My Thoughts on Zombieland (2009) (Contains Spoilers)

Visual Description: A woman faces the camera. She's got brown hair adorned with a flower crown. She has brown eyes, sans glasses, and so she has difficulty seeing. She's dressed in a white shirt. She uses her hand movements, vocal intonations, and facial expressions to help communicate her emotions. There are wooden closet doors in the background.

Description: I watched the movie Zombieland from 2009 with my significant other. I decided to make a video giving my thoughts on the movie. It's not a genre that I would normally gravitate towards. I thought that the writing was good and that the premise was creative. I think that it's a good movie to watch one time, but I don't feel as if it has great rewatchability. I hope that you enjoy this "my thoughts" type of video, and I encourage you to watch the movie yourself to form your own opinion.

コメント (2)
  • Zombieland was one of my favourite films. It's funny that you mentioned Scott Pilgrim vs the world, at the time the joke was that Jesse Eisenberg was the poor man's Michael Cera, then as his career was taking off, the joke was Michael Cera is the poor man's Jesse Eisenberg lol