Simple Tips to Help You Approach Easter Sweets With Your Kids

Published 2021-04-01
Easter is right around the corner, and like most holidays, it comes hand-in-hand with a higher volume of sweets and treats.
For many parents, this can equal higher stress - and if you’ve found yourself in this boat, I want you to know you’re not alone!
The tendency might be to tightly regulate the sweets kids get on candy-centered holidays, like Easter, or any special occasion where there is a higher volume of sweets available.
But for many children, seeing a higher volume of sweets but then not having access or permission to eat those sweets might trigger a preoccupation and obsession around them.
Ultimately, to help our children learn how to self-regulate their intake of sweets and all foods, we need to start giving them opportunities in our home. Holidays and special occasions that by default, include a higher volume of sweets, can be a great opportunity to help our children learn how to do this in real life.
So rather than limiting sweets, banishing them, hiding them, or trading them for toys after a candy-filled holiday, I want you to consider this alternative: Let them eat the candy.
Yes, like actually eating it and learning what it feels like to have a higher volume of sweets without being micromanaged or warned that too much candy is going to make them sick.
Children need these opportunities to learn what feels best in their bodies.
This is a key part of preserving their innate intuitive eating abilities.
Now, I know this can be a scary experience, so I want to give you some practical steps you can take to approach candy and sweets on the holiday.
Because I recognize that the amount of candy your children might get on a holiday like Easter is different than the every day candy they might be exposed to in your home. They’re likely going to get a ton of stuff they might not see very often or year-round. And they’re getting a volume of candy that they’re not used to having either.
Check out the video for tips on how to approach sweets on holidays or read the full blog post here →…
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All Comments (3)
  • I'm crying right now because I'm the mom that hides/throws away my kids candy from holidays and birthday parties. I'm going to try your tip to have them involved on deciding where in the pantry to store their candy. Thank you!
  • @kotake13
    my daughter is 2. I guess im wondering what to say to her when she wants to open chocolate, take one bite, and then open more chocolate without finishing what she started. Is there a non disordered way to ask her to open one at a time and not open the next one until she finishes the first one? I'm not trying to restrict, just trying to reduce waste.