Reality TV Producers Are Silenced By NDAs But We Got The Truth

Published 2024-07-22
Reality TV producers are pulling back the curtain on your favorite shows.

From World of Dance to American Idol, producers put in 18-hour days with no overtime pay. Some even sleep at the studio.

And they’re largely not unionized… for now

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All Comments (21)
  • @AnonymousMusing
    I hope joining a Union becomes the norm and not the exception.
  • @artfulalias3984
    Who could have predicted that consolidation and monopoly would lead to exploitation?
  • @Gfish17
    Even if you hate reality Tv Workers are still workers. They deserve a living wage just like anyone else.
  • @Caterfree10
    Amazed and disgusted by people in the comments basically saying people who work on reality TV shows don’t deserve worker protection rights bc they make “trashy TV shows.” Like, idc abt reality TV either, but if you wouldn’t say that about someone working at a confectionery or a potato chip factory who wants better working conditions via a union, maybe shut up and learn some solidarity with these workers too.
  • My cousin works behind the scenes on some recognizable reality shows. He was out of work for like the first 5 months of the year. following the streaming wars, over saturation of content, and a possible strike, there isnt as much new content being created as the previous decade. Always been a show to show type thing, without long term guarantees of employment.
  • I know a guy who does camera work on reality TV. They don't pay for hotels even if you have to go out of town. You have to sleep in the car. Jobs are short term.
  • @ogre706
    This isn't a reality TV production problem. This is a capitalism problem. I have worked in IT, Network Operation Centers, and now a rubber factory. The challenges are the same: constantly more work for not more pay.
  • Changing their titles from the misleading "producer" term would help 1000% ! Unscripted Production Assistants, Unscripted Writers, Unscripted Editors would be far more sympathetic and understandable to all.
  • @NA_49erFan
    Reality TV toxic to more than just the way?
  • @sandiellette
    I so agree! I hope this (and all other) union fight will be successful!!! Never surrender❣️
  • @TomVCunningham
    These people need worker protections. And this is coming from me, someone who believes reality content is blight upon the face of all media.
  • @HergerTheJoyous
    NDAs for all from birth then. Tech companies would go out of business overnight.
  • @debbienorton7280
    Challenge the nda, like felon trump s nda s reported by judge too broad and long for any type business nda. I've signed two nda, one page and 3 lines on 2 page
  • @MartinMaat
    It is hard for me to feel sympathy for these people who basically enable the rock bottom of what human culture has to offer.
  • @JMcMac4t
    NDA’s only exist to coverup all forms of abuse.. Whether it’s employment, or a lawsuit, even marriage, it’s power and money versus those who are harmed by, and in need of money.. The negotiations themselves are how much will it take to pay you off, and shut you up. Knowing that, they should be completely abolished.
  • This is the main reason I quit The Entertainment Industry due to a lot of drama, stress, & pressure for a decade ago. I'm glad that I work in The Spa Industry.
  • @the_ktb
    Better Title: People who make TV shows that exploit people by making them look bad, are unhappy that they get treated the same way they treat the people in the shows.