Music for Uncovering Dark Mysteries - Fables

Published 2020-10-13

All Comments (21)
  • Copy paste this video to over 9000 friends or elSE BAD ThiNgs MIGHT hapPen to YOU toniGHT
  • @daniaalkhan4702
    How can it possible for one man to make every soundtrack better than the last.
  • "Sometimes our enemy is not right in front of us, not above us, not behind us, not below us is right on our side ."
  • "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. For if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
  • @Sdw_Bld
    "My Thoughts were destroying me. I tried not to think, but the Silence was a Killer too."
  • @BookerXin
    "You mean to tell me... That Dwayne Johnson was The Rock this whole time..?"
  • @danialabbas269
    im a simple man, i see the notification and i like first. then i sit back , drink my enemy's blood , and savor this amazing piece
  • There's beauty in Darkness, you just can't see it. You feel it...
  • @arsalanfraz7806
    I searched for weeks and weeks for a good soundtrack and then I landed on Secession Studios ... now i cant get out of this channel .... it hooked me so hard... Amazing work guys.
  • @potatoes3075
    “Life can be cruel. It can turn men cold. It can turn men into monsters. But there’s always those people who keep going no matter what happens. People who only know how to look forward. You should fear those people. Because unlike everyone else, they only become monsters if it is their intention. And those who choose evil willingly are of a far higher caliber than you think. Because they are willing and prepared to surrender everything that makes them human to accomplish their task.”
  • @eugene251
    "Honor never grows old, and honor rejoices the heart of age. It does so because honor is, finally, about defending those noble and worthy things that deserve defending, even if it comes at a high cost. In our time, that may mean social disapproval, public scorn, hardship, persecution, or as always, even death itself. The question remains: What is worth defending? What is worth dying for? What is worth living for?" - William J. Bennett In a lecture to the United States Naval Academy
  • "History is with me I will erase you because I am the writer" -Unknown on an old stroll of paper
  • @cptstelios113
    "Down to Gehenna or up to the throne He travels the fastest who travels alone."
  • @avgor3072
    "The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • @cookeepuff
    A twist that was far darker than we ever imagined. A reveal that shakes you to your core with the sheer magnitude of its horror.
  • @Isyldia2
    This sounds beautiful ! Keep up the great work :)
  • Woooow, I love the dark vibes reminding me not only of Poe's creations, but also a little bit of Dan Brown's books and Kara no Kyoukai series. I'm mesmerized! It's like being little at first, discovering something strange and dark. Everyone says there's nothing to uncover, that the thing you've seen is just a fable, a myth, but you know deep inside there's so much more to it. You start learning, hoping one day you'll be able to discover and understand the mystery. The melody slowly but steadily builds up as you progress, you learn ancient arts, polish your skills in your free time, when no one is watching you. You feel you're so close to the discovery you brush your fingertips against it a couple of times. Finally, the time arrives. You're facing the mystery, dark and somber, remembering you first contact with it, the feelings you've felt - restlessness, fear, but also excitement and the certainty of you being the one destined to uncover it. You walk into the mystery, feeling the answer just right. It ends with a certain feeling of emptiness, but not the bad one, the one full of satisfaction that only makes place for another mystery to be solved.