Kathleen Stock and Richard Dawkins Question Modern Gender Identity

Publicado 2024-07-02
The savage missiles hurled at Kathleen Stock in the stocks of Sussex University gives the lie to the pretense that her tormentors should be pitied as an oppressed minority who just want to peacefully get on with their life. I’ve long admired her gentle courage in the face of vicious bullying. When we finally met at the Dissident Dialogues Conference in New York this May, I felt an instant affinity. It was a pleasure to conduct the following interview.
I will be on tour of North America, UK & EU talking about my latest book, religion, life on earth and beyond. I will be joined on stage by a range of friends and foes on stage. The events will include a Q&A and a limited meet-and-greet. You can get your tickets here: richarddawkinstour.com/

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ferriveiro3101
    I'm so glad left wing people are talking about this. This isn't a left vs right issue. This is about fighting irrational ideas.
  • @clemdane
    I remember as a 13 year old reading about the Salem Witch trials and wondering how anyone could have believed that or how the girls could make these accusations and now it's just crystal clear.
  • @annabizaro-doo-dah
    I could listen to Kathleen Stock all week. I love her use of clear, precise language and her calm and reasoned manner. So enjoyable.
  • @DexterDexter123
    two of my favourite people who talk in straight lines - a balm for the mind
  • @MGMarkov
    a brave woman speaking about this real issue
  • @SiRushBass
    Bravo to Kathleen for standing up and talking about this. It costs a lot to do this in today's climate, but it sadly needs to be done. Thank you
  • @rigilchrist
    Philosophers like Kathleen Stock are deserving of more respect in society. They spend their lives thinking about difficult ideas and ought to be consulted when a new fad arrives.
  • @Pyhantaakka
    The utter look of disbelief on Professor Dawkins face every now and then is excellent t-shirt material.
  • @Lovertonify
    Kathleen Stock is my hero, thank you for having her on the show
  • @bulldogklaus47
    "Convoluted' is the most generous word I could use to describe Judith Butler's writing.
  • @Margo5050
    Thank you for these words and ideas. Very clear wording. Thank you. I left the Humanist Society when they took your award away. I was a Humanist Celebrant.
  • @OhUiginn
    Kathleen Stock is amazing. More Progressives should listen to her. Just drop Gender Ideology. It is not helping anyone.
  • As a sociologist, I understand gender and gender roles to mean how society expects a biological woman or man to behave in a particular culture; and, those expectations vary from society to society. Unfortunately it seems that gender and sex have been conflated to our detriment. Thanks for a very interesting conversation.
  • @Margo5050
    This is so complex and well stated and covers so many aspects I can’t tell you enough how great this conversation was. ❤❤ Thank you Kathleen Stock for saying the truth about women’s safety and the unfairness in sports. Thanks to both of you.
  • @IslandArt61
    I'm in an area and industry in the US where this is prevalent. As an older progressive white male I was pretty much "live and let live" thinking there's no real harm in this. Eventually I began to look at it as maybe just selfishness that could border on narcissism. A person says they are trans and the entire surrounding world must accept and bend to their whim. When the "trans" colleague arrives in the morning, everyone is on eggshells worrying might they say something wrong. Change your lifetime of language least you make some newspeak faux pas or "misgender," a crime worse than murder. Seriously, that kind of fear, what a power to have over people. One day someone railed about J.K. Rowling. I wondered at what she said that could bring forth such venom. I eventually found her now famous post, "dress however you please, call yourself whatever you like....." I was completely taken aback at the absurdity of the attacks. That sent me down the rabbit hole where I discovered Maya Forstader, Helen Joyce, Stella O'Mally, Kathleen Stock, Sall Grover, Graham Linehan, and many more people speaking honestly and intelligently on the subject -- and suffering for that speech. I also discovered my ignorance about "trans healthcare". Turns out it's not flu shots and blood tests, but drastically altering bodies, including children. "Trans healthcare", Orwellian words. One sad thing about getting informed on this subject is that my stand now puts me on the same side as rabid right-wingers with whom I have no other common ground. I'm now the lone goat standing off to the side from the screaming right wing-sheep led by equally vile activists as the people promoting this contagion. I hope the young people here in the US begin the shift back to reality as is happening in other places.
  • @trip83
    Pure logic. It's very important we campaign to end this madness and rampant child abuse.
  • @acacia_w
    I'm always impressed by how calm and cool Kathleen Stock remains in the face of all the flack she's taken and the general idiocy she is up against. What an icon.
  • @SuperBlinding
    I am a Great Admirer of Kathleen Stock ~ ~ Also Great Credit to Richard Dawkins for taking on this Gender Identity Stuff.
  • @Reet64
    Glad to hear the two of you in conversation.
  • @domm6812
    That quote from Judith butler was the most pompous, needlessly fancy statement I think I've ever seen from one of these deluded people. It screams "I'm better than you, because I am more morally pure, and I can put a lot of syllables in my words!"