[Auric Exercise] Introducing the phenomenological method of "meditative trance"

Published 2023-09-28

All Comments (3)
  • @michaelmack9168
    ❤❤❤-- love the video as well 😍 I would just say shortly. not too long a comment. informal/ intuitive sorry for the grammer, I little tired/ non-conscientious right now to care about that level of detail that after i said I felt some level of commitment to meta-ethical parameterizations and CTMU phenmonoloical phases. Where I am trying to subordinate my cognition to generalize perceptual utility that creates an opportunity to help another individual with universal love or compassion a situation shortly thereafter came into my life with a synchronicity that affirmed to me that the inten(t)sion extension coupling of the intention of my identity to telic recursively couple meaning of this situation to a meta- programatic top down systemizing of this current exp for the bottom up emergance of the possiblility to help and of to practice meta-ethics I find myslef trying to make my intentions pure of other motivations such as 1) doing it for fame 2) Doing it for glory 3) doing it for so-called biological R or K mating stratagems. Or maybe a better term is instead of only biological parameterizations a 'spiritually immaterial quantization' is needed to address a higher level of unity from the perspective of an ignorant person such as myself. 4) Doing it for a lie 5) doing it to max my freedom at the cost of this person. Wherein I am trying to maximize this person's freedom without interfering with their life plan. while trying to help them out of their bad sitaution in life. it feels as though as it was meant to happen. it kinda scared me if I am to be honest. much love michael