The Dark Psychology of Franklin Saint in Snowfall

Published 2023-02-21

All Comments (21)
  • @JWisdom
    After watching the season finale, I'm definitely making a part 2 in the coming weeks. Make sure you're subscribed you won't wanna miss it...
  • @jaysleman2692
    Snow fall is easily one of the best series I've ever seen
  • @nikkiyevette
    I think Franklin is a massive thinker, but has allowed emotions to throw him off in this last season of snowfall. A huge lesson to us all, to not get to emotionally attached to idols or we will surely run a risk of losing it all.
  • @kjmskits162
    Snowfall is one of the greatest shows of all time. And easily has some of the greatest character development in tv history.
  • @MikeOx5456
    Honestly Louie ruined franklins life. He could’ve got out the game probably a couple years later but Louie decided to go straight to teddy who then robbed Franklin and then Louie didn’t even try to help Franklin
  • I think Louie is afraid of Franklin and now is using Jerome as a shield of protection.
  • @JetPakJeff
    I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for somebody to decipher this show. Good work bro.
  • @JcGross93
    It's kind of amazing how I started out rooting for Franklin, and by the end completely despise him. But at the same time I do also understand his arc, why he became like this, and that is the mark of absolutely brilliant writing in my opinion.
  • @taebandss6418
    Damson portrayed Franklin better than anybody else could have. 💯
  • @awkward4274
    Crazy thing is the most common thing ppl say in his situation is that “you’re gonna end up either dead or in jail” he got neither. And he’s actually “free” in his mind. Also he’s still free to bounce back like how Wanda and Mel did. And they bounced back from crack.. Waaay worse than alcohol.
  • @adeniyimuyiwa
    Lee talking to Frank while he's was locked up was deep! Lee couldn't take it seeing his nonviolent friend all beat up.. what asked Franklin to do was crazy, and Franklin did
  • @crazikat_1
    I've been watching him since the summer of '83! The way he's transformed over the years makes you wonder if that was his character's fate.
  • @justaguy7831
    Franklin not a psychopath because he shows emotions plenty of times. A sociopath maybe but not a psychopath. There's a difference between the two.
  • @Beatjoy5511
    This show is addicting man, I remember first starting it and I couldn’t stop. It had the right amount of intensity, with interesting characters and development along with a nice era we can all look back upon with strange nostalgia. Honestly it’s one of my favorite crime shows, I put it up there with the wire
  • That Leon speech to Franklin in prison still gets me hype
  • @ChambersJr
    This video makes me want to watch the whole series again