Episode 6 of The Acolyte is FRUSTRATING... (Review)

The Acolyte Episode 6 has arrived! And after a fantastic episode 5, does it live up to last week's quality...? No, it's a frustrating mess. Let's talk about it in my in-depth review!

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コメント (21)
  • One step forward... two steps back I guess. The Acolyte is so damn frustrating, but that's Star Wars I guess. Let me know in the comments below what you thought of Episode 6 - Come follow me on Twitter for all things Star Wars! - x.com/100PerStarWars
  • You know I get the feeling that they storyboarded up way more story and at some point someone came to the story team after the good idea fairy hit them up. That person who was visited by the good idea fairy then told them that they would have fit it into 30 minute episodes.
  • Its so sad, I was riding the high of episode 5, but looking back, episode five was like finding a half eaten cheeseburger in a pile of trash
  • I am not against sex and sexuality in Star Wars at all, but it feels weird when Disney is the one doing it. Disney is all for censoring strong female sexuality like Slave Leia bikini, but they will show this it just feels fake. They style themselves a prestige television program, such as House of the Dragon, but lack the quality and adult themes. 30 minute episodes are for Spongebob, not your "prestige television" series.
  • @eds1942
    The episode runtimes are really my only issue with the show so far. Well that and how the pov flashback episode was wedged in there. Binging through the episodes isn’t that bad, and easier to follow. But 30 minutes a week for a long format story is really frustrating. Basically, we get half an episode one week, and just when it feels like we should be going into the 3rd act, like most shows, where everything goes down, it’s over. And then we have to wait another whole week for the next episode to drop to finish what every non-Star Wars show would call a full episode of tv. This feels almost like Ahsoka. But with that show, they had maybe 90 minutes of content and chose to stretch it out by having every conversation have noted pauses in them, with people standing or siting around as if thinking what to say next while playing it safe, as well as tossed in a pointless, inconsequential and often nonsensical action scenes, and everyone came across as flat, and that was on top of these 30 - 35 minute episode runtimes. By the end of it, I felt empty on top of feeling like a wasted my time. But at least it wasn’t Kenodi.
  • @acbagel
    Everything ok sir? Missed your review last week! Hope you are in good physical and mental health
  • Watching both House of the Dragon & The Acolyte week to week has unfortunately shed a light on just how little we get from the characters in Star Wars shows on Disney+. It's unfortunate & Episode 6 of The Acolyte really suffered from this. I would've loved to spend the entire episode with Osha & Qimir seeing them build a relationship, slowly gain each other's trust, & just see where both their heads are... which would make the ending where she puts on the helmet so much more tragic.
  • I said on many reviews from Ep2 "I bet the green alien wife of the writer will be the big bad." (lazy writing) Well it looks like I was right. So Smile-O'ren is actually a Darth Maul character and Green wifey is a Sidious. 😓😫
  • They're making movies and cutting them up randomly to make episodes. This show would work much better if it were a 2 1/2 hour movie. Also they need to keep one damn director and writer doing every episode in a series. Otherwise there is no stylistic or tonal consistency. And for the love of god stop with the board room mandated reshoots. Get the thing mapped out and the script refined before you ever start shooting. If the board wants something changed do so then. Reshoots are to polish and help tidy up the film, not remake it into a Frankenstein monster.
  • very slow episode So Qimir was a Jedi(could be lying to create empathy with Osha) he must have done something to slow his aging i know the force does naturally grant extended lifespan but to keep your appearance youthful (dude looks around 30yrs your a padawan roughly in our teens Qimir said a long long time ago he was a Jedi) he must have learnt something Does Qimir want an apprentice or a wife? 🤷 I felt Sol took a bit too long to realise Mae had switched. Venestra definitely knows more than she's said
  • I liked the contrast between Sol restraining Mae and Qimir doing the opposite with Osha. Also, I think the implication is Sol knew it was Mae the entire time but he was playing dumb.
  • @DMBLaan
    I feel like after Disney+ started to REALLY push Star Wars into a TV format, but mostly after The Acolyte inparticular, we're seeing a 3rd major type of Star Wars fan. One that defends anything in their niche of Star Wars, like it's continuity, it's show, it's writers, etc, regardless of objective qualities.
  • I do think this show could be so much better than it is, but the actors playing Sol and Darth Smiley McGhee are doing well in my opinion. They teased the lightsaber whip so much just for it to be used as bug zapper is pretty disappointing
  • Never did I think there would be a Star Wars episode where an overgrown beaver taunts and then attacks someone in the engine room with stomps and bites, a pocket droid squirts oil in their face and said beaver then scurries away from the "battle" victorious. :_Tea: "If you attack a Jedi with a blade or lazer.. you will fail. Hence why I succeeded because I combined the two and created.. the Blazer!" - Smilo Ren
  • Here is my theory for how this ends. Qimir turns Osha to the dark side and he helps her kill Mae and Sol when they arrive. Qimir then disappears telling Osha to continue her training. Vernestra shows up and finds Sol and Mae dead and Osha wearing the Sith armor. Vernestra kills Osha and concludes that she was the fallen Jedi who trained Mae in secret. The two sisters wanted revenge for the massacre on Brendok which the Jedi somehow caused. Case closed to the Jedi and Qimir sneaks away. Many years later he takes another apprentice named Plagueis...
  • The fact is you can't clash about the ways of the Force, in a movie/TV show as well as in a book or video game. For what it's trying to do, that show is doomed to fail. You can't be as much in character thoughs as a book. You can make people think about choice and their implications as a compelling as a video game because in the video game, it is choices they made. Here, it just breaks the small amount of momentum the show as over and over again.
  • Not gonna lie, the ending Vader parallel genuinely made me angry. The character Osha doesn’t deserve it at all. I can get behind her questioning the Jedi way, but to go that far…
  • @Kyfas7
    I keep saying these writers suck at writing. Even with short run time many of the scenes you suggested could have been done without extencing the episodes by much.
  • Even I think binging X-Men: The Animated Series and Spider-Man: The Animated Series somehow feels less frustrating than this show. Well, the sooner the show ends its run, the sooner the algorithm finally stops spamming the show on my account, and for you, 100% Star Wars, to deliver original and non-frustrating content you and the audience shall enjoy making and seeing, even if they're shorts.