How an common anti-fungal drug could help stop brain disease

Published 2020-08-15
Without medical breakthroughs, more than 6.4M Australians will be diagnosed with dementia in the next 40 years at a cost of more than $1 trillion. This week I want to discuss several exciting publications that have appeared in the research literature in 2020. It’s not just dementia, other diseases like Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, stroke, and even depression are increasingly being linked to something called mitochondrial dysfunction. The literature shows that 2 approaches called: methylene blue and photobiomodulation might be very effective. But why? This issue of mitochondria and its’ link with inflammatory processes has been known for some time. Especially, with respect to how fungal pathogens and environmental fungi seem to induce similar mitochondrial dysfunction in humans. I will look at what’s known about this and then review a paper from 2020 showing that fungi have been found in the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease. This has been termed ‘polymicrobial invasion’ and suggests that some brain disorders are catalyzed by infections. The main paper I want to focus on as part of this Livestream came out on August 14th, 2020, and shows that brain inflammation, cytokine expression, and memory can be actively modulated with a common anti-fungal drug. This is breakthrough research and suggests this treatment could offer real relief in the near term. Join me on the Livestream or on the Podcast to find out which drug offers this potential microbiological benefit and what evidence supports this claim.


Mudarri D, Fisk WJ. Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold [published correction appears in Indoor Air. 2007 Aug;17(4):334]. Indoor Air. 2007;17(3):226-235. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0668.2007.00474.x

Yeo, I.J., Yun, J., Son, D.J. et al. Antifungal drug miconazole ameliorated memory deficits in a mouse model of LPS-induced memory loss through targeting iNOS. Cell Death Dis 11, 623 (2020).

Pisa D, Alonso R, Carrasco L. Parkinson's Disease: A Comprehensive Analysis of Fungi and Bacteria in Brain Tissue. Int J Biol Sci 2020; 16(7):1135-1152. doi:10.7150/ijbs.42257. Available from

Yang L, Youngblood H, Wu C, Zhang Q. Mitochondria as a target for neuroprotection: role of methylene blue and photobiomodulation. Transl Neurodegener. 2020;9(1):19. Published 2020 Jun 1. doi:10.1186/s40035-020-00197-z

GBD 2016 Neurology Collaborators. Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol. 2019;18(5):459-480. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30499-X

Hamblin MR. Shining light on the head: Photobiomodulation for brain disorders. BBA Clin. 2016;6:113-124. Published 2016 Oct 1. doi:10.1016/j.bbacli.2016.09.002

Fisher MC, Gurr SJ, Cuomo CA, et al. Threats Posed by the Fungal Kingdom to Humans, Wildlife, and Agriculture. mBio. 2020;11(3):e00449-20. Published 2020 May 5. doi:10.1128/mBio.00449-20

Zhang JM, An J. Cytokines, inflammation, and pain. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2007;45(2):27-37. doi:10.1097/AIA.0b013e318034194e

#miconazole #dementia #inflammation

All Comments (21)
  • @RhiannonRaven
    My Mum died of Lewy Body dementia, or at least that was the last diagnosis after the doctors changed their mind several times. If I had taken this research to her doctor he would have looked at me like I had fallen out of a tree. Most doctors dont have time to deal with what they see as busy body relatives. I showed him research about how the gut and microbiome were linked to the brain and he told me that it was nonsense. This is what is so terrifying about getting ill; being at the mercy of arrogant Western doctors who have neither the time or the inclination to listen to families or think outside of the box.
  • @stuart6478
    the drug is called beef and the poison is called sugar. you're welcome
  • @neanniepoo1225
    Apple cider vinegar with Mother mixed with colloidal silver is a fungus killer. It got rid of my mom's dementia. Our Most High deserves all the credit.
  • One of the main problems with brain problems today is the fact that the medical system has stopped people from eating the natural fats that keep our brain and body fit and healthy. Cholesterol is one of the most important foods to keep the brain functioning correctly. Eg; natural salted butter is full of healthy cholesterol and is also a natural anti fungal treatment
  • @Bertie_Ahern
    For those who can't do 30 mins: miconazole may control relevant pro-inflammatory fungi species in the body/CNS, which may preserve memory function in old age.
  • @beckamarie2438
    I went to 21 doctors in MD and not one mentioned a fungal infection! I ended up in the psyche ward for two weeks. I ended up going to a doctor in St Louis! I had a fungal, parasitic, and dental infection. My insurance wouldn't pay and because of co 19 the meds were $3000. Thanks for your videos!
  • @carinvestor
    I have been a student of medical mycology for 50 years. Certain common fungi proceed poisons called "Mycotoxins." The mold is penicillium, the mycotoxin it makes is called "penicillin." In 1945, we discovered that penicillin is neurotoxic. We are commonly exposed to these fungal neurotoxins in our cereal grains and beer, to name a few. I have published on mycotoxin induced neurotoxicity for many years and have given CME classes on it. Thank you for allowing this truth to surface.....well done! Of course, since mycotoxins are neurotoxic to all cell components, it is not surprising at all that the mitochondria are adversely affected.
  • @jennygray7081
    My grandmother was on an antifungal medication for over twenty years due to an oral fungus diagnosis. She died at 91 years old of heart failure. She never had cancer and was mentally well until the last year of life.
  • @w8what575
    I had a conversation with an old painter in town about paint….I learned some interesting info from him…the reason they used to put lead in paint was to prevent molds and fungus from growing in our homes…the lead prevents it from growing on the walls and drywall….that’s why they called it dangerous…everything they do is to cause us harm
  • I've suffered with chronic systemic and oral candida since 1990 after an experimental vaccine in the AF. Doctors have REFUSED to ACKNOWLEDGE my health problems and help me usually citing how dangerous antifungals are. NOW I am losing my toenails to two rare types of fungus according to the biopsy and I had to FIGHT for over 2 months to get the right antifungal meds. I may never be able to wear open toed shoes again thanks to these so called "professionals", I have a chronic cough for over 30 years along with the Candida, and now in the last few months a chronic sore throat which I can tell is very different from a viral or bacterial sore throat. It just won't go away and since Covid, trying to get appts.....forget it. Doctors are either not taking new patients or you have to leave a message asking for an appt only to NEVER get the callback. You can't reach a live voice anymore. I've had to go in person to the office to make an appt. I'm so FED UP with the medical system these days.
  • I think the boxes we build to live in are incubators for pathogenic invasion… especially drop ceilings and drywall. We should be using abundant building materials like cob or clay in the desert, it actually sucks in moisture and I’ve heard can be anti microbial. The best my body and lungs felt in my adult life is when I was backpacking across the country sleeping outside, it’s crazy how stuffy it is in these houses, especially with these fungal spores and blight in the air saturating AC filters
  • @markdegroen6732
    Discovered this video 11 Mar 2024, almost 4 years after publication. Fantastic! We need more research and independent investigation into improving our health, organs (particularly brain and heart), happiness, and longevity.
  • @BarbaraSummering
    This is a HUGE Wow! Thank YOU for putting this out! Family history of Alzheimers/ Dementia is frightful. And I’ve lived in the same environment as those whom have already suffered… Leaky roof, at my Moms.. and I moved here to take care of her.. she passed away a year ago, and I inherited the home. Have been waiting to get my house sold, to re-do Moms leaking roof… never once thought about molds being a factor in mental decline… God Bless!
  • @p1dru2art
    The first thing I learned in speech class was tell me what you're going to tell me and then tell me and then to remind me what you just told me
  • @clowngirl76
    As a chronic sufferer, I am grateful for any research or info. I recently binged on sugar and it's been bad, Iwas out the other night and ran into someone I've known for 30 years and couldn't remember their name. I'm 48.
  • @robertcece6972
    I work in mold remediation in New Jersey. So I've studied toxic molds & worked with labs. The truth is it's the mycotoxins that are dangerous. Not the mold. As the high majority of mold do NOT emit mycotoxins. It's less than a dozen that do. And molds only emit "dangerous" mycotoxins under specific conditions. 1) Has to be the right strain of mold 2) right environment to culture or grow the mold 3) has to exist in very large colonies to create high enough levels of the dangerous mycotoxins. This is actually not common at all. And was studied by weapons manufactures who wanted to study possible new, biological weapons. Then realized mold would make a terrible "weapon" for many reasons. What's more likely is these people who think they're being poisoned by mold, are actually B-6 toxic from eating high B-6 foods too many years in a row. B-6 toxicity will feed candida or any type of fungus. But it's not the fungus causing the damage. It's high levels of B-6 in the brain or muscles that attack nerves, the peripheral and yes the central nervous system over time. The only way to stop a B-6 inflammatory cascade is to eat a low B-6 diet for a year or 2. That will clean all the lipfuscin granules from the brain which is the real cause of alzheimers & dementia. And will also clean the toxic aldehydes from the nervous sytem. Your body & brain rely on a horrible toxin to survive. B-6 is that toxin. This is why you strictly limit B-6 expsoure to a max of 1.4mg a day. Anything higher will accumulate in the brain & poison cells & nerves.
  • Been taking MB daily 5 drops 3 times a day. Only on my third week and the results are nothing short of outstanding. I’m 49, have been on the healing journey for a few years now. MB has been the missing link for me. I now have more oxygen and cellular energy. I have lots of energy to get through the day and really get stuff done. I no longer suffer the mood swings, anxiety or depression. I’m breathing deeper and sleeping much better. It is anti aging. I feel better than I did when I was younger. My thinking is sharp and mind is clear. No brain fog. Skin feels and looks amazing. Scalp psoriasis is greatly improved. I add my drops to OJ and don’t have to deal with blue teeth or mouth. Just an overall sense of well being and feeling content. Starts working very quickly when you begin taking it. I have no more UTI’s either that often accompany post menopausal women. It’s inexpensive and the best thing I’ve experienced to date. I am on zero big Pharma meds. Other great additions to this nootropic that I use: Borax (boron) MSM, DMSO, Lugol Iodine, Diatomaceous earth, ivermectin, sublingual b complex, organic apple cider vinegar, super enzymes (with bile salts and betaine hcl) kombucha, magnesium chloride, additional thiamin. I regularly take detox baths with Borax, baking soda and magnesium chloride. Use red light therapy with the MB. They are synergistic. Intermittent fasting. Avoid all fluoride in water and tooth products. Avoid Teflon cookware. Avoid GMO’s. Get vitamin D from the sun. Do parasite cleansing occasionally with ivermectin or green black walnut tincture. Avoid any innoculations. Drastically reduced sugar intake. Our mitochondria are under attack with the many emfs we are attacked with all around us. Oxygen levels too. MB and iodine are crucial for our time.
  • @jamiereife5581
    This doctor is so excited by this discovery. No doubt that he is going to be very disappointed when this information is dismissed, defamed and buried as has happened to so much other research.
  • @birage9885
    Methylene blue at the right doses will kill fungus as well.