The Acolyte Ep 3: "Destiny" - REACTION!

Published 2024-06-16

All Comments (21)
  • @LouiseJulie_
    sorry youre all mad that i enjoy things <33 thanks for the video engagement, makes me money <3
  • Something I hadn't noticed when I watched this originally is that Mother Korill doesn't have the tatoo thingy on her forehead.
  • @jed1mstr
    I'm assuming this coven of Witches were exiled from Dathomir and were another parallel tribe to the Nightsisters, just like the Mountain Tribe of Dathomir in the Tales of the Empire. Wish we had a name for this particular coven.
  • @bajes328
    You're forgetting that there's a faction unaccounted for on Brendok; whoever the dark side user is (or said person's master), Sith or not.
  • @shattered_helix
    Something that I never understood, not just about this episode, but in fantasy in general. How the bloody hell does a stone building catch fire? There was nothing around that door that should be flammable. A metal door, stone walls, ceiling, floor, yet the fire continues to creep in, what exactly is burning?
  • @lordfoul6259
    Something else definitely happened cause the witches didn't look like they died in the fire except for the mother speaking of the mother when she said she created the twins it reminded me of Darth Plagueis and his ability to create life
  • @williebanks1545
    The big theory is that the witches were killed by the Jedi not the fire or during the fire.For soul to already being there is sus too.
  • @rikisulung9121
    Korean actor's just know how to treat their role perfectly...
  • @dbks_
    I think what happened was the Jedi arrived at the witches’ fortress to take Osha, but the Zabrak witch retaliated by possessing Torbin and forcing him to attack the Jedi. A big fight then broke out between the two sides ending in all the witches’ death at the hands of the Jedi who had no choice but to defend themselves.
  • @jackiecarson859
    Mae: "You can't go. We're stuck here now". That sounded as if things were already in motion to create the chaos. How did the fire spread so quickly? And where was Mother Koril's body? Also, where was Kelnacca?
  • @Fedaygin
    23:35 Aniseya the character who deserves more screen time. Actress played her very well 🙂 She would rock as Storm character in X-Men Live Act movie / telly show. Yes S01E03 episode of Beautiful The Acolyte is good & indeed the episde rode on pre-established Lore 🙂 Good times when streaming so far El Bueno S01 via D+ 🙂 Always dark room & 5.1 headphones when stream conten
  • @krisT75
    Maybe the witches took over Torben again and made him attack the jedi so they had to attack the witches.
  • @lhbox83
    Definitely a Rashomon situation going on. My guess is the Jedi sensed the fire and went to help, the witches thought they were coming with malicious intent, and drew their space bows in defense. The Jedi then drew their sabers and things spiraled out of control. Mai said at very beginning the Jedi don't draw their weapons unless prepared to kill. The Jedi being more skilled fighters ended up killing them. Torbin Tommen, being the youngest, would likely be the most affected.
  • With adult Mae saying how Jedi only draw their lightsabers to kill and that they do attack, I'm assuming the witches and the Jedi blamed each other for the fire and fought, and young Mae see's the lightsaber wounds on the bodies.
  • @alxbodhisattva
    What if Qimir is the sith lord and he made the jedi and the witches fight in order to blame the jedi and turn Mae into his acolyte?
  • @jonathanb1059
    Sol is how I foresee the ideal Jedi, how a Jedi should be. He is kind, selfless and compassionate, but at the same time can be strong when needed. I always felt to many Jedi end up looking down on others, as if they are superior.
  • @octaviopano5967
    I agree that I have more questions after this episode. As some have mentioned something else must have happened for the witches to have died. Also, the fact that Torbin unalived himself makes me think the Jedi have more to do with it than what we just saw. I’m a bit torn by Sol, I want to be on his side but he does seem too attached to Osha. Not very Jedi like. Still, I am thinking HE had nothing to do with the coven dying. What I also liked about the episode is the idea that perhaps the Jedi have too much control over force sensitive beings. I was thinking that other beliefs of what ‘the force’ is was interesting. However, they MUST have a better chant than ‘the power of one, two, the power of maaaaaaanyyy’ TOTALLY CRINGE!!!
  • @ronchess8813
    Witches tell them to lie about whats heart Jedi tell them to follow heart
  • @ronchess8813
    Surprise Sith coming ,imsure witches attacked Padawan with marks on face look at him in background Sith might be surprise Sol
  • @davebeattie9573
    I think the episode is telling this event from Osha's point of view. We have not seen things yet from Mae's point of view. There is always more than one point of view and in order to get the truth, you have to have all points of view. Though as Sebastian Stark (James Wood, TV series Shark) would remind us, "Truth is relative. Pick one that works." Also consider that whatever did happen, it is something that Torbin was willing to take his own life for. He said that "we thought we were doing the right thing" right before drinking the poison that Mae had placed on the floor. My view of this is that the Jedi returned to the coven that night, intent on taking the twins regardless the wishes of the coven, the coven resisted, and things escalated to violence. Let's face it, Sol was there PDQ, and that suggests that he was there before any fire started.