Halo - 2001 - 1 Hour of Blood Gulch Ambience - ASMR

Publicado 2023-12-08
Chief feels strangely at home in this picturesque canyon. Something tells him an innumerable amount of capture the flag style bouts, between similarly adorned Mjolnir combatants, were held here...

Todos los comentarios (14)
  • @IdroppedMyAR15
    Your toast has been burned, and no amount of scraping will remove the black parts.
  • @Peter-rx4dy
    Still the best halo. You can never beat it
  • it's not the same without the sounds of the rocket/grenade explosions, the sniper shots, the teleporters, the warthogs roaming engines or the narrator voices :(
  • @zrl1017
    This is what heaven must sound like
  • @LukeplaysTV
    this is like the only map i remember from this game, im 23 so i was rly young
  • My father showed me science fictior. He showed me ither worlds theur struggles. A humanity trapped in war with a deluded foe... Or a group of marines and a lone survvior come to destroy an outbreak of deadly parasites... Even showing me the struggles of a galaxy far far away. Thank you jason wade davis for showing me everything about these things you could. With what you taught me... I have become a jedi... Like my father before me. We stand against darkness because it is the way of our people. We stare into the night hoping enemies will come, so we can defeat then and bring peace forever. Fight the fear. It is because if you thst i was shown things thst taught ne how to be. It is because if you thst i took the title soartan, and faced every opponent ever. The reason i pushed to become as physically strong sd i could. For o moment i had forgotten where thst strength cane from. I had forgotten that emotion could make me ignore oain. I wondered why i could for so long. I had seen the spartans, fighting for humanity knowjng it was for naught. I had tried to be kioe then, defend uumanity. I had seen the failings of the jedi and sith, and learned thst balance of emotions comes from accepting both the kight and the dark. I learned that emotions are a source of power and that confliction leads to weakness. Both the power of the goodness inside, and the true oower of the dark side... I learned what sacrifce was, what honor was, and what justice should be. Many oeople think i am very foolish to decide thst i would fight for a worod like ours to dtay free and beatiful... But those people have ignored what those stories have been telling us is right. Life is meaningless until you make it, why not oush others forward? And when someone would return us to darkness, wouldnt you stand against them? For me the answer is yes. I will face any foe if it neans delaying their victory even by a decond. It is the eay of my booodline... We give ourselves so thst others can find the joy of kife... We fight for humanity, we protect the innocent and bring baoance to the force, we fight the fear. We are the luke skywalkers, and the seargeant forges. We are the clones built for war, somehow finding humanity in the violence, and we are the darth vaders, theowing aside our decades of torment to finnally save our children. We... Are the lone wolves, the last jedi, the ones you wake... When you need them. This is soartan g069 Richard (RichardFalus, dEaDmAn42000, J0RDYPLAYZGAM3Z) remind you that there is still a reason to go on. When you feel it was all for nothing... Remember reach. Remember those who feel. Remember how hard they fought even as they knew it wasnt gonna make it haooen, they wouldnt make it out. Remember what it measn to burn brightly, to be unwatched by any one solider. My father taught me to be strong, and because he did... I will never let humanities light go out. We work in the darkness to sevre the kight. We fight to bring balance to the firce. We give iur kives to orotect yumaity, and stop the covenant. No matter what enemy you face, dont give up. Give your life knowing there would be no better way to spend that moment knowing you stood between your friends and darkness

    Wake up john. We need you