We're jumping back into the scary world of AMNESIA!! People are still making custom stories about this game so let's dive into one of the best!
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コメント (21)
  • @emb020803
    Use me as a "Ive aleady woken up to this video multiple times " Button
  • @_xio33
    bro i dont understand why i always end up on this video after falling asleep and waking up hours later
  • @umbralbonsai
    Idk how i keep coming here I just leave my yt playing in my sleep, and no matter what i watch, whether its lazymatman playing the binding of isaac or lobotomy corporation or rven something else i always wake up back to this one video
  • You know a game is old when the REVISITED stream is 4 and a half years old
  • Markiplier, I know you're probably not going to see this comment, but I figured I would try. If you do by chance see this and you could consider my following suggestion that would be all I ask. So a while back, you played a game called "It Moves." Now it's a creepypasta game. I remember you only played the demo. You said to yourself that the game had given you chills that not many games can do. All I'm asking is that you play the full game. I'm asking this because I want to know what happens, but I don't want to watch any other YouTuber play it. It would mean so much if you were able to consider playing the full version. I know you must be very busy, I and your fans appreciate everything you do. I just thought that even if it's a 1 out of 100 chance you would see and read this to the end, that alone is worth the chance. I can only hope you at least consider this suggestion. Thank you for everything you do, Mark!
  • 7:23 Just a little time stamp for when the vid starts Edit: 💖hey guys thanks for the li- SIKE. just keep thanking me and watch the video i
  • @Hunterx787x
    Here in 2023, it’s so cute hearing Mark talk about his “big projects” with those “big projects” finally being out!! Shows how much he put into a heist with mark and in space with mark
  • @paperman7560
    I like how Amnesia and its community love this slow paced horror. You hear a lot and read many diary entries and such, over an hour before you have the first actual encounter - and usually, nothing can happen to you because it's scripted that way. Still, it comes sudden and you're never prepared, freaking out completely without a real reason to. :')
  • Only true fans will remember the one, the only, Tiny Box Tim
  • 7:22 since Mark never added the time stamp to the description like he said he would. 😂
  • @camsaturn
    Mark: “ some kind of feasting hall. Do they still have feasting halls?” Me: cafeterias?
  • I fell asleep watching this and suddenly woke up to Mark's screaming at 41:06 Let me tell you that is not a nice thing to randomly wake up to at 3am
  • @zalatro
    I love how there are still people finding this live stream years later.
  • @rolcaza
    i love how when he's talking about the "big project" he's working on, that was probably a heist with markiplier
  • The beauty of revisiting Amnesia, is what we all see now, it was once just a great game for many reasons. Content, Lore, Story, General Horror and laughs... Now we see it as the beginning of a fantastic YouTube Creator. We see it as the start of your effervescent personality. Thanks to Mark for just being awesome and Creating amazing videos and being a friend of many.
  • @CuzCuzBoy69
    After almost a decade, Markiplier reunites with Tiny Box Tim
  • Mark: i don’t want chica’s face to ruin the ambiance Also Mark: SaMmY bOyYY¡