Do This Before 2024 To Change Your Life. The Only Way To Quickly Make Progress In Life | Gabor Maté

Published 2022-12-08
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On Today's Episode:

Living your life with meaning and purpose can sound like wishful thinking. You want to know that you matter and that what you put your energy and effort into, whether it's work, relationships, or building something, that it also matters.

Gabor Mate is known for expertise on addiction, trauma, and childhood development. His recent book, The Myth of Normal, looks intently into Western culture and how far we actually are from living a meaningful and purposeful life. The trauma you experienced and the illness you suffer with are all connected, and tied to understanding who you really are, and what it will take to unlock life’s meaning for you.

This episode is a deep dive into the mind of Gabor Mate that you’ll want to take time to unpack to really explore your truth, what your experiences were and how they continue to show up in your life today.


“What really lights my fire is truth. I just want to know the truth, whatever that is.” [7:59]

“There’s lots of facts out there, but truth is much larger than facts. It’s integrating the facts in a picture of reality.” [13:17]

“A life without truth is not a meaningful life.” [17:59]

“Emotions are not separable from our physiology. The nervous system and immune system, [...] they’re all one apparatus. When something happens in one area something happens in the other area as well.” [51:10

“Our thoughts are in the lead, so whatever our thoughts tell us is the reality that we see, so essentially with our minds we create the world.” [1:08:39]

“In this culture the norm is neither healthy nor is it natural, in fact, the norm is making us sick.” [1:55:23]

“Giving and receiving and connection are values and people gain wealth by giving not by gathering and taking from others.” [2:21:06]

Follow Gabor Mate:
YouTube:    / @drgabormate9132  

All Comments (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
    WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
  • I sent Gabor a long email several years ago, to my amazement he replied within 24 hours. It meant so much, he is an amazing human. I was a nobody, A 53 year old junkie. He was so kind. I am now free of heroin, have been for almost 25 years.. god bless him
  • Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe.You're strong. You got this . Take it day by day.
  • @ktorpie
    5 minutes into the interview, Gabor asked a question that is exactly the question I was confronted with years ago when a drunk driver completely upended my fiercely independent, adventurous lifestyle. In a single unanticipated moment, my body, my face, and my brain were seriously damaged. But my spirit survived! After 3 weeks on life support in ICU, and 4 months in a hospital bed, I returned home alone unable to walk without a walker. Every bone in my facial skeleton was shattered. I didn't look like me, didn't think like me, and couldn't do any of the things I once did. I had no idea who I was any more. I survived, but what for? Ironically, it was on that journey that I discovered who I was beyond any of the qualities that I had always based my identity on. My journalling became a book (Losing Face; A Memoir of Lost Identity and Self Discovery) and the book led to years of speaking at major Healthcare conferences around the world about the patient journey and the interconnectedness of the patient experience and the clinician experience. Now I will continue with this video and see how Gabor and Tom answer that question. Thank you both!
  • @stayfocused1041
    I started to watch this video as I am a great admirer of Dr Gabor Mate. I could not go to the end, as the host is so full of himself, a perfect illustration of too many people of his generation: I, ME and MYSELF. Probably a nice person, but soooooooooooo much work to do. Keep on!
  • Tom, this is the best interview I've seen with Dr. Mate. He was my physician for 18 years in Vancouver. He is so insightful and kind, hasn't changed a bit. Thank you Dr Mate for all you do.
  • @annthhallaaa5819
    I once had a spiritual experience I will never forget. I was grieving the loss of my father and I didn’t eat, hardly drank and slept very poorly. I was sitting by the kitchen table for hours with my grief when I suddenly thought: “ If I were to feel even worse than this, I feel like I would cease to exist.” After this thought, absolutely all matter and all space in between the matter turned into love. Every cell in my body was love. Everything flooded in love and I said out loud: “ Wow!” My sudden harmony multiplied with a million and it was not a feeling, it was a state of being. I have always thought that I will meet my father again in the form of soul. It was a true blessing, I wish anyone who suffers will experience.
  • I am a continuous care hospice nurse. I am at the bedside of the actively dying patient on my 12 hour shift. To hear Dr. Gabor speak on palliative care is truly a blessing. Thank you for your compassion and work.
  • Realization...In childhood, I did not learn self-regulation. I was treated as property and was expected to take care of the needs and emotions of my parents. I had no dreams, thoughts, or happiness for myself. My world was extrinsically motivated. I wanted my parent's love and acceptance at any price. I did not know how to think or choose. I just kept trying to figure out how to keep my parents happy so they would love me. This is a recipe for an empty adult. I can choose now. I can learn how to self-regulate now. I can heal now.
  • @Armus187
    Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.
  • @stevenpeck3784
    My god Its 1am here in Australia and Im going through the strangest time of my life. Im 58 yrs old male am going through a life changing experience when I thought there was no way out. I was listening to Rich Roll then was searching and stumbled across this interview. I cant stop crying. My father was killed in a mining accident when I was 14 ,Ive always felt alone. Thankyou both so much, Ill listen to this every night when everyone is asleep. I now hopefully can be a good father to my children that have suffered and are in a similar pattern to my life. I feel blessed
  • I did not hit my kids or use time out. I listened and honored their thoughts and emotions with a firm hand but loving understanding. They listened to my NOs bc I didn't say them unless absolutely necessary. My kids r more creative than I could have dreamed. All grown up. Dr. Mate is right.
  • @aylen3322
    I love that he’s doing this interview in his regular house with disheveled books in the background. Thanks for staying human Gabor….. not letting the limelight steal your humbleness:)
  • This is so healing. I’m in my 60s and wish we had this knowledge when I was young so I didn’t stay trapped in my childhood trauma all these years. Every day is an opportunity to heal and podcasts like this steer me in the right direction. Love to Gabor❤ thanks Tom for having him on.
  • @YashoShasho
    “Nobody is who they think they are. They are beyond that.” Well said. It is liberating to not have so much internal resistance and to expand as we age.
  • There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why ❤
  • Gabor's questions are so profound. I was also thinking the same question when Tom talked about working hard. 26 years ago I received a diagnoses of a rare and uncurable disease, and was given max 7 years to live. I decided to not let that be my death sentence. I turned everything around, thinking what is it I can do. Now 26 years later I am a holistic healer, a yoga teacher and a coach for spiritual change. We just need to change our perspective. Btw all my doctors think I'm a miracle. I believe this was exactly how it was meant to happen. We come here with a script, it is up to us what we make out of it.
  • Gabor is beyond amazing. His patience in dealing with this guy is beyond belief. Tom is so in his head and constantly looking for solutions in neatly wrapped packages. You need to relax dude.
  • @aridivina
    What a contrast. Gabor Maté’s free flowing wisdom and truth and Tom Bilyeu’s transactional thirst for information.
  • I’m a black female and I was stressed in the womb all the way till this day…52yo. single, single parent, as result of this toxic system…and there’s not a lot of hope. There’s faith…there’s obedience…gratitude for all I have accomplished, there’s deep sadness for having an estranged son, my only child there’s belief in Jesus. Amen. ✝️🙏🏽💜