Extended video: Watch New York primary night speeches from George Latimer, Jamaal Bowman

Westchester County Executive George Latimer has defeated incumbent Jamaal Bowman in the New York Democratic primary race for District 16, CBS News projects.

コメント (21)
  • @Sbxallday
    So that cringe worthy display by AOC didn't push him to the victory? Shocking 😮
  • He cared more about Gaza than he did for his own people... he did not help his own...
  • Hopefully latimer stays centered and actually represents his constituents. Enough of these “squad” radical leftists who do NO GOOD for voters.
  • @gmh471
    They keep referring to Latimer as a "moderate" Democrat. People are going to quickly learn that Latimer is a solid progressive. However, the difference between Latimer and Bowman (and his ilk) is that Latimer understands who his constituents are and that his job is to produce results. Which has done for decades. Bowman will evaporate into the ether of history.
  • We are an enslaved nation. We have lost all our dignity and respect.
  • The way this Jamal Bowman Screams At the top of his lungs all the time , It's a wonder how we ever got in the first place.
  • @pamela174
    Will Latimer fall to prey of the evil squad? We'll see.
  • @bsmarsch
    This is hilarious. Not once did he discuss a single issue affecting NY-16. What a clown.