What If The Edict Of Nikaea Had Never Been Passed? - 40K Theories

Published 2020-03-24
The Emperor’s passing of the Edict of Nikaea was one of the key turning points leading up to the events of the Horus Heresy, and would go on to have a number of long term ramifications. But what if Magnus the Red convinced The Emperor to allow him and his legion to continue in their studies of the Warp?

Intro theme by Stringstorm

Additional audio editing by Officio Audiorum

This is an updated and remastered video with additional information that was missing from the original, as well as higher quality audio.

Additional artwork by Kunkka, Elijah ArhPriest, Disarmonia, Genzoman, Gwayne Li, Z.H.Yu, Luches and Baklaher

All art property of their respective owners

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All Comments (21)
  • >Magnus still damages the throne in his haste to warn the Emperor >The Emperor heeds the warning, but still intends to reprimand Magnus >He sends Russ with explicit orders to not heed any orders given by Horus >Russ and the Wolves confront Magnus and the Sons >There's perhaps a small skirmish, as many of the Sons think they did nothing wrong and shouldn't be reprimanded >In the confusion, the Death Guard and Sons of Horus attack, as Horus realizes Magnus has revealed his treachery >Magnus and Russ are forced to fight side by side against the traitors, but the two forces are overwhelmed and must retreat >Magnus uses his powers to teleport his Sons and the Wolves to their fleets, but fails to save himself as Horus and Mortarion confront him >Magnus duels his brothers, his psychic might being the only thing giving him an advantage against two Primarchs >Seeing that the battle is lost, and his people have made it off the planet, Magnus opens a massive Warp rift above the planet, and Prospero falls into the Immaterium, dragging the traitor fleets in with it Magnus is MIA, the traitors are temporarily set back, Prospero still burns, but the Imperium is bolstered by the very vengeful Thousand Sons, and we get a baddass three way Primarch fight.
  • Russ was a hypocrite due to his rune priests and the curse of the wulfen. He hid his legion's flaws and actions and blamed Magnus for his.
  • @Kameth
    Thousand Sons: We are all psykers Imperium: Boo! Weirdos! Freaks! Grey Knights: We are all psykers Imperium: Yay! The holiest of all holy! Magnus the Red: Am I a joke to you?
  • @Sarindanvelor
    i can see the alternate history now >thousand sons remain loyal due to the edict of nikaea not knee capping the legion of sorcerers >alpha legion becomes the chapter to gain tzeentch's favor with alpharius becoming a demon prince of tzeentch >alpha legion splits as omegon stays loyal to the imperium leading to omegon taking up the name alpharius as the chapter becomes split between loyalist and heretic sides >magnus warns the emperor about horus possibly without screwing up the human webway project as badly due to being able to openly practice magic >leman rus doesn't get sent to bring magnus in and magnus gets told about the golden throne and his role in operating it >thousand sons use their magic to bolster the imperium's defenses while the full force of the space wolves is there to provide support in the coming battle >not bound to the golden throne the emperor is able to lead the battle personally with the aid of malcador and thanks to magnus being on the throne malcador doesn't surrender his life and is able to use his psychic powers to aid the emperor in the coming battle >the emperor defeats horus this time without taking mortal damage >the emperor picks up the pieces and moves forward with what's left of the astartes legions continuing to spread the imperial truth now with the horus heresy thoroughly crushed
  • @barrysingh2872
    "I hereby forbid you from fulfilling the purpose I designed you from the ground up to do" - the Emperor.
  • @oatlord
    Corvus: "Yeah! Take that, dirty psykers!" (nervously looks back and forth)
  • @boredashell124
    I cheered when Ahriman sent Wyrdmake's soul to be ripped apart in the warp. Nothing but a dirty two faced hypocrite and he deserved what he got. Did Magnus screw up? Yes. Did he deserve what happened to him? I don't think so.
  • @8076A
    Really the Primarchs acted like actual children over Psykers, refusing to fight alongside FRIENDLY FORCES over them having a different outlook and style of warfare. That'd be like the Marines refusing to fight alongside the Army in conflict, it doesn't make sense and is completely idiotic. The compromise suggested was by far the best option, train the Librarians intensively, and bolster your own forces immensely. Also I disagree with the idea that the Thousand Sons staying loyal would be "slim". From what I've read/heard my understanding is that initially Magnus was going to accept the Emperors degree and die when the Space Wolves began razing Prospero, not wanting to commit any more "sins" for lack of a better term. But his immense psychic power had him hearing his people be slaughtered and could not take it anymore and began to fight back. - So if the Burning of Prospero never occurred, the primary reason for his turning to the traitors for sanctuary would not exist, which accounted for somewhere around 80-90% of the reason he turned. I doubt he would turn traitor over being looked down upon by others for using psychic abilities, and instead would strive to prove them all wrong about their assumptions.
  • @Brutalyte616
    I imagine that the Emperor would probably revise the Edict to allow the continued existence of the Librarius, but the Chaplaincy would probably still be implemented to appease Magnus's detractors by monitoring any and all psykers within the Legions for signs of corruption and disloyalty. It's entirely possible that the Chaplaincy may have even been expanded to include Blanks, with the Sisters of Silence being dispatched to supplement the Chaplaincy in the time it would take for such a force to be established. This would give the Emperor and Malcador eyes and ears in every Legion, limiting the Traitors' movements and suppressing the influence of Chaos, which could drastically affect how events would turn out for the Word Bearers, Emperor's Children, and even the Night Lords. This would also establish Blanks as a known and highly valued element in Imperial society, and they might have even been elevated to similar level of prestige as the Navigator Houses.
  • Rune Priests: We're not Psykers! We could just do everything a Psyker can do!
  • @noahturner6807
    The Only thing I am guilty of is the simple pursuit of knowledge.
  • @mdsx01
    One of the reasons Magnus found out about the treachery, as well as why he choose to warn the Emperor in a way that broke the Terran webway, was because he was desperate to prove that the edict was wrong. Without the Edict, the Sons would have been out campaigning, and Istvaan would have caught them off guard as well.
  • @ianwood5362
    As someone who more or less reads/listens to general lore my impression at the very least is Magnus probably would not have turned traitor since he was loyal to the Emperor and even hid the presence of the Imperial fleet from Prospero itself since he accepted the consequences of the Emperor's order of extermination for breaking the Edict of Nikea as well as destroying the web way project. It wasn't until he saw the ashes of his Legion and he was given an out that he flipped. Also could have been minimized in hindsight if the Emperor was more open about his project in general and the existence of the Warp in the first place since the Emperor's secrecy on a lot of things certainly help plant the seeds of many of the traitor legions leaving including Horus himself.
  • @Hawkens4k
    he definitely hear less chicken puns from The Skele-lord himself.
  • @Ainniseoir
    Another possible outcome to magnus' warning for the Emperor while causing the damage to the webway is that instead of sending rus to bring magnus in chains he could simply recall magnus directly therefore avoiding the burning of prospero. This could occur as the Emperor seeing magnus' actions (while still damaging his project) as good natured and simply trying to help.
  • @supercellodude
    Perhaps the Emperor could've pulled Magnus through the webway tear to sit on the gold porta-potty lighthouse while He amassed his forces to contain the daemons. Although the Thousand Sons would be inconvenienced by the loss of their primarch, Magnus could've started his penance while actually alive and relatively well instead of what happened to the Emperor post-heresy.
  • Corvus: all Psykers should be banned, they are a risk for the Imperium and Humanity at large! Magnus: why are you invisible all of a sudden? Corax: it's nothing! Nothing at all!
  • @dkakito
    Without the Council, Magnus may have been invited to work on the Human Webway project, as he was like, the 2nd strongest psyker there was