The Islamic State and Hezbollah Fight For Lebanon

Published 2014-11-06
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As the Islamic State massacred its way throughout Iraq and Syria this summer, a separate battle took place in neighboring Lebanon.

This summer, the Islamic State invaded the Lebanese border town of Arsal, beheading captured soldiers and unleashing waves of lethal car bombs, destabilizing the country.

Hezbollah, one of the world's strongest guerrilla armies, has also become involved — either defending Lebanon, or making things worse, depending on who you ask.

VICE News traveled to Lebanon to explore the battle being waged by one of the world's fiercest militant groups against one of the Middle East’s smallest and most fragile nations.

Check out "Lebanon's Well-Armed Cannabis Farmers Won't Let Islamist Militants Anywhere Near Their Crops" -

Watch "The Islamic State (Full Length)" -

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All Comments (21)
    Lebanon has already won against al nussra so al Qaeda isn't a threat anymore to Lebanon
  • @mikemansour8260
    You can visit Hezbollah controlled areas without being abducted for ransom! Go visit "free Syria" and let me know your ransom cost.
  • @Lolee56
    Hezbollah isn't a terrorist group -_-
  • "We don't have terrorist cells" While he is standing in front of Islamic state flag WTF
  • Lebanon is not Iraq .  Lebanon has two armies , one is the state army , the other is Hezbollah , the army of people .  Lebanon army has Hellicopters , Jet Fighters , Tanks .... And hesbollah has it's Lions . Well equipted , well trained , devoted to their cause , freedom , above all .   Muslims or Christians , doesn't matter , their love for their country is above anything . And this makes them sacred in every aspect . Greetings from Greece !
  • @jiji309
    why Hizbollah is referred  to as a terrorist group ?? they are groups of resistance but being involved in the Syrian war put Lebanese people in danger !! and the state is scared to get involved in a military operation to avoid causing a sectarian conflict that can destroy whole Lebanon ..
  • @seenakakar2013
    not all sunnis but a large number of them are bunch of hypocrites and backstabbers. I'm an afghan agnostic but I respect shis muslims for their courage
  • @cagv7297
    >I was only nine years old. >I loved Nasrallah so much, I had all of Hezbollah's merchandise. >I prayed for Hezbollah every night, thanking them for the Zionists they've killed. >"Nasrallah is love," I'd say, "Nasrallah is life". >A takfiri hears me and calls me an infidel. >I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to Hezbollah. >I called him a terrorist. >He bombs me and my entire family. >I'm crying now, my leg is missing. >I lay on the ground and it's really hot. >I feel a warmth moving towards me. >It's Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. >I'm so happy. >He whispers into my ear, "This is our Lebanon". >He grabs me with his gentle, loving hands and sets me upright. >I'm ready. >I open my ears for Nasrallah. >He reads the words of Imam Khomeini. >It's so emotional but I listen for Nasrallah. >I can feel tears dripping down as I begin to hate America even more. >I ready my rocket launcher. >I want to strike at Tel-Aviv. >Nasrallah roars to a thundering conclusion, letting the path of Khomeini echo across Lebanon. >The takfiris walk in. >Nasrallah looks at them straight in the eyes and says, "It's all anti-imperialist now". >Nasrallah walks away quietly. >Nasrallah is love, Nasrallah is life
  • @moderniraq2355
    Hezbollah was the first who fight for lebanon, with his amazing success year 94,00,06 and now the isis (al qaida) terrorists want take over
  • @FPSGamer48
    4:32 Them mentioning how they won't allow ISIS to destroy anymore historic objects is definitely something I as a history nerd, appreciate greatly. That is the worst thing a terrorist movement can do in the long run is destroy history.
  • @JHCyber
    I am Lebanese. I liked the documentary. It was well made, it was very well balanced, and without any colouration. What it was missing was a trip to the south, but that aside, my conclusion is as it always was: for the love of whatever is holly to this world, leave us the fuck alone! We love life, we have been living together (Christians, Muslims, Jews, with all their sects) for more than a thousand years. We have been living on this land for thousands of years. We love Lebanon and we will defend it from fundamental Islam or whatever other threat at any cost. Just leave us alone with your ideologies, weather they are fundamental Islamic or Western. Let us be, let us live in peace. Of course, Israel has to be mentioned, stop killing us for no reason, we have done NOTHING to you (Hezbollah is at the border for a reason, we were OCCUPIED by Israel for 20+ years, were we supposed to sit there and take it up the *?). I am tiered of your wars in our area, but if you really need to have them, leave Lebanon alone. We love life, and you can make 100 documentaries on this, and its the ONLY conclusion you will come to: we love our fellow Lebanese, but we have limits, and I hope we don't crack, there is only SO much we can take after decades of shit. I think we are a shinning example as to how you DON'T have to have revolutions or war if there is instability, its hard, but killing your fellow like in Egypt, Libya... is not the answer. Time heals all wounds, but they have to be in a good environment too. I wish you all the luck and strength my beloved Lebanon, my beloved Lebanese.
  • @michabell1713
    Isis: I want this place Hezbollah: excuse me this is our turf Isis: suicide bombers card Hezbollah: uno reverse card
  • This may come as a shock to most but Lebanon is actually the Arab country with the LEAST amount of Muslims they only make up 56% of the country, the rest are Christian even the President is Christian. When France gave independence to Lebanon in 1946 the idea was for it to become a Christian State, at that time it was 80% Christian. During the Lebanese Civil war a massive amount of Christians Immigrated to different countries around the world.
  • Still gonna go with that "it started as a peaceful revolution" line are you?
  • @Nalleko
    Lebanon. Once called the Paris of the middle east. Well that was back when the Christians were in the majority.