Sons Of The Forest: Story Explained

Published 2023-02-28
A Complete Explanation for Sons Of The Forest Story and Ending.

0:00 - Intro, Site 2 (The Island), and The Puffton's Disappearance
1:15 - The Protagonist, Crash Landing, Silver Jacket, and Kelvin
2:17 - The Journey begins
2:53 - Meeting Virginia Puffton and the Tribals
3:25 - The Mutants and where they came from
4:33 - Fate of Edward Puffton
4:53 - Revolutionary new metal, Company Emails, & Ancient Artifacts
5:49 - Timmy LeBlanc & Eric LeBlanc
6:40 - The Forest, Site 1, Sahara Therapeutics, Mathew Cross, & Megan Cross
8:10 - Who is Silver Jacket? (Megan Cross?)
8:40 - Parallel Universes, Ancient Artifacts, Virginia, and Megan Cross
9:48 - History of Conflict between Puff Corp & Sahara Therapeutics
10:23 - The Cube, True Motive for Puff Corp buying Site 2
11:37 - Properties of The Cube & Golden Armor
12:32 - Befriending Virginia (Ballet Dancer and Dual Wielder of Guns)
12:52 - The Last Bunker (Virginia's Room, Cube Paintings, Gold Door)
14:04 - Beyond the Golden Door, True Demons, and The Cross
15:35 - Cube Activates Every 8 Cycles (Moon Cycles), Stay Inside Cube
17:10 - Final Cutscene (Cube Activation) and Ending Explained
17:41 - The Cube Cures Timmy LeBlanc
18:57 - The Cube Mutated People at Site 2 when it activated 8 cycles ago
19:34 - Additional Questions and Speculation

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Have a great day, and as always, thanks for watching!

All Comments (21)
  • @ItsShatter
    UPDATE: Due to the popularity of this video I am now working on a second video that will include the entire story from "The Forest" and will also address some additional ideas/theories for "Sons Of The Forest" THE NEW VIDEO IS OUT, WATCH IT INSTEAD OF THIS ONE:
  • @loner419
    Clearly Timmy was at the door before you because he brought a stick.
  • @OJ9992
    Pretty cool that Kelvin comes out of no where right at the end and manages to survive.
  • @hofmeinmer
    In one of the first caves (I believe it's the one where we find the ropegun) we see what looks to be a caveman painting of the cube, with a golden person in it, and surrounding people outside of the cube. I believe this is an indication and supportive of the fact that the armor wasn't forged recently, but rather is an artifact found.
  • @Pathless99
    you are forgetting that your companions also have endings, for example if you have Virginia with you she will leave the island with you and use you as a head rest.
  • @kazama195
    I think the artifact that resurrects you does so by putting alternate alive versions of yourself in your dead body.
  • @odinharou7112
    This is the most cohesive story breakdown of both The Forest and SOTF I've seen, fantastic work!
  • “Silver jacket” has their name and info displayed on the computer in the 3d printer cave closest to the pistol location. Jianyu something. And then further in that same cave in the night club area there’s an email about how the sender believes Jianyu may be working for Sahara and to be careful. There’s an awful lot of dead non-mutated bodies in that location laying around, I believe Sahara and Puffcorp both had a spy working for the opposing side, and Jianyu killed a lot of puffcorp personnel. I just don’t understand why they seemingly spare you twice. Both at the start of the game they don’t kill you and they don’t kill you or Timmy seemingly when you’re knocked out by the big baby making mutant.
  • @okunii3737
    I think Barbara was at the banquet. I fought two bosses there and it looked like Barbara and Edward Puffton Edit: I think she was added on the recent patch
  • @quakalot2261
    You can get another ending if you have Virginia as an companion with a gps marker! She basically becomes what appears to be a “lover” or something close of sorts as she lays her head on your shoulders and also passes out in the cube but shows up awake later at the helicopter.
  • Haven't gotten to play the game yet, but based on your video I have a theory about that golden cube. Perhaps the cube has nothing to do with what happens outside of it when everyone is mutated. It appears to me that both the golden armor and the cube itself are made of that metal found on the island. It may be possible that there's a phenomenon on the island itself, and the metal is either a product of the phenomenon, reacts to it, or both. It would make sense then that the cube's construction was such that it was meant as a shield from whatever strikes the island every 8 lunar cycles. It does shield those inside it and seems to counteract effects from other artifacts as you mentioned. It may have a stabilizing property on the phenomenon, however brief that may be, and as a result you get a temporary window to another dimension while you're inside it. If I'm right, then perhaps the island is a location where the boundaries between dimensions aren't quite right. Perhaps there's some sort of borderline unfathomable movements of dimensions around or through one another and every 8 lunar cycles there's some kind of collision between 2 or more dimensions around that island. And if you get caught up in that, you have a bad time. But if you're in the cube, you're shielded from the collision and also gain a momentary doorway to whichever dimension is colliding around you. That said, I'm not sure you could ever go through that door and survive since you'd immediately be subjected to the horrific effects that everyone else outside was experiencing. Maybe the purpose of the armor then is to act like a dimensional hazmat suit, allowing you to cross over without being....mangled..
  • @Poofesure
    first off great video, but i'm still as confused on the story as before lol. seems like there is a lot of 'stretching' of the story in this game, making it seem a bit ridiculous. lots of holes and 'miracles'... at the end of the forest story you could go 'aha' and kind of get what was happening even if you didn't know every detail, in this one it feels like a bunch of stuff thrown together for the sake of a story but the story isn't cohesive or lead you to an 'aha' moment. idk how to feel about it right now, i'd hope that the updates will add more to the story, it felt very short and definitely lacked any sort of boss or emotional moments like there was in the forest.
  • @Mattwon
    Just an idea to add to that is that the radius of whatever mutates the people, is only found in the caves or somehwere very close to the cube. Since the silver jacket lady turns into almost a “super mutant”and as both the Skeletons that have been found near cave entrances and the Cannibals that live on surface are Uneffected compared to the hundreds of mutants that are underground in the caves.
  • @foxsany6495
    One interesting thing that is maybe good to know, when you dont progress through the story and you get past 25 Days or maybe 30 dont know exactly. Nearly every cannibal camp gets overrun by mutants and they staying there.
  • @Griffo2710
    There is no way I could have derived this from the game. Thanks for sharing and delivering a great story experience!
  • @bliczb8772
    One thing worth noting that you missed out - in the dining hall, right as you enter, you can see the person in silver jacket, accompanied by 4 other people. They're all standing at the broken window of the dining room, diving as soon as you get relatively close. It's an event that's easy to miss, but it implies one thing - they were there for a reason. And they likely took something from there. Kind of reminds me how you could spot Matther Cross at various places in the first game. Other than that, I still find it strange how, despite "the elite" clearly getting mutated and deformed into various mutants, most of the workers and armed personel remained the same, and Virginia became partially mutated. I've seen theories that the distance from the cube is responsible, and dining hall might've been close enough to it that it caused severe mutations, but something doesn't sit right. For starters, there's a number of unmutated workers that have been killed in close proximity to the dining hall. Plus, there's a really weird disparity - some bodies we find are skeletal (some are wearing tactical helmets, indicating armed forces), which you'd believe have decayed over course of 31 weeks. But vast majority of the bodies we find are almost intact, having died rather recently. Though it could be... That those workers arrived there later on, trying to find out what happened in the dining room, or even seeking shelter, and were subsequently killed by mutants, or even rival forces (as they've been there). Chances are that not all the dead bodies we find are result of the tribals or mutants. Speaking of tribals... I find it odd that Puffton could get any work done at the island, given nearly excessive presence of the natives. The underground bunker is tremendous work to get done, he'd have to account for having to do digging work to get enough space for it. Now, the caves that have the entire bunker compound have seemingly quite alot of space, but even then, I find it hard to believe that he'd luckily stumble upon something like this by accident. But even if we give it the benefit of Pufton being lucky and finding it, he'd still need to lay down the foundations, do digging in other places, and much more. Something that would take quite possibly years to make, even with ridiculous sum of money and personnel that Puffton was able to amass. The time that'd take would likely result in more than 8 cycles to get to the point where it was. Then, there are also mining activities, as Puffton was also extracting gold-like material from the island (though that can be easily attributed to another team, dispatched specifically for that). And all that is without murderous cannibals and mutants attempting to murder you on every step of the way. Puffton, with his limitless resources would've likely disposed of them in timely manner, as they'd be more than intrusive. Unless... Unless it isn't really the "natives". As evidenced by Virginia, the artifact also messes with your brain, seeing as she's acting strangely, seemingly unable to recognise clearly sentient being at first, as well as unable of speaking. Could be that plenty of cannibals were previously Puffton workers, but they devolved due to artifact resonance. Though then, we'd still need to account for how quite a lot remained seemingly sound of mind... Feels like there are varying factors into what results in different types of mutations/mental changes. Also, Virginia herself... I find it strange how she managed to survive for this long. She's been missing for at least 31 weeks. That's 217 days. She's been living there, seemingly by herself, all alone, and amongs some of the deadliest creatures in that world... She's unarmed, and yet, she's relatively fine. No visible injuries, she walks, even sprints, she's not malnourished or dehydrated. Could be that she picked a good spot to hide that had plenty of food, like one of the bunkers, and she ran out of those just in time for us to arrive, or maybe her mother kept her secure, but she passed away, however, given that there's little to no evidence for those two, I'm hesitant to apply them. Maybe I'm imagining things, but... Feels to me like there's more to her than meets the eye. And then, cometh the golden armour. As evidenced by e-mails and paintings, Puffton was interested in whatever the cube did. We can easily assume that he was even aware that he needed to stay inside it in order to be safe, as there's an e-mail that diretly related to the cubes dangerous properties (meaning that Puffton could also be aware of mutations). And yet, despite all that, he seems to have failed - he stayed at the Gala, which likely resulted in his mutation (come to think of it... Isn't it strange that mutants were sitting on their places? On the security footage tape, we see clearly that they mutated and multiplied instantly. They wouldn't really be capable of sitting on a chair, would they? Almost as if they died instantenously as well right after transforming. Weird). He seemed to be prepared for the inevitability, had the armour made for him, and didn't went down to the depths when time came to get to the cube? Seems unlikely. And also, if he was aware of the dangers... Why would he risk both his daughter and his wife being dead, or worse yet, turning into utter monstrocities? He'd have both of them stay someplace safe, while he himself ventured to the island if he was that willing to risk his own life and safety. Plus also, he clearly endangered other visitors, be it his own workforce, or elite guests. Even if we assume he was twisted to make them into guinea pigs (which there's no evidence of), he'd still take his own precautions. Puffton actions just make no sense, and there's hardly anything to account for it. Speaking of strange things... Isn't it weird how a rescue team (consisting of 2 choppers) was sent after 31 weeks sincel ast known signal? You'd think that for someone like Puffton, who seems to be quite wealthy (have you seen the inheritance he left for Virginia?), after a single day of complete radio silence from the entire island, they'd sent a team. Not to mention that if there were still sane people after the "event", they'd likely try using devices on the island (which still work, like a 3D printer and associated computer) to send for help, as they'd witness horrors. Unless whole thing was a sabotage, but like I said - some of the electronics still operate, they'd likely contact the world and tell them about situation on the island. Now, I'll say this - throughout the island, there are various corpses of what appears to be mercenaries, in plenty of camps, so chances are, we weren't the first team. But that'd leave us with even stranger result - I mean, if you keep sending in merc teams, but they constantly go radio silent soon after arrival (and even get shot down almost instantly, as evidenced by US), you'd think someone would figure out that something ain't quite right, and contact official authorities. Military would likely get involved, unless enemy operatives (which are likely Sahara), have prohibited that from happening. But if they did, then we wouldn't be sent there in the first place to begin with. Plus, Puffton outbid Sahara for the purchase of the island, his company would still have more money to outbribe Sahara, etc. And as closing - I find it interesting that we have no idea what happened to another teammate that flew in our chopper, Fisheye. We never find his body, nor do we see him die. Everyone from team B seems to be accounted for, even if dead, and (depending on landing) we see our pilot die. Also, same can be said about Barbara Puffton - we have no idea what happened with her. Now, the game is in Early Access, so chances are we might come to know those answers later on. Hell, chances are game might be receiving serious re-writes as we speak.
  • @zeeskes2502
    You can see Barbara Puffton in a security cam recording, i dont remember where it was, maybe in the facility where you find the crossbow. You can see her at the bottom of the screentalking to people or smthng, then the cube activates and similarly to timmy she pops into 5 versions before collapsing out of the camera view
  • Don't forget there are loads of updates coming and this is just early release, which means more story and even more ending might be be forthcoming! Great video <3
  • @Dayz3O6
    The mystery and power of the artifact is what gives the story and the game this fascinating lore, it is almost HP Lovecraft type of cosmic horror, also similar to Junji Ito's Uzumaki where he never give an explanation to the ancient spiral structures but just the consequence of its power and the people victim to it.
  • @Michal97.
    The range of the cube could have something to do with that strange resonating metal, because it only seems to mutate people in caves underground where that metal is located. Maybe it funcions as a relay and relays the mutation signal further and further to another relay. It could even be that the higher concentration of that strange metal the more severe or pure the mutations are as we could see with the demons. Also the metal seems to be more and more abundant closer to the cube.