Russian soldier surrenders to Ukrainian drone outside Bakhmut

A Russian soldier who was fighting in the trenches outside Bakhmut surrendered to Ukrainian forces and was led to safety by a drone piloted by the 92nd Separate Mechanized Brigade.

Yurii Fedorenko, who commands the 92nd’s Achilles drone company, wrote on his Telegram channel that one Russian soldier signalled to a hovering surveillance drone that he wanted to surrender but that his comrades would kill him.

#GlobalNews #ukraine #bahkmut

コメント (21)
  • @ECjj33
    Someone once told me "War is just a bunch of old men arguing and sending young men to kill eachother." Thats always stuck with me. War is truly hell
  • @Goonwick1
    It’s so crazy that we’re watching a real war on our phones bro
  • Those calling him a coward… how many times have you been in this situation? Doubtful any. This is heartbreaking to watch.
  • @the_philip1007
    " War is young men dying and old men talking. " Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • @MizzMuffitt
    When you have the eyes of the enemy in your sights and you still have an ounce of compassion. That says something.
  • Господи, я смотрю и плачу!(((( Я русская и я мать, и я каждый день молю Бога ,чтобы поекратился весь этот ужас🙏!!!!!!!Чтбы не гибли русские, не гибли украинцы, не гибли дети.......НЕТ ВОЙНЕ ❌!!!!!
  • If only every soldier decided not to fight for these corrupt world leaders
  • two men who decided to remember they’re humans after all, and that they’ve done no wrong to the other.
  • @rocknral
    No winners in war. Just survivors. This man is a survivor. Hope his family is safe.
  • Спасибо оператору дроном, он точно не хочет войны, видно. Дай Бог, чтобы по скорее всё закончилось, молю Бога об этом
  • Как обычно все перевернули наоборот! Это украинский солдат сдался, а не русский! Русский оператор дрона вывел его с поля боя. На нем украинская амуниция. Но вам как обычно втирают по мозгам…….
  • Honestly so much respect for the drone pilot to recognize what was happening and helping not add another body to the death count .
  • Remember that many combatants are not real soilders but merely drafted civilians given combat equipment. The ones who go to the front lines are never the ones who make the call to do so. In times of war and panic, being able to show mercy is real strength.
  • The fighting has to end. Too many people hurt or killed for nothing.
  • Хочется верить что это парень еще жив, и что это не ловушка
  • Guys he’s not a coward. War is hell and you would want to be surrendering to if this was you
  • This man probably doesn’t know it but he’s a part of history.
  • If he was my father or my husband, SURRENDERING DOES NOT MAKE YOU LESS OF A MAN.
  • Это украинский солдат, это их форма. Они бы никогда не пощадили противника, никогда. А солдаты РФ милосердны. Они не уничтожают города как Израиль Палестину, хотя могли бы. Так что не надо Фейков, умные люди все понимают