Published 2020-03-19
Hi all Wolf Lord Rho here!

Today we discuss the making of Pedro Kantor, in becoming a legend.

The events we are discussing today are from the Warhammer 40,000 novel "Rynn's World" by Steve Parker. As always i really recommend you read the novel for yourself first, as that's the best way to enjoy the lore. For yourself! Not only that, we help to support the great Games Workshop and Black Library. because without them we don't have this fantastic lore to talk about! Link:…

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Music belongs to Wolf Lord Rho.

All Comments (21)
  • @e.richens3736
    "As always guys, what do you think? Are you a fan of Pedro Kantor?" Well I bloody well am now
  • “It is time.. Time someone carried you.” I haven’t gotten choked up from a book before, but that line did it.
  • @mikey_vengenz
    Chapters that honor the bravery and courage of the normal humans of the imperium are the best chapters. Crimson Fists, Salamanders, Space Wolves, Ultramarines.
  • @jl9782
    I'm not crying! There's just allergies
  • @ryanc7983
    "In da grim darkness a da far future...someone iz choppin' some seriouz onions"
  • The best Imperial Fist successor chapter and I will die standing on this hill
  • You ask if he was right to save the family. We, sons of Dorn, do our duty. No matter the cost, no matter the difficulties. There really never was a choice to begin with.
  • The Imperium stands for all of humanities survival. That mother, those children, they are for whom we toil, for whom we suffer, for whom we gladly die to spare from any of the horrors we shoulder so they need not bear them. It is the small acts we make in defiance of overwhelming odds that furnish us with true strength. Humanity is strong by its loyalty to its own, to protect its weak that they too may grow strong in service and duty to that very same perennial dedication to each other. The Imperium is strong; not for its armaments, not for its million worlds, but by its indelible spirit. Sacrifice is necessary, and at times may turn a warmhearted man cold to think of what we must do to survive, but no man can long serve humanity if he has no connection to his own.
  • @OmniGSage
    This is why I love the Crimson Fists, and if I started an army it'd either be them or the Salamanders the most "good guy" of all Astartes. And if Cortez himself wasn't badass enough, there's also the bit where he goes "I haven't lost my arm, brother. It's right over there."
  • @olivier5251
    Kind of a "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you" kind of feel
  • Random imperial man: ragnar blackmane is tha best ork slayer Pedro kantor: hold my paella...
  • Dude I literally cried when you read the line where Pedro picks up the woman and says "It is time for someone to carry you" The song Ave Imperator just crossed my mind and now he's a legend in my books aswell.
  • This was great, really great. I would like to personally imagine that, if any of the children were boys and they survived the ordeal, this would inspire them to try and become initiates of the Crimson Fists. Then, after years of gruelling training, they would become full battle-brothers of the Chapter and serve under the man who saved them so long ago. That is just my wish anyway, one I really wish to be true. Another great video Wolf Lord.
  • @manhunter433
    Would be a nice epilogue to this story is that the boys eventually become Space Marines of the Crimson Fists
  • @deep1umbra
    The sons of Dorn do their gene-father proud. Reflecting his might, fury, duty, and humility- they shine.
  • @corran100
    Saving that mother, and the other civilians as they made their trek across the wilds, were the things that saved their souls from dropping to despair, and falling to Chaos. Chaos Marines would have not stopped, would not have saved them, but the protectors of man, the Adeptus Astardies did. The measure of man is not what they have, but what they will attempt to save.
  • @Nurriek
    A large part of me enjoys these moments of humanity in the grim darkness of the future, for how else do they shine their brightest, but when the dark threatens to subsume them? But the other part of me knows that the Astartes, speaking very generally, do not think of baseline humanity as anything more than helpless charges. They are their Emperor-given burden, and so a lighter burden would not effect them overmuch, as long as the burden remains. This is what Horus wanted from the Luna Wolves, before their collective fall to Chaos. He wanted the superhuman to experience humanity, and to understand what they were fighting for.