The Surprising Evolution Of Modern Women's Preferences In Men - Eric Weinstein

Published 2024-01-09
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Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss the current state of masculinity. Why don't modern women respond to classical masculinity according to Eric Weinstein? What does Eric Weinstein see as the current disparity between the two genders? Why are men not as attracted to the financial success of their partners versus women according to Eric Weinstein?

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All Comments (21)
  • @erikwade3668
    I can't remember who said it, but from my own experience I'd have to agree that "Most boys want a good girl who will be bad just for them and most girls want a bad boy who will be good just for them."
  • For me, Aragorn from Lord of the Rings will always be peak masculinity. That guy protects his friends, leads his people, isn’t afraid to fight against a hoard of orcs but he also sings, enjoys poetry, and cherishes the woman he loves. I always wanted to be like him.
  • @chzzyg2698
    The destruction of ambition hits home for me. My entire upbringing was this. Everyone in my life would tell me to not try at things and to not gravitate to things that interested me. Now in my 40's I'm wondering about all the possible life options I could have taken if people didn't get out of my way.
  • @PrincessJas1024
    Yes. Real women want masculine men! My hubby is not a big muscular man and I’ve never questioned his masculinity. He provides and I feel safe. He takes away worries and makes life easy. I’m very feminine and we both live life by our gender roles. Happily.
  • @bruswain9158
    I work extremely hard in a female dominated environment. It raises eyebrows..the stress my ambition causes to female colleagues has caused so many issues such that management continually try to level the playing field as if my endeavour is 'oppressive' to women. You couldnt make it up!!
  • @ripplerfx
    Just remember men, what women “say” vs. what they “emotionally respond to” are two very different things. Stand your ground, chase your purpose, lift weights, make money, and focus on where you’re going
  • That societal tendency to “water down” over ambitious or highly capable people is universal. I was challenged by my uncle why I stood out so much to make the other cousins look bad in school. I told him if I don’t try hard enough, what are we here for. Now I’m raising an ambitious boy who crushes at school and whatever activities he dedicates himself to. We are here to become into our best version. The ultimate respect comes from self.
  • @shaifs5072
    The pursuit of greatness is the best thing I ever did for myself. My physical health, mental health, personal relationships, and finances have never been better. It’s made me my best version and in return I’m all able to take better care of those in my life.
  • @LaytonObserves
    I think a lot of women want a masculine man, but are scared to word it that way for fear of being called "gender normative", or mockingly called "trad"
  • @jeffreyhill4705
    Women from the beginning of time have argued with other women about what other women should be attracted to, in this way lower the competition for what they are actually attracted to. Add this to the phenomenon of feminism, and you get a mess.
  • "...destroyed by enforced helplessness." This is the only sentence fragment this man has ever made with which I completely agree.
  • I definitely want a masculine man. Not an aggressive one but one that will protect me and stand up for me in the rare moments that I need that. I am so sick of being the man in my relationships. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • @lsisak7651
    Im a traditional wife. I have a masculine man. We got alot of hate from the neighbors since I am a traditional wife. Women are painfully jealous. Its a sad state of society.
  • @willcasler4809
    To the comment about the advice given to young men, specific to watering down ambition- as a 28 year old male, I realize every day how grateful I am for my old man. He is a retired naval aviator, survivor of stage 4 cancer, successful business man and overall excellent father. My dad never let me feel sorry for myself and told me to shoot for the stars cause if you miss you still get the moon. He demanded effort and made sure my brother and I didn’t half ass anything. He made sure my brother and I respected our selves and others around us. Maybe more young men need strong dads
  • Beautiful videography! The colors, angles, cuts, and wide-angles make this genuinely a beautifully filmed episode.
  • @erikwade3668
    Mr. Weinstein is right about elitism. I was never a math wiz, stellar athlete, or master of literature, but I always admired those who set meritorious examples against which I could measure my own personal inventory and take positive action to make myself a better person tomorrow than I was yesterday. Regarding dreams for your future, you're really only ever competing with your current yourself.
  • Geez this one has me conflicted. I am a very driven individual. But one of the worst mistakes I ever made was investing that ambition into a company I worked for. Be ambitious and driven but don’t forget to balance that with not missing out on life itself. My biggest regret in my 40’s is not “I should have started my own company” it is having worked myself to death to be the best for nothing. Success is not in building wealth. I find so much more fulfillment in working as a volunteer and refusing to work any job that requires more than 40 hours a week. I’m debating starting a business not to be “successful”, but to have more control over my schedule. I would tell any young man; figure out what you are good at that will make you a living and is reliable, invest in perfecting that skill and yourself, then leverage that so you can work less and spend more time doing things that really matter. Being a father, a husband, a mentor, a gentleman. Someone that is ready to help others when able and willing to say it is enough so you do not tire out.
  • That Marlboro Man thumbnail pic is my uncle Tim. I knew he was a Marlboro Man but have never seen the pictures.
  • @Ohlook_its_chris
    This type of discussion makes me feel less crazy. Much love to anyone who relates