This character SUCKS. So why does everyone play him?? Marvel vs Capcom 2

Published 2021-02-11

All Comments (21)
  • Kind of makes sense that his assist would be the best in the game considering his main gimmick is being part of a team
  • @metalngames509
    "Captian Comando sucks in this game" proceeds to beat all three enemy characters using only Captain Comando
  • @Brian_F
    Love these videos, helps peel back a lot of the mystery and explains the WHY to how the mvc2 meta ended up where it is
  • @Generic2020
    I know it’s “Captain Corridor” but all I see is “POWER GEYSER” 😂
  • @ymtmtptvbo
    It's not just the MvC2 content. We love every breakdown video you put out for any character in any game.
  • @greatheightsu
    I really like how you don't neglect to explain concepts like guard break. Great for casuals like me who like to watch more than play.
  • @cerocero2817
    Captain Commando was my favorite arcade beat em up to play with friends. Piledriving enemies with the mechanized baby will NEVER get old.
  • @r1l426
    Because he's the capcom mascot with a good assist
  • @pklifeupa7064
    The Capcom version of Captain Falcon. Hes fun asf to play with and against.
  • @SogMosee
    He may suck as a character but I used to LOVE his super where his team came and helped! It was just so cool seeing that too me!! I mean just look at that, a ninja, a swordsman, and a baby controlling a robot !? And then they do that cool pose at the end !? Just incredible. I used to always include him on my team just for the chance to use that super against my friends. And if you kill your opponent during that super then everything slows down and it looks theatrical.
  • @sp00kdagul
    Start of video: "People just gives up when CC is their only remaining character" *Actually wins and sweeps with CC as remaining character.
  • I forgot how storm be thick as hell in video games and comics 😂😂
  • @HoveKB
    Best anti-air in the game. Don’t come in here with disrespect.
  • @shakes2170
    Iron Man deadass saying "SPONGEBOB" when he launches the bombs
  • @Lightborn1311
    Man, I have always loved Captain Commando. I played him like a madman when I was a kid and I've never looked back.
  • @HeirofDacia
    "You never wanna be punished for hitting the opponent with a combo" Mk11 would like a word with you. I still remember the days of no armor break moves.
  • @ninjasolbadguy
    It would've been hilarious if after JMCroft said "So naturally we're gonna go into some matches." And immediately it jump-cuts into Cap being the last character and we just watch JM put down the controller and stare at us.