Did Catholics Make Up Purgatory?

Published 2020-08-26
What happens after we die? For Catholics, we believe that we will be judged and placed in either heaven or hell, but that those welcomed to heaven might have to take a stop along the way in purgatory. What do we know about this place, and did this doctrine come from?

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All Comments (21)
  • I was close to suicide, I cried out to Jesus before I was going to do it begging for His forgiveness. His Holy Spirit arrived and He showed me His own grief, my families grief, of losing my life to this fallen world, it was so so sad that I could never..it was way more intense and painful than my own feelings, I never felt suicidal again. I'm grateful for how vulnerable the Lord was with me 🙏 But I asked the Lord, where would I have gone? He revealed to me a place that was separate from Him, not torture like hell but very..very...very lonely. I would've been walking around alone for quite some time, but not forever. Sounds like purgatory. Thank You Jesus for saving me, I'd much rather be here worshipping you till the time comes that You take me home ❤🙌
  • I am currently converting to Catholicism from Pentecostal. Your videos have help me so much. God bless you my brother
  • @xsiunnu
    As a young boy we learned about purgatory in CCD class. On the way home I saw a sign outside the airport that read, "Daily flights to purgatory, $40". I immediately asked my mom if we could go and visit grandma (who had recently passed). Needless to say, we didn't visit grandma.
  • @timo191
    To be honest, aren't 99% of us in need of further "refinement"?
  • @JimRosipkoRN
    I had prayed to the Heavenly Father about not understanding Purgatory and about my faith regarding Purgatory. And my prayer was answer so quickly, I signed into You Tube and I follow "Breaking in the Habit" It was just About a couple hours before I saw this video, Thank you Father Casey.
  • @reemsuekar8112
    Saints live their Purgatory on Earth, they want to go Home ASAP.
  • @thisboy6916
    It's like a fruit, if it's clean you eat it, if it's rotten you throw it away, but if it's slightly dirty you clean it before eating it.
  • @sammusawi9458
    2 Timothy 4:3: For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
  • @noahbenson29
    ***TO CASEY COLE: Your channel has been a great resource for me to learn more about Catholicism and about the history of Christianity! I am one of the most protestant people I know, though as I've learned more about Catholicism, I've come to appreciate the Catholic tradition so much more. I greatly appreciate how Catholicism is rooted in Christian history, and helps show the story of the church's development. You should do a live Q+A sometime on your channel so viewers can ask more questions about our faith and its history!!!!!! Thank you for the information and encouragement you have provided through your videos
  • @davidfinch7407
    I think I read somewhere that Jesus already paid the full price for my sins. That would mean that if I have faith and accept his salvation, I am already purified by God himself, and no further payment is necessary. How can we say to Jesus: "Nice try- but your death on the Cross wasn't quite enough to cleanse my sins." Of course, even as Christians, we are still flawed. But that's the power of the blood of Jesus- all our imperfections are instantly cleansed when we are accepted in God's Kingdom, and we become literally flawless. I understand that this is such an incredible gift, people have trouble understanding how it could possibly be true. "Surely, there is some sacrifice I still need to make to earn my way into Heaven." NO! There is nothing we can do, nor need to do; it's all been done for us by Jesus. He has that power! My God is an awesome God!
  • How convenient that the qualifications to get into heaven shift to whatever is the most socially acceptable in the current year, God really is a flexible guy!!
  • Thank you for explaining this so well. I am a Lutheran so I "kind of" understand some of the practices but other things I have no clue..lol. I have family that converted to Catholicism and many friends from childhood and as an adult, meeting friends all over who were catholics. All that being said, not a single person in my life has been able to it explain this so clearly. Thank you.
  • @joandondero1736
    Thank you! I’m a practicing Roman Catholic, & I needed more info about Purgatory. I have Catholic masses said for my loved ones, who passed, every year. I will see them again, someday. I believe. 🙏🏼
  • @loridavis7086
    I’m not Catholic, but this is a beautiful concept… to have a time of further repentance and purification before entering His perfect and Holy presence doesn’t at all make the grace of His Atonement any less true or powerful. For me, the beauty of His grace is not only in that it saves me, but is in how it changes me … that His Spirit comes into my heart and changes it … transforms the fallen natural man me into a more spiritual being thru the process of repentance, whch is the process of purification & sanctification thru the Holy Ghost. Having a sinful nature doesn’t bring us happiness. So part of the beauty and majesty of His grace is that He changes me so that I can let go of the miserable, self-centered me and experience pure joy along w/ His pure love. For me, I want to be as pure as I can be when I stand in His presence… not b/c that is what saves me, but b/c I love Him.
  • Only Roman Church members go to purgatory to get straighten out on Christianity. The rest of us go straight to Heaven.
  • Thank you so much for teaching us the basics of our faith... or at the least, reminding us of what is the bases of our faith. I look forward to being a better Catholic because of your works here. Thank you again and God Bless!!!
  • It seems like people get tripped up on the verbage, because opponents like to argue it is not in the bible. The word Purgatory may not be in there, but the concept is.
  • @DANtheMANofSIPA
    5:00 This is the reason protestants took out the books of Macabees. Because for a group of people who believe it must be in scripture to be true, it upholds our doctrine while being in actual scripture. They rectify this by simply removing it from their scripture
  • @10world.49
    Believe in Jesus Christ, He has finished the work of redemption for us. It is finished, just believe.