Covet Conflict 1: Gone Fishin' (turn on subtitles)

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Discord for those who liked the show (very inactive)

Voice actor credits
| Tetherball: Druf | Cotton Candy: OllyBeee | Slinky, Trashy, W.E.A & Soda Can: ShyGuyStudios | Lockey & Key: Mappy | Phone: A-Yan | Broom: RamenRenRen | Fish Bowl & Orange Carton: Onyx | Sushi: TheLogXD | Spoon: Jade | Lamp: Indecisive | Firework: Nanite | IBOX: Cyprian | Cup: Cameron | Magnolia: OneSuperset | Tiny Tim: FormativeUser | Candy Apple: Fadzter | (everyone else was voiced by me)

(Subtitles finally finished)

So for reason to sum it up as shortly as I can, there was an original Covet Conflict (CC) called Battle for Something (BFS) which has an entire 1st season but I didn't like It since it didn't make sense at times, cringe, and wouldn't go well as a first season to the second season of BFS called Battle for Something Else (BFSE). So instead of doing BFSE, I made CC which is a reboot of BFS, but because BFS was me playing with still face plushies in my living room, I had to make every character a new model which I call felt figures, and new background and props. Then I had to get new voice actors so I didn't have to voice every character but like 3. Then I had to record everything which took forever, and then when it came to editing I edited about halfway when a few days later my house burnt down. the show was on hiatus since but then on November 9th I decided to not stop until I got this thing out, the following day I pulled an all nighter and got to uploaded it the next day. and that's pretty much a bit of CC's backstory

コメント (21)
  • Wow, the production on this is absolutely INSANE!! Modeling and fabrication is so time-consuming and definitely harder than it sounds, huge props to you for taking on such an ambitious project! And this has some of the most unique visuals I've ever seen in an object show by far - you can't recreate stop-motion/live-action effects the same way in Flash! (e.g. Cotton Candy's texture looking so fluffy, Sock's concept as a design, adding in a plush animal, the quick shots of live-action shaking and falling, etc) Huge props to you for making the storyboards and writing clear while working in such a unique space. Side note but I'm interested to know how you got the faces to stick onto the characters? Lots of talent on display here!!! Amazing show, subscribed + will be looking out for episode 2! :) 💚💚
  • This isn't a object show This is ART, like this is awesome. The fact that it's in stop motion is incredible. Not to mention for the first episode it's really good since most first episodes tend to not be as good but this is amazing
  • You are genuinely the first person to create a stop motion object show!! Congrats!! Also, this looks like it took a whole lot of work so good job!
  • This is beyond impressive. I know how long stop motion takes and the fact you managed to create such a witty, creative, pretty well-written, and comedic show with the restrictions of stop motion is insane. I know this project took a long time, but I think this show is too special to give up on. Great job!
  • I legit love this show, this is too good its just wow this is SO damn underrated. like damn it went from an unknown show to A MASTERPIECE.
  • @ArtzieKit
    What really makes this object show underrated & perhaps impactful is the use of a different medium. Within the OSC, we’ve barely seen actual object shows that use a form of medium that’s different from digital animation. I’d say this is a well done!
  • This is most likely the first stop motion animated object show in the history of object shows.
  • @chexdemon
    This show is SEVERELY underrated!!! This show's visuals are so nice to look at!! And the little motion gags (like a character falling) are very funny to me! The voice acting is very nice and the characters to go along with the acting are also so cool! Also the music choices are super cool! Overall, I really like this show and I hope to see more!
  • I love the feel of this show holy crap Has a very chill and fun vibe to it especially with the music choices and the choice of utilizing stop motion Nice work
  • @DCM1124
    Anyone that uses criticism on this show is a menace to society.
  • I heard about there being the possibility of a stop motion object show, I’d never thought it would be possible, but wow, you actually did it! I can’t imagine the amount of work and effort put into this and I totally look forward to see what comes next!
  • THIS IS SO GREAT OH MY GOSH!! stop motion has always had a special place in my heart, and to see it used for one of my biggest interests for the absolute longest time is just phenomenal! props to you
  • @Lo0kaline
    for someone that has been in the osc for years, this is one of the best object shows i have ever seen! keep up the good work! ^^
  • I like how it turned out! This is very unique, and I'm glad to be a part of it!
  • OMG YES FINALLY,im older sushi va now,but finally,my first object show,and it looks really unique!!!
  • @valenrose_
    This comment is like a year late, but i legit adore this first episode! A stop-motion object show is something i would’ve never expected out of this wonderful community (due to stop motion being difficult to do) but you pulled it off! I love this show’s style, and the quality is just incredible! You are very talented ^^
  • @trashy2309
    Man this is probably the most impressive object show I’ve ever seen artistically and even if it wasn’t made like this it would still be a stellar show with the writing and characters My only complaint is how much screen time Juice Box has, it’s clear who the favorite is but whatever, I give this episode a 9/10 incredible start
  • @yutaantoku321
    The god forbidden world of the dons cannot comprehend whether if the nice days of June are going south