Joaquin Phoenix's Infamous Appearance With Dave | Letterman

In this iconic Letterman interview, Joaquin Phoenix joins the show to discuss his decision to retire from acting and pursue a music career. (Air Date 2/11/2009)

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Welcome to the Letterman YouTube Channel, home to all your favorite clips from Late Night and Late Show - as well as conversations with the writers, producers and performers who helped make it all happen. These highlights have been artisanly-produced, carefully-curated, and chosen completely at random by an old computer that used to pick numbers for the New York Lotto back in the 90’s.

コメント (21)
  • Ironically Dave would go on to steal this look in retirement.
  • "You're awful David. You invited me on your show just to make fun of me."
  • “Joaquin, I’m sorry you couldn’t be here tonight” Is an all time letterman quote.
  • You can see him smirk a couple of times. Great Performance.
  • @jmac79ers
    So amazing how he doesn't break character, there are a couple points that you can tell he's really working hard to hold back laughter, hilarious
  • A masterpiece of awkwardness. The best lettermans interview
  • @jaysparc
    Dave got him to break with the Unabomber comment.
  • Only someone as talented as Joaquin Phoenix could pull this off. Here we are years later still talking about it. It turned out he was mocking Hollywood but at the time people were convinced that he lost his mind, brilliant, lol!
  • @eelcoblaauw6689
    Letterman did such a great job with this. He didn't know Joaquin was gonna pull this stunt but just rolled with it and turned it into something great.
  • @DodfordYT
    Joaquin aside, this is a masterclass in hosting from Dave Letterman. What a challenge he's faced with here, and where most would crumble under the awkwardness, Dave fully leaned in and resulted in one of the best talk show bits ever
  • For me, the most brilliant moment is when Joaquin looks out at the audience laughing at him at 1:27 then lowers his head and breathes an audible sigh. That is sensational acting. It is why people thinking that he was losing it was so plausible at that time.
  • "Well Joaquin I'm sorry you couldn't be here tonight." Man such a killer line. That's the kind of genius that makes him a legend not just in late night but in comedy as a whole.
  • @bjv93
    SUCH an incredible interview. Getting strong modern day Kaufman vibes. Completely fell for it when it first came out, still so brilliant looking back on it now. The restraint it took not to burst out laughing from Joaquin is God tier.
  • He really shows what we expect from TV from being completely normal. This is exactly like when Andy Kaufman was on.
  • The whole thing was a gag done for a movie called I’m Still Here. Absolutely brilliant! He convinces the world that he has quit acting just to put on a giant act. He made the world his stage and everybody went for it. Talk about taking acting to the next level.
  • @dramado
    Very entertaining interview. I remembered when this first aired, I was convinced JP was gone off the deep end. Looking back now I can see it was just another of his great performances. He did kind of break character at the end when Dave made him laugh for real. Both are amazing talents.
  • I love what he's doing. He's challenging everyone in the roles they're playing. Dave, himself, the audience. Dave looks spooked, like he has no idea what to do. He's trying to get everyone to see how silly they are. He's supposed to play the Funny Celebrity with jokes and a story. Dave is supposed to ask basic questions, compliment. I love how Joaquin made him remember and say Gweneth Palytrow's name. (No idea how to spell) Very Brilliant guy
  • He played the public on his fingers like a pro.THAT'S TALENT RIGHT THERE!!!