Marvel vs Capcom Character Select Screen Evolution

Published 2024-06-23

All Comments (21)
  • @ChinakovVS
    Going from 16 characters in mvc1 to 58 in mvc2 must've blown kids mind back in the day
  • @DarkOverlord96
    I find it funny how MVC1's roster was a bit skewed towards Capcom and then years later MVCI's roster was a bit skewed towards Marvel lol
  • @WanArk86
    Spiral idle animation was so good that I can't believe that it was on CPS-II machines.
  • @_A.Z.D_
    Love how each of these characters select screens have such hype and energy with the music presentation and announcer, until you get to MVCI šŸ˜­
  • @ifeobasa5459
    MVC1 character select music is the greatest thing ever. While MVC2's ended up being more iconic, there's no way that game's soundtrack could work in any way outside that game so MVC1's and MVC3's takes the cake for me.
  • I heard everyone was hoping for a rerelease of the classic games, but I didnā€™t think Capcom would pulled a collection on us! I canā€™t imagine the excitement within the fandom.šŸ˜‚
  • @redrazorx-23
    ā€œThis one is gonna take you for a rideā€ is now a quote that will never leave my head.
  • @brownandbloom
    Marvel vs. Street Fighter's character select music always had this Saturday Morning Cartoon/Hanna-Barbera vibe to me.
  • the fact that they used the official renders for the menu in MvCI frightening me every time (in a bad way)
  • The idea of showing the full sprite on the select screen became so popular in the early 90s, pioneered and popularized by MK (92) and then spreading to japanese games like Samsho 1-3, KOF 94, and SFA1 and COTA, that the MSH select screen kinda felt obsolete right at the first sight. But then the "surprise" gimmick of showing the chars coming out for the transition into the versus screen, in a proccess that involves the whole design of the screen, with "skycrappers screens" showing the portrait art... that whole idea is absolute brilliancy from the devs. Even though other fg select screens in later Capcom games still show a good sense of design, nothing of that level of creativity was ever done again. No doubt a mark of the unbelievable level of artistry that the Capcom fg devs were reaching around the mid 90s. And all that was impressive for coming from the company that literally had just stopped working on the basic and humble SF2. Capcom truly grew like an anime protagonist transformation after early 1994 (SSF2T release). Unfortunately the rival companies didnt even bother doing something close to that level of creativity on select screens.
  • @Gang3rs
    Dont care what anyone says MvC2 was the most peak of character select screen music. UMVC3 got the best visual screen
  • Infinite will always be the example to why Bob Igor doesnā€™t deserve the Marvel ownership from the moment after starting to build the MCU obsession from the ground up. Versus the massive variety Marvel had in MvC2.
  • @InitialDL84
    I love the Marvel Super Heroes player select/music. That game will be forever ingrained in my soul, its what got me into the whole MvC series.
  • @NeoZiggy92
    Behold, a HUGE cornerstone to my childhood! And an inspiration even today.
  • @theyouth2000
    Marvel VS Capcom Infinite character select screen feels like an after thought after the brilliant previous entries' designs.
  • @retroman3960
    Holy CRAP, is the character select screen in MvCI so uneven if you bought the DLC Marvel characters.