Super NEW Moon in #aquarius♒️ 💙

Aquarius~All about Community, Freedom, Technology, NOT ME but WE🛐💜
Prayers, Love, Healing and Protection for; Black History Month, #tobykeith, Chris, Mitch, Jocelyn, Grace, #coutts4 and #Coutts5 & James Sowery of AB🇨🇦and Holden Nowell of B. C.🇨🇦
5 Languages of #love for #valentines Day (Q WRAP- Quality Time, Words of affirmations, Receiving gifts, Acts of service, Physical touch) FOR a Lover/Mate, Family member or a True Friend AND B~sure to share your preferences to someone who Loves YOU💕
Keep #naturewithin9 💚 and I truly appreciate YOU SUBSCRIBERS on #youtube , #shorts ; your comments, likes and shares along with my Van/Trailer Travel #donations: E-transfer to [email protected]  or ask for my deposit info.🙏 Prayers, Love and Blessings #All

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