Metal family (animated music video)

Published 2018-01-02

All Comments (21)
  • @starofwater
    I just love the fact Glam took one look at the beefy biker chick woofing down a hot dog and went, "I want to spend the rest of my life being bench pressed by her." and then he watches her beat up a guy twice her size and is just <3
  • @moonrain7723
    I love how Vicky Is so strong and violent but blushes a lot when Glam shows his draws to her 😭
  • @jackphoto8816
    Came back from the 3rd episode in the second season. The moment glam said he would stop for coffee I said “Wait a minute.” I came back and I knew, I knew that was the walk he met Victoria! I love how that all came around! This series has grown so much, I can’t wait to keep following! I’m patient for the English episodes, I don’t mind waiting for this great series!
  • @TGZero
    They got married and still had a metal/biker family. Goals.
  • @gary7846
    people might see him as a joke but that dude is metal af, no fear of death to be seen
  • @waka1145
    Кто тоже решил пересмотреть этот шедевр после просмотра 5-ой серии 2 сезона?
  • I would love to see a backstory episode for Victoria and her childhood like they did for Glam. I think it would be interesting to see how she was brought up, like was she raised to try and be rich and proper like Glam, or was she a completely different story of her upbringing? Just an idea suggestion. :) :)
  • @Wrathlon
    I love everything about this. It's wholesome as fuck and unconventional as fuck and is a perfect representation of the diversity and depth of real relationships.
  • @quisti591
    Пересмотрев это видео в который раз, особенно на моменте с альбомом и фотками я окончательно убедился, что сюжет всего мультсериала был целиком написан ещё до выхода самой первой серии
  • @JasperCaster03
    Glem is so smart and such and intellectual wise person, but when he’s passionate about something he will be dumber than a box of rocks and I love it.
  • @joerV2
    "Времени ещё много, успею зайти за чашечкой кофе, женой, двумя детьми и семейной жизнью"
  • When I first saw this video I had no idea it was connected to an actual series. This 5 minute video told such an awesome love story it was so easy to fall in love with. So much so I looked deeper into the channel itself and found out there was an entire lore for a Russian YouTube animated series based on this video. 10/10 Story Telling.
  • @dianatodd4016
    Когда я впервые увидела этот клип, мне было ещё 15 лет. Сейчас мне 21 год, и я всё ещё в восторге. Более того, меня восхищает то, что персонажи не только стали героями целого сериала с нетипичной идеей, но и то, что создатели не остановились на первом сезоне, и серии продолжают выходить. Огромный респект 👍
  • @RaptorT1V
    "...Он выглядел так устрашающе и обаятельно! Интересно, встречаются ли среди них женские особи?..", — однажды сказал Глэм
  • @gary449
    this is probably the healthiest romantic relationship i have ever seen.
  • @mrsprince3575
    Я редко пишу комментарии, но тут прям душа возжелала. Пришла сюда пересмотреть это клип, после совсем недавно вышедшей 5 серии 2 сезона, как второй линией сюжета. И это было лучшем решением и приятным времяпрепровождением. Алина и Дима, спасибо!)
  • I know I probably won’t fit the general vibe of the fan base but this is so beautiful I’m in tears. The violin accompaniment, how glam draws Vic, how Vic blushes looking at the drawings, everything is so beautiful and it’s amazing I watched all the episodes then found this and I love it. 10/10 thank you so much for all your hard work and posting your masterpiece.