What's So Great About The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening? - An Adventure in Your Pocket


コメント (21)
  • This was my first Zelda game. An adorably small and bittersweet experience.
  • Surprised that you didn’t talk about how well the game evokes these bittersweet feelings of nostalgia and loss. It’s pretty insane how emotional that game made me feel, even as a teenager who had never played a Zelda game before.
  • @simong.1731
    This was my second gb game. It holds the soundtrack of my childhood. I will never forget this masterpiece
  • The sound/music of this game is just so captivating and it’s even greater that I can associate this with good times as a an early teen.(I first did a full playthru in 2000)
  • 6:48 “alongside the 8 dungeon structure which has remained standard since the series began…” Link’s Awakening is literally the first Zelda to have 8 dungeons. LoZ had 9 (18 counting second quest), AoL had 7, and LttP had at least 11.
  • @samuraijaydee
    I remember waiting for Links Awakening, and being so excited for its release. I desperately wanted a SNES and ZELDA 3, but only had a Gameboy. I just loved every minute of Link's Awakening. My 2 cents, I never once found the pause menu to change items annoying at the time of release, and still dont really find it annoying now, although I hear people complaining about it a lot in retrospectives... Honestly think they're just stuck for something to complain about with this game. The other point was the Gameboy was out of date when it launched, Gunpei Yakoi stated it was 'lateral thinking with wizened technology'... Words to live by!
  • Probably my favorite Zelda game of all time. I still remember the TV commercials for this game. 😊😊😊
  • The only Zelda game that makes you bond with the characters that much makes the ending all the more impactful.. When the owl tells you what's going on near the end I didn't want to finish it. Plus I realized the clues were there but I was too blind to see them. You didn't expect that kind of emotions from a game back then
  • @ChrisLeeW00
    My favorite feature was the ability to review what the Owl said from the map menu. Sometimes he said important info!
  • @CobraShuttle
    I love how you go into all the little minute details and explain why they are good. These little things all add up and give a game like this it's magic. Subscribed!
  • @mjc0961
    12:48 - I've been playing this game since it came out in the 90s, and I was today years old when I learned you could use Magic Powder on those guys. I always thought I was stuck with them until I had the Boomerang. Man, still so much stuff to learn about this game.
  • Great video. I have been fascinated by this game for a couple years now, but never had a game boy as a kid. It's one of the most unique and interesting adventures out there in my opinion
  • @landon11
    I remember being about ten years old and I had just gotten a Gameboy color and this game for my birthday. I vaguely remember beating it for the first time on a camping trip. My older cousin asked what happened thinking I had just beaten Mario and saw some thanks for playing screen. I told her that you were trapped on an island that was a fish's dream and that by waking it up you can leave but everyone you met and everything on the island vanished forever. Her mind was blown
  • @codinginflow
    I had this game as a little child before I could even read. I traded it with some other kid for a garbage game and never got it back. In 2023, now 33, my mother gifted me an original Game Boy for Christmas and a working Link's Awakening with a new battery. I'm playing through it right now in the original experience :)
  • @Thenewbagman
    Still have to watch the video, but the only possible answer to the title is "everything"
  • @cube2fox
    Link's Awakening may indeed be the original Game Boy game that holds up the best by modern standards. For hardly any other game a faithful Switch conversion (that is mostly just a graphical update) would have been realistic to sell a full price. Even the original Pokémon doesn't hold up so well with it's relatively conventional random turn-based battle system, and things like the player character only moving in a grid on the overworld.
  • @mavis1108
    One of my favourites when I was younger. Great story and mystery, and characters.
  • @Rubberman202
    This game holds a special place in my heard, because it was my very first Zelda game (Link's Awakening DX specifically). I think it might even be my favorite Zelda game, up to and including it's very own remake on the Nintendo Switch. There's something about the visuals, the music, the characters and the overall vibe this game gives off that I don't get out of any other Zelda game, a sort of surreal absurdist take on the Zelda formula with a surprisingly dark and tragic backstory hidden behind the super deformed character and enemy sprites. It's very unassuming in that regard, and that, I think, helps the story be all the more impactful as a result. ...Also, I just really like the artstyle and music, and the various Nintendo cameos didn't hurt either.
  • Happy new year in advance WSGAG and everyone. More Zelda games in my backlog to complete, and Awakening is prob one of the better ones as demonstrated here.