[Intermediate] Solving the “hard problem”: Part 8: Introducing the LMS (logico-mathematical syntax)

Published 2024-01-27

All Comments (5)
  • @michaelmack9168
    personal testimony( becayse of the content I dont know if what I said makes any sense. it is difficult for me to think about this stuff) I know that I talked about my trauma several times before. being humiliated while being bullied and betrayed while no one else does anything to help; being trapped in a corner of the bus and being abused and betrayed by a guardian angel that was supposed to protect me from the bully, back in my elementary school days. and being forced to believe that I was not worthy to exist and that everything was my fault. i wont get too detailed because it still hurts and it would be a tangent from what I feel I am trying to say. I feel that too often there is this idea that to suffer is to have no dignity under the respect of having to 'hide' your suffering in order to have friends. But I feel that is wrong and that is dehumanizing. so it is one reason I am sharing. but also sharing because I have a deep emotional affinity for this youtube channel. I feel that when people can share their suffering in a 'healer group setting' it can optimize the chance that a person can feel love and worthy to exist. using facial; modifying facial expressions based on how a traumatized person reacts to love or help, verbal; tonality of voice, gestural and intentionality of 'structural perserving morphisms'. while continually analyzing the overall human body and non-classical communicative cues from said person. ( I am aware of 'classical game theoretic paradoxes' with bad faith players even if the traumatized person is a said bad faith player). I just want to love more people, but I am definitely naive about how to do this. and have been hurt by trying to love people who are deeply traumatized. In a different instant, I just remember my friend being forced to beg for mercy by a crowd of people vs him. and I felt so helpless because I felt that if i did anything it would increase his suffering and that I would get hurt as well. but at the same time I had very limited compassion for the 'group hierarchy of bullies'. he is also deeply suffering, more than me and i cant even hold a job bceause of my truama. I regret not being more loving to him. but at the same time people reject love when they feel worthless. so I should have been more wise back than. (I suspect Alcohol/beer and so on that he used to try to stop the pain.) I didnt care that he was 'mentally disabled'. He was sufffering so much that even if i tried to help him when we were alone he would reject my help because i feel that he felt so worthless. I miss him to this day. We just grew apart because of diff cities. and i guess this is a confession on my part as well. It is in this 'group incoherant disjointed unity' in various instances of it occuring, in me as well, that when people are disjointed from their magical personality or fundamental identity* from a 'immature ignorance/randomity' first-person perspective i feel like it creates so much suffering where domination is justified under a so called 'proof theory and false meta formal system' . and I dont know what to do. I've been really trying to protect my perceptual utility of cognition from coercion so I can help others. Been trying to maximize stratified self-referential distribution of my existance on the level of meta-cognative relationship with myself; to stay coherent and not delusional. but at the same time I dont even know what I am thinking anymore because maybe I am integrating too fast and my trauma might be catching up to me. talk to you guys next vid, much love. ❤❤❤
  • @alexeyprofi3951
    I think our brain perceives information as a whole/undivided and then search for informational patterns which are objects. Non-dualists are referring to the first stage of perception as being the true one
  • @Suzisart
    Press your ear against a tree then you can hear its life force,water ,wind and fire. This is audibly possible for the human to hear.