【Japanes guy】Explained what Natto taste like in English

Publicado 2022-10-10

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @inorrbotten1
    I was really nervous to try natto, mostly because I usually don't like slimy textures. It tastes really good though, and the texture kind of reminded me of melted cheese. Flavor wise... A bit bready, like some beers can taste, and rich in umami. Great with some soy sauce and rice!
  • @Agent_Eli
    That’s actually a very beautiful metaphor for anything that is an acquired taste.
  • @jerymarika
    I love natto, I always eat it when I find it. But it's true, the first time it wasn't that good, but I kept eating it and it got better and better!
  • This guy is hilarious. If I tried something once and didn't like it, there would be no other chances, shy friend or not!
  • @blutimberry
    What Does Natto Taste Like? It varies by the batch and fermentation process, but the taste has been compared to salty cottage cheese, foie gras, or old Brie. Some have even described natto's flavor as reminiscent of bacon, but earthier.
  • @Eyl279
    Now that I have watched your video, yes, yes I think I will visit natto world.
  • @bored4631
    I wanna try natto! I can't find it anywhere! >:( I'll MAKE it if I have to!!
  • @mikaellindberg93
    I just tried Natto for the first time, as I've fermented it at home. It's surprisingly okay at first taste. I think it tastes mostly of soy beans, which is a very mild flavour, with some weird umami taste for the actual bacteria. I ate a small portion of it without problems, although I've heard it's better after refrigerating for a while and with some rice. Will try that tomorrow
  • @bigmack1992
    We often call something like that an "aquired taste". It takes many tries to like some things. Thank you for your videos. I've been watching so many of them!
  • @jade7381
    For the curious..Spar 🇿🇦 has Natto in the health section freezer
  • I’ve heard two sides It tastes like regular beans but just a bit more like vinegary and stuff And then that it tastes like blue cheese which one is true bc if it tastes like blue cheese hell no but if not I’ll try it Texture not a problem for me
  • @sylowlover
    I personally don't like to stir my natto that much, i like it better when it's just folded a few times. I'd describe the flavour like a muted coffee, and also a little salty and sour when you put the sauces in? It's not a very strong flavour but it's nice.
  • @ricanthony13
    Its like eating the bitter soy bean out of a fermenting soy bean sauce.
  • @taemeister9302
    When i first tried natto in college, i hated it very much. I couldn't understand why anyone would eat it. Fast forward 22 years.... 1 year ago, I bought a pack of Shirakiku Kotsubu natto because i needed to eat something healthy. 1st box, i didn't like it. 2nd box, i felt it was wasteful not to eat the natto so i ate it with rice for the first time. I liked it. I understood why Japanese people use it as a side dish. 3rd box, i ate it with miso soup and rice. I became addicted to natto. Now, i eat natto almost everyday with rice. I can't understand why i didn't like it before. I now love the smell, the taste, the texture, everything.
  • My wife, daughter and I tried natto for the first time this morning. I liked it, my daughter tolerated it and my wife is so repulsed she doesn’t even want to look at it.