CNN panel clashes over Biden’s debt forgiveness plan

Published 2022-08-24
President Joe Biden announced a federal student loan relief plan that includes forgiving up to $10,000 for borrowers — up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients — who make less than $125,000 per year. But not everyone is cheering. CNN political commentators Scott Jennings, Maria Cardona and David Swerdlick discuss with Laura Coates. #CNN #News

All Comments (21)
  • Why didn't they bring up the $600 billion in PPP loans that were forgiven, when most of it did not go to small business payroll?
  • Why are they not focusing on how ridiculously expensive college is and what can be done to make them charge a LOT less.
  • When you have a cynical mind, of course you assume everyone else has cynical motives.
  • @cnuque76
    My cousin was Pell grant recipient and graduated with an Engineering degree. Now helping his two kids pay for their college tuition fees so they don't have future loans (or keep it to a minimum). That's a one-generation flip of life circumstance that society benefits from. I've paid off my own loans, but I'm happy this will help other people.
  • The real issue of student debt comes from the continually increasing tuition and cost rates of education. Maybe restricting education institutions from charging so much would be a good place to start, but you know that will never happen.
  • I always love when rich people complain about poor people getting a break.
  • @frann166
    This is so unfair to those who never went to college: To have to pay for those who went. And also, to those of us who sacrificed, saved and worked 2 jobs to pay college loans.
  • Scott didn't seem too concerned when trump gave tax cuts to his RICH FRIENDS 🤔
  • @cteal2018
    Was it Fair to bail out airlines even though millions of people never use them? Was it fair to bail out bank that gambled on housing bubble and lost? Some people can't stand that some of Uncle Sam's money isn't going to the 1%.
  • Nobody making under $400,000 will see their taxes increased. So how are ANY of you complaining about "having to pay for other's debts" supposed to be taken seriously?
  • I am 40, I just finished paying off my student loans. I think this is great! I am not going to begrudge $20k of loan forgiveness to anyone because I remember having that payment hanging over my head, it sucked!
  • @Tyscott1979
    Let's talk about how many times the loan has most likely already been paid off but because of the inflated interest these loans linger and make it more difficult to pay off. Their needs to be a bill to address this issue.
  • Go Biden. As a person who spent 10+ getting my bachelors degree, having to transfer useless credits state to state and work full time while going to college I support it. It is a different time to go to college. College itself, tuition and books, was easy for me to afford. The problem was feeding and housing myself while I went so that I had to work full time (and more). Yes, give them some relief....
  • @mischaelle389
    Shouldn't universities be capped at how much they can charge? Back in the day, kids without a college degree were able to pay for their own tuition with their minimum wage jobs
  • I agree with the first guy who spoke. This student loan debt forgiveness is immoral.
  • @nolan2606
    You don't have to agree with it, but Biden DID promise this on his campaign.
  • Having paid off my student loan years ago - usually by having two jobs - I will be surprised if people want to pay off another student loan from somebody right before they retire….there are plenty of jobs after COVID - and they pay a heck of a lot better than they did pre-COVID. I do appreciate CNN’s objectivity by bringing on another perspective.
  • I love this discussion because it reminds me of the 90s, when news outlets debated dry policy issues instead of debating which facts are true and whether the president is destroying Democracy.