A Monster Hunter's Journey | Generational Retrospective

Obliterating the Last Vestiges of my Personhood with Monster Hunter

I was tasked with looking back at every generation of Monster Hunter. This is an impossible job, at least without taking years to produce a video, so I went with a core entry per generation, and played extra games where necessary. MH1 for gen 1, Dos for gen 2, Tri for gen 3, MH4U (though the ultimate games originated in the 3rd gen) because 4U represents a pretty obvious shift for the series, and that conceit is maximized with Generations Ultimate, then finished Worldborne and Risebreak for gen 5. At the very least, I'm excited for Monster Hunter Wilds now!

Most of my most deranged projects happen because I wrote a couple of words down on a list of goals, and hit them one by one, entirely unaware of what Kingdom Hearts, Drakengard, Persona, Xeno, and now, Monster Hunter, would be like. This experience in longform demento-videos has fundamentally altered my perspective on video games, and helped me develop a whole language to discuss games I otherwise wouldn't have. It's been a rough journey, but you don't set out to get better expecting to land every step without failure. You trip, you fall, you get back up, and you keep on. Thanks so much to everyone who came out to support the show. I'll do some kind of poll-project again, but for now I need some time to unwind =_="

I have 2 regrets - not showing off the palicos in Generations Ultimate and not showing off the Hadoken I got smacked by from behind knocking me off a cliff by another player.


Gato Nero who recorded a bunch of extra footage for the video!
Cosa for gifting the 5th gen games!
Everyone else I've crossed paths with during this project - it means the world. MONSTER HUNTER WORLD GET IT

Additional sourced footage:
   • Monster Hunter Frontier Z: Gogomoa - ...  
   • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate *No comment...  
   • MGS: PW HD - All Monster Hunter Missions  
   • Monster Hunter Frontier ZZ - ★4 Zenit...  

Honestly it's just Monster Hunter soundtracks and the Napple Tale OST

0:00 setting out
5:25 the foundation (MH1)
33:05 the expansion (Dos + Portable Games)
56:56 the culmination (Tri)
01:20:08 the shift (MH4U+GenUlt)
01:59:13 the new era (Worldborne/Risebreak)

How do you tackle Monster Hunter meaningfully? With a Monster Hunter Retrospective? A review, or analysis, or critique? Do regular viewers differentiate between those words? Does it matter? Monster Hunter is an action rpg functionally, but completely unique in its genre classification - it invented the Monster Hunter vibe, and spawned Toukiden and God Eater. It's a story of cultural penetration told through incredible detail work and dignifying the creatures it presents, something relatively unseen in video games. Monster Hunter Wilds is primed for bestseller status, even if the community is divided on the direction of the games. It's important to remember that World and Rise represent a total paradigm shift, and Wilds will likely take the sensibilities established in World and run with them. Playing through the games, I'm actually excited to play a modern Monster Hunter game - you know, see what they do with the formula - but even excited to play through Stories and Frontier one day. I'm not about to do them for fun, not any time soon, but I can see the value in the series now.

#monsterhunter #monhun #retrospective #monsterhunterworld #monsterhunterrise #monsterhunterwilds

コメント (21)
  • “Monster Hunter is Cocomelon for the unemployed” is certainly a phrase.
  • @Dethmaster64
    Monster Hunter is so important it appears in the ending of the Academy Award-nominated 2022 film Tár
  • @Lutyrannus
    The original Monster Hunter & Monster Hunter Dos have a dedicated private server community over at MH Oldschool. If anyone is ever interested in playing the original Monster Hunter experience as it was meant to be, online, I highly recommend you come hunt with us online~ the experience is so different than playing exclusively the offline mode.
  • @Bikesponge730
    "not tonight babe, a YouTuber just released a 3 hour video on a subject I know nothing about"
  • @badtzmzo
    You're super right about playing with randos, but I love that your footage during that complaint shows you being completely oblivious to the Barioth getting put to sleep and waking it up with your dual blade combo. That GS was crying.
  • @reiyun
    4U is the game that actually got me into Monster Hunter and it's still my favorite in the series. That was some fun video game right there.
  • “I let my assumptions deprive me of joy too often,” hit me like a truck load of bricks. What a statement.
  • @Walmbat
    Honestly, hearing you talk about the camaraderie of MonHun really makes me appreciate the group I've hunted with for the past six or so years. We've got in-jokes about our specific palicos, how some of us seem to have certain monster types magnetized to them. It really does make MonHun feel special.
  • @TheCrawl
    Taking bets now on whether Kbash will do what he does best and find a way to convey a heartfelt, humanistic message about one of my all-time favorite game series in a way that makes my heart swell, eyes water, and deepen my appreciation for the games, OKAY HERE GOES
  • @Octorocker743
    The ending speech actually started to make tear up. I remember playing MH4U with friends after school at the local cafe, just hours sitting there with a single (bad) bread bowl between us and free refills, laughing and bonding. As we got older and went our own ways, I've still played every new MH trying to chase that feeling. It's nice to know that people are still gaining a sense of community that's the spirit of MH, and hope that Wilds does the same or even better.
  • @adreamer5920
    Seeing peepholes of K-Bash's journey on twitter was an excellent prolonged prelude to this movie like video
  • @Flutterdark_
    monster hunter is also so important, that rathalos, the same guy from the smash and metal gear crossover, is fightable in final fantasy 14.
  • Kbash detailing how much of a blast he had with gen ult made me very happy as it was the game that got me into the series and is still my favorite even after playing world and rise.
  • This is why I watch Youtube. Tremendous video, Kbash is a workaholic, puts out so many videos, I often wonder where he found the time between vids to play the games, let alone write the script and edit them, and yet the quality remains top notch. Easily one of the top video game analysts on the platform.
  • @Mysterygii69
    The anxiety talk at the end is both incredibly relevant to Monster Hunter and surprisingly relatable. I want to play with friends so bad but I’m also hesitant to do anything with my voice
  • 3U was my introduction, and it was the truest "Proper" playthrough I had through the whole series, complete with three other friends, two very close apartment rooms, and forgiving college schedules. Roughly 200 hours just to get into G-Rank, plus about another hundred to reach and beat Dire Miralis. We. LOVED. Those days. Months and months of great times. I also miss swimming, and underwater combat. With polish I think they'd be more than accepted in today's modern environment. Also Moga Village, every day of my life. Your first Monster Hunter Village really hits different, and never quite leaves you. 4U is the one I have the most hours in (close to a thousand) and when I really opened up to the idea of playing online with Randoms. I finally learned how to play Bow properly, got decent-to-great with a healthy variety of weapons that let me challenge basically anything adequately, and just... played to hunt. Friends dropped off after awhile cause life got busier, but we still had great times. Still one of my favorites. Generations and its Ultimate were fantastic. An absolutely staggering number of quests and variety of monsters and combinations, with stellar new favorites and plenty of returning oldies. It really was the shift into "anime" for the series, quite a bit more than 4, but... what a good ride. I still miss Hunter skills, like absolutely breaking damage logic with the Switch Axe infinite buff combo. World was and is the game that stands the test of time. The polish on it is phenomenal, and I still have friends that I play with semi-regularly in it. Including new friends that just got in mere months ago at time of writing. I've got my gripes with it, especially the base game and the lack of consequence for some negligence, like being able to eat during hunts now, but Iceborne fixed most of my real issues and the rest are me being a hipster saying "the old games' pacings were better!". Mere internal gripes that I shouldn't even listen to. It's a fantastic game that speaks for itself. And... I don't really care for Rise, lol. It's a great game, very fast paced. Too fast paced for what I associate the series with. Like an Arcade Mode speedrun through fights. It just didn't do it for me, even if the movement is super fluid and fun. I do NOT knock anyone that likes it. I think I just burnt out of the series on the whole at the point I started it. I've been playing the games for like, a decade now. I need to get to SunBreak though. I've heard it's good, and I like all the changes I've heard it brings. May give it a shot sometime. But the most important of all are the memories. I'll never forget some injokes and Attack Names that my group gave for some moves, just so we could communicate and stay alive in harder fights. Great times.
  • @luanpio1
    Following this channel for 5+ years and currently on a MH journey of my own, this one is just special.
  • I love the way the cat is just sitting there while KBash throws the clothes on'em and the cat is just like, "Yeah, whatever. You just make sure my snacks are ready later."
  • Fun fact: In MH1 you actually can kill the Rathalos in the egg quest he shows up in. You can even kill him before so much as going near a Velocidrome. It just takes forever and takes a lot of grinding beforehand.