Sherlock Is Garbage, And Here's Why

Published 2017-05-31
Why is Sherlock so bad? Harris Bomberguy is on the case!
This version of the video has been slightly edited to get around the BBC's automatic video-blocking stuff.

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Written by Harris Bomberguy and Sara Ghaleb
Voiced + Edited by Harris Bomberguy

The Usual Incompetech
The Final Fantasy Mystic Quest OST (it's a good game, shut up, I will destroy you)
Passions Hi-Fi

All Comments (21)
  • @JakeFace0
    Your criticism of Moriarty's motivation completely fails to account for the fact that we live in a society.
  • @NitroCandyNC
    Season 5 reveals that moriarty was the boomerang
  • @KitOConnell
    Oddly enough, Tommy Tallarico was the first American hired to work on Sherlock.
  • @Shinbu1128
    I'll never forget how someone once described this show as "How stupid people think smart people think."
  • @Sarah-tonin
    I can't believe you forgot to mention the infamous 'scratch marks around the phone, She must be an alcoholic' scene that lives in the minds of every person scrabbling to plug in their phone forever more.
  • @lnt305
    Every time I struggle to plug my phone in in the dark, I think about how BBC’s Sherlock would think I’m an alcoholic
  • @MrFlyingSquirl
    I'm a goldsmith and the thing about the ring in the pink episode is 100% wrong. If you're taking a ring on and off the inside doesn't get bloody polished, it gets scratched and dirty cuz stuff gets to get in there that is otherwise blocked by your damn fingers. The fact that the ring is the way it is actually shows she pretty much never takes it off. Occasionally you get a ring that's dirty on the inside but that's when it's an old guy who's been wearing the ring for 20 years and he's never had it sized so it's too tight and it ends up with the awful crust inside. He wouldn't be able to take it off her hand if that's the case BECAUSE IT'S TOO TIGHT. OK I'm done now, I have to go tell myself I'm not alcoholic while plugging in my phone
  • @baileyj7968
    I will never get over the “secret good episode” theory. Imagine writing something so bad that even the diehard fans refuse to believe that it could possibly be real, and that there must be a secret good version you’re hiding somewhere. That’s just embarrassing
  • @starlightsall
    Canon Sherlock Holmes: exists Moffat: Those books can't stop me because I can't read
  • @Sophie-kx3zl
    i know im late but a wise person once said "moffat was so obsessed with sherlock being the smartest man alive that he changed the plot every time fans figured it out
  • @Argeaux2
    I’m Aussie and have thrown (and caught) boomerangs. They do spin, but you also need to throw them at the right angle, into the right wind. However, the boomerang shown in Sherlock is not the type that can be thrown and caught. It is a tourist version. Just something you buy to display. Otherwise known as a painted stick. Thank you for your money, tourists.
  • The Rache vs. Rachel twist feels like Moffet read the book as a kid saw the word "Rache" and went "Oh, they were writing Rachel" and then the twist that it was writing in German made him feel dumb so when he was in control of the story he said "I'm not the dumb one, that twist was dumb!"
  • @LiquidPear131
    So basically, Sherlock is written as omniscient rather than smart because the writers aren't clever enough to write clever characters?
  • @MaDNesSoFmyThS
    sherlock holmes contracted a prion disease from the head in his fridge and the rest of the series is from his perspective as holes are eaten through his brain
  • @shotinsarajevo
    Making Sherlock into an extra special super genius boy is especially stupid when you remember that in A Study in Scarlet, Sherlock tells Watson that he doesn't know if the Earth revolves around the sun or not and he doesn't care because it's not relevant to his work. Like, ok girl.
  • @ashleyneku5432
    Season 4 turned Sherlock into a literal demigod, so I can't wait for Season 5 when he leads the Avengers.
  • @pancarialice
    because of this goddamn show every time i try to plug my phone into my charger and can't do it on the first try i imagine sherlock bursting through my window and calling me an alcoholic
  • @colinkincaid692
    I was on tumblr and in my mid-teens when Sherlock came out, and got on the hype train really hard. I only heard about Elementary in passing- as a rival to the genius I perceived as Sherlock (the gall!) and the bit with casting Lucy Liu as Watson was interpreted by my teenage brain as a way to shoehorn in a beautiful woman to get an audience of men who watched it for her. In the few clips I watched, Jonny Lee Miller's scruffy Holmes was no comparison to the devastatingly "smart" and "queer-coded" Sherlock from the BBC. It was almost an us vs. them situation: the queer teenagers who loved Sherlock, and the perceived cishet men who enjoyed Elementary. Almost 10 years later, I watch episodes of Elementary while I work from home. It's formulaic, it has no flashy editing, some episodes you can guess who did it 10 minutes in. But that's the beauty of it: it was written by someone who wasn't terrified that their audience would keep up with them. Joan being a woman is actually integral to the themes of the show, and not, as I'd misogynistically assumed, just there for purposes of eyecandy. It's a kinder, braver show, and I'm impressed by how his past drug abuse just makes Holmes a sympathetic figure who struggles every day to stay clean, instead of the way it was one of the many things that made him "cool" in Sherlock. I'd heartily recommend Elementary to anyone who felt let down by BBC's Sherlock, and especially to my fellow early-2010's tumblrinas, who are now old enough to recognize when a show was written out of hate for you.
  • The boomerang scene was bad, but I thought "The Scene" was going to be the Sher-locked moment. Which still gives me acid reflux to this day.