This Is Why You FEEL LOST, LAZY & UNMOTIVATED In Life... | Brené Brown

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This is audio podcast number #536 with Brené Brown

Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation-Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past sixteen years studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy and is the author of three #1 New York Times bestsellers – The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly and Rising Strong. Her latest book, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and The Courage to Stand Alone, will be released Fall 2017. Brené’s TED talk – The Power of Vulnerability – is one of the top five most viewed TED talks in the world with over 30 million views. In addition to her research and writing, Brené is the Founder and CEO of BRAVE LEADERS INC – an organization that brings empirically-based courage-building programs to teams, leaders, entrepreneurs, change-makers, and culture shifters. Brené lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband, Steve, and their children, Ellen and Charlie.

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Lewis Howes' New Book - The Mask of Masculinity
Lewis Howes is a NY Times Bestselling author, entrepreneur, and former professional Arena League football player. He hosts The School of Greatness, a talk show distributed as a podcast. Learn and hear the stories of various successful people around the world, become inspired, motivated and educated with the SCHOOL OF GREATNESS.
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コメント (21)
  • About 10 days after this was published I attempted to take my own life. After some recovery, a friend suggested watching Ted talks - I used them as a distraction to take my mind from my life. Then, I found Brené's talk on vulnerability and shame. I wanted to hear more and so found this interview with Lewis. Through Lewis, I found Tom Bileyu. These people have guided in changing my mindset and are helping me to save my life.
  • The way she stops to think before she answers - so natural and sincere. <3
  • @sharlawells7829
    “I belong everywhere I go, no matter where it is or who I’m with, as long as I never betray myself. And the minute I become who you want me to be, in order to fit in and make sure people like me, is the moment I no longer belong anywhere.” - Brene Brown Wow! That’s life changing!
  • To the 1% reading this... I wish you nothing but prosperity and success <3
  • I love how she has the courage and the confidence to take the time she needs to answer a question. By letting the Silence BE she gives even more POWER to her message. #INSPIRING
  • So proud of Louis for being publicly open about being sexually abused. This happened to my husband when he was around 11 or 12. After a few years of dating he told me, "I have to tell you something and you may not want to be with me after you hear this." He told me how this friend of his uncle's convinced him to sleep without anything on and then he woke up to the man raping him. OMG, my heart went out to him so deeply. How could he think I wouldn't want to be with me because some rapist took advantage of him when he was a kid? I felt so bad for him that he carried a false sense of shame about this for so many years. It wasn't his fault! Why did he feel responsible for the depravity of another human being? Please know that if you were ever abused as a child, IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT!
  • There is one simple word to tell who you are, Brene and Lewis: you are LIGHTWORKERS.
  • "I belong everywhere I go, no matter where it is or who I'm with, as long as I never betray myself."
  • @slivertoe
    "The opposite of belonging is fitting in." That's... I have no words. Wow.
  • This interviewer is so filled with love it's just amazing. And he is actually humble.
  • I'm helping my inner child by listening to this and re-mothering myself
  • How incredibly real, humble and inspiring. Why don't we have people like this running our government??
  • I've watched Brene Brown interviews for a few years now. This is by far one of the best, engaging, and authentic interview I have watched. I am not familiar with the interviewer but he just gained a fan. Great listener, excellent follow up questions, just overall superb job.
  • Ugh telling your kids “you always belong here” made me cry I grew up in a family of 7 and none of us ever felt like we belonged I am a mama of three boys and I will always remember to integrate this and instill this into them that we value them and love them no matter what! I also love how true you are to yourself the way that you admit to being a chameleon and how you practice not trying to be who others WANT you to be in order to belong, wow such an amazing and admirable VOICE you have thank you for being authentic and raw. ❤️🙏🏼
  • @pe9147
    “Belonging is the courage to stand alone and to belong to yourself above all else”
  • I have been the lowest I have ever been in my life recently. I've been soo vulnerable it has been hard to talk to anyone at all but I started speaking to someone I know from decade ago that called me brave. I didn't see what he meant until I listened to this. I shouldn't be ashamed of being vulnerable it is my strength
  • Who else discovered this in 2020!? 100% Necessary especially with all that is going on. Thank you!
  • I've known Brene's talks and books for some time and I really love her work and personality. But in this talk I am especially impressed by and grateful towards Lewis. It almost never happens that a man openly lets himself be truely seen in front of other people. Sharing your story and owning it shows such a great amount of currage and strength!!! Thank you so much for you're honesty! I love belonging to a generation where men start to come back to life emotionally and claim the right to feel and love and connect authentically. As far as I know, Lewis has not yet been interviewd by Oprah, I'd love to see that interview...