Nine Signs of Narcissism Exposure

Published 2019-06-19
This video answers the question: What are the signs of narcissism exposure? These signs can occur when someone is exposed to a narcissist in a romantic relationship, a work setting, or a variety of other social settings. I will cover nine signs of narcissism exposure.


There are two types of narcissism: With grandiose narcissism we see characteristics like being extroverted, socially bold, self-confident, having a superficial charm, being resistant to criticism, and being callous and unemotional. Vulnerable narcissism is characterized by shame, anger, aggression, hypersensitivity, a tendency to be introverted, defensive, avoidant, anxious, depressed, socially awkward, and shy.

All Comments (21)
  • @debbiesmith5513
    The hardest part of the experience with a NPD is that NO ONE understands.
  • @kaym.2854
    Signs also include: Feeling the need to explain yourself or justify your actions, minimizing your own feelings, being too accomodating and self-doubt. I'm sure there are others.
  • @randyandretti
    I had almost all of these signs at one point. Six years Narc-free now. It’s lonely but peaceful.
  • @saiikik2727
    10:30 The narcissist will put you down if you give them good news about yourself. It's second nature to them.
  • This made me cry for the little child I was growing up, my childhood was truly awful. No doubt it led me here, at least now I'm working on healing it for real.
  • I burst into tears when you said lack of confidence doesn’t cause someone to behave narcissistically. I have been told over and over it was my fault my ex partner was abusive. If I’d been stronger he’d have respected me etc, believe me I fought for fairness and kindness from him, I repeatedly tried to explain how painful his behaviour was. That comment feels like the best validation in the universe. Thank you for this video Doctor Grande
  • @auntijen3781
    My father always told me; "ALWAYS PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to the way your date treats your waitress, because that will be YOU in a few months" & believe me, ive gotten burned every time ive ignored that advice!
  • @dansumigawa1414
    If someone makes you feel good about your life and encourages your dreams, without trying to change you, marry them! If someone keeps trying to change you, avoid them! Because they will never stop!
  • @if-not-now
    Highly insightful and lines up with Dr Ramani’s work and how she refers to narcissism as the “secondhand smoke of mental health.” Mere exposure to trait narcissism can be extremely exhausting and have significant consequences
  • When I have exposure to the Narcissist I typically shut down from them and go away. I have zero patience for it. I got that attitude because of years of dealing with it from my family.
  • @SophieBird07
    Great info yet again. The biggest wake up call for me was how relaxed I felt when the person I should be wanting to be with wasn’t around.
  • @fancyfree8599
    1) feeling hated, despised and/or unwanted. 2) an exaggerated startle response 3) Feeling afraid or nervous over an every day decision for fear of violating the expectations of the narcissist 4) having those same feelings (anxiety, fear, shame) ie. as in 3) when you make a small mistake. 5) Worry anxiousness about separation, leaving, then within the first day you feel much better with feelings of anxiety returning at the end. 6) self-talk - if you tell yourself you deserve the bad relationship for something you have done. 7) Something good has happened to you and you want to tell someone. With narc exposure, you do not want to share it with them as you know the excitement will be diminished. 8) If one envies how another couple interact, or in terms of employment relationship. 9) Contemplating manipulative behaviour, self talk about defending yourself but you do not want to say it for fear of being bad or wrong ie resignation. 10). ????? 11) add your own in the comments...... There are the main points along with some great insight and advice from Dr Grande.
  • @NanceeMarin
    Narc radiation exposure is just as bad as regular radiation! Thanks for the awesome video, Dr. G! 💯
  • @dogie1070
    After divorcing and strictly maintaining no contact, i found myself unable to buy clothes for myself. I honestly had no idea what colors or styles i liked or felt good about. It made me feel very anxious.
  • It's been 4 years since I left my narcissist. We had been married over 30 years. I had therapy, medication and now I practice yoga and mindfulness. The day he left, as ordered to by the court, is the day when I started breathing and living again. Still I have an exaggerated startle response...sudden noises, or unexpected events. My children are used to my screams and jumps. It can be a long time healing, especially if the narcissist still wants to be into your life. They just don't hear the word 'no'. I'm making my own way and have more self confidence and peace of mind than I ever had with him. Just want to say to others in my position be brave and cut the narcissist out of your life. If I can so can you.
  • @nacarreira777
    Went from parental to romantic narcissists...low self esteem, people pleasing, depression, sensitive to loud sounds, anxiety....thanks so much for what you do Dr.'s life changing.