told them how i feel
  • @62798254
    The sound of my parents and my mom snoring at night and their chewing noises during dinner time just makes me want to flip the dinner table over. I even hate myself sometimes because I even make all those noises as well.
  • @racheltorres1612
    I've had this issue for like the past year or so, and NOTHING has ever sucked so much. My dad has bad seasonal allergies; as a result, he constantly is licking or smacking his lips all the time when he breathes. We're talking every 5 seconds!! Every single time I hear some one do that, I go off like a bomb; cursing, slamming my fists into everything I could get my hands on, punching myself in the skull cuz I just could NOT take it. Afterwards, I would feel so ashamed about the things I said and did, but it made no difference. It's gotten so bad to the point of where I have to shut myself up in my room whenever he comes home. I too thought that I was losing my sanity. After looking all of this up, I told my parents (or at least, tried to, with Dad in the room), but he doesn't believe a word of it. He's a real stubborn guy, so he's kind of convinced himself that I'm just being a disrespectful, cussing, spiteful teenager. My older brothers are always siding with him too, trying to make it out like I'm the bad guy/spoiled brat or something. It sucks. I sympathize and pray for every single one of my Misophonia brothers and sisters. Stay strong you guys!
  • @roisinguerin8857
    It's actually so nice seeing how other people react to it because at home I just get told to have tolerance and I just can't and it's so hard...
  • @marshallj90
    We need to run away to a secluded island somewhere that's all to ourselves
  • @annareitz9434
    You honestly just described my life, I've been dealing with this since I was about 5 and its been so bad I'm seeing a therapist now to help me find coping methods. I can't go to movies I can't eat with my family it's comforting to know I'm not alone with this its horrible and its so hard.
  • @siennnaaa
    Yep, I know exactly how you feel. It feels good to know that I'm not alone with my Misophonia Journey. Thank you for making this video, it helped me feel better.
  • @lliinyh
    Thank you for making this video. I have the same and it makes me feel a little better to know that someone else has the same problem. I wish all the best for you!
  • @hippyable
    people have no right to call you insane! I'm sorry you're going through this hell!
  • @banesamiranda5837
    dealing with the guilt and shame of having this is one of the worst parts. i think its safe to say that is comforting to know that there are others out there like me.thanks for posting your video i am with you 100%
  • @andrewmanford
    thank you for making this video. i'm a 25 year old male and i've known i've had this since about 5 years old. i've gone through hell and back because of this. i'm glad i'm not alone. ps...every single thing you said was 100% true to me as well. even the moment out of the corner of your eye. almost like the idea of a noise makes it just as bad. thanks again.
  • @canvoodoo
    I Have been suffering wit this since I was 7 I am 43 now and have just found out about this condition today. I have been mis-diagnosed with slight autism and called crazy even by my own family since I was a child I cant tell you the relief that others are like me. I hope the things get better for you.
  • @claytonkoon774
    Makes me glad to see others posting about their experiences with misophonia. I live in an old medium sized house that creaks and squeaks. Chewing is probably my number one trigger but second is when I hear people in the house walking up and down the steps, flushing the toilet, and worst of all doing dishes. My box fan and earplugs are currently my best friends.
  • My 17 year old son has this. Unless you experience it, it's hard to understand. This is a REAL disorder!
  • @thatsbunkman
    the fan noise and your sniffling drove me nuts, but i'm glad you shared. it's hard to explain to people how noises affect us differently. i just try to deal by focusing on other people's actions that don't bother me. it's the worst when i am alone.
  • @april4580
    Monique, Thank you so much for posting your videos! I've had the symptoms and very specific issues with sound for as long as I can remember, with it getting more prevalent around High School age. I assumed it was irritability, anger or OCD. Lately it has been more frequent as an issue in social situations, or avoiding socializing so I have been doing online research and finally found out that it has a name. When I read the description it was me to a T, so I'm hoping I can find some help for it.