Dramatic Violin Music - Death May Die

Published 2020-10-06

All Comments (21)
  • My favorite composition from The Untold II. I can't even explain how it felt discovering this piece of music under my fingertips. I hope you enjoy it and thank you thank you THANK YOU for all the support for The Untold albums thus far.
  • @julianhong143
    “Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.” -Albus Dumbledore
  • @jd0g1228
    Everybody will mourn the hero but nobody mourns the villain. He was just a man with a goal who just took a wrong turn on the journey of life.
  • @spec_wasted
    "To know the streets you need to walk through them, not fly over them" - Batman
  • "People don't die, they just fall asleep for a long time, to awaken someday." -a mother to her young daughter at the Fathers Funeral
  • @horsegirl2018
    “Why is everyone putting quotes in the comments?” ~ Me
  • @julianhong143
    “Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” -Albus Dumbledore
  • "Death is not bad Death is not the end It simply means Goodbye until we meet again"
  • @mewtwo.150
    "If you don't eat, you'll die..." -Stomach
  • @darknation9424
    "What do you mean I failed art school?" -Austrian painter
  • @raembes
    "What are you gonna do? Stab me? - Quote from man stabbed
  • @akifnobody318
    "If someone isn't breathing he's probably dead" -Buddha
  • "That's the difference between you and I. Where you saw failure i saw potential." -Me cuz i just thought of it
  • @dudewatches6125
    "Insanity? Will a mad, musical ape now lecture me on insanity? In success, unsatisfied, in failure, unquiet. In war ruthless, in love, hopeless. More loyal than the bonds of gravity, yet less reliable than an aging memory. In Hell, restless. In Heaven, bored. In life singing, and in death, silent. That is what you are. Chaos, dancing, cavorting, a beautiful tragedy, a fated song sung generation by generation. That is what Humanity is. And it is Madness." -Tgethah, High Priest of Cthulhu
  • @Lavender-Berry
    “We are all writers in the library that is life. When we finish writing we put our life’s that we have written on the shelf then leave the library. You may leave the library whenever but you may not return. Some want to leave the library but can’t, others are forced to leave. That is life and we must except that.” -Me at 1AM writing my character’s backstory