Roboute Guilliman - The Greatest Primarch

Published 2023-01-20
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Yeah I like the Blueberry Wonder what're you gonna do about it?

0:00 - Intro
1:40 - Early Life
4:43 - Great Crusade
8:44 - Horus Heresy
11:47 - HE'S BACK BABY
16:24 - Why He's the Best
22:13 - Do or Don't: Robot Guiltyspark
26:58 - Conclusion
27:28 - I beg of you GW please

Rise of Nations - Dark Forest
Halo CE - Under Cover of Night
FTL: Faster than Light - Space Cruise, Milk Way (Explore), Engi (Explore)
Age of Mythology - Adult Swim, Chocolate Outline, Eat Your Potatoes
Domina - Domina
Rome: Total War - Warrior March

All Comments (21)
  • @Dirtnap12
    Turns out the easiest way to make an effective primarch is a stable childhood. Who'd have thought?
  • @BTM8109
    Tarasha: Open wide Bobby, here comes the airplane! Lil' Roboute: Ridiculous mother, my mashed peas do not possess the necessary velocity for atmospheric flight
  • I think Bricky summed it up Guilliman perfectly: "What made Roboute boring during the Horus Heresy, is what makes him so compelling now."
  • @MrTawnyMan
    "Giving Guilliman any amount of time to breath and form a strategy means you've already lost the battle" I love that line.
  • @myself2noone
    I feel like the Horus Heresy is all one big story about why growing up in a two-parent household is important.
  • @fionn2220
    Favorite Guilliman moment personally is when he couldn't look Dante in the eye because he was wearing Sanguinius' death mask as a helmet. Robutes so fucked up by not being on terra in time to save his brother he cant even make eye contact with a blood angel wearing a mask that looks like him.
  • @bobross7005
    ‘We are all our father’s sons,’ he said. ‘You are all facets of the Emperor,’ Kor Phaeron amended. ‘You are aspects pulled from a genetic primer. The Lion is your father’s rationality – his analytical skill – unburdened by conscience. Magnus is his psychic potential and eager mind, unrestrained by patience. Russ is his ferocity, untempered by reason. Even Horus...’ ‘Go on,’ Lorgar said, looking up now. ‘What of Horus?’ ‘The Emperor’s ambition, unshaped by humility. Think of all the worlds where our Legion waged war alongside the Luna Wolves. You’ve seen it as well as I have. Horus hides his arrogance, but it is there – a layer beneath his skin, a shroud around his soul. Pride beats through his body like blood.’ ‘And Guilliman?’ Lorgar let his hands rest on his knees again. A smile inched across his features. ‘Guilliman.’ Kor Phaeron’s narrow lips moulded into a grimace, opposing his primarch’s smirk. ‘Guilliman is your father’s echo, heart and soul. If all else went wrong, he would be heir to the empire. Horus is the brightest star and you carry your father’s face, but Guilliman’s heart and soul are cast in the Emperor’s image.’
  • "Roboute guiliman is my favorite primarch" -eldar fan Yeah that explains a lot
  • @iang257
    Some notable things I kinda remember: 1: Guilliman got so angry when shot into space (and the betrayal) it was legit DOOM. 2: Guilliman tore through a window through space and time to save his Mom 3: When he woke up, all the fighting legit stopped and they all stared in awe at him getting up. Before one Khorne berserker tried to kill him, but well that berserker got whacked.
  • I’d say jagadahai khan is the greatest for loyalists as he was just a well of complexity mixed with the the greatest roasts of all primarchs. “Fight for a father I never loved against a brother I did. Fight for an army that never wanted me against an army that’d have me in a heart beat” is his best quote along with his heart touching wish for magnus to tell him how to fix him.
  • Gulliman is also very good at improvising. When he was ambushed by 10 alpha legion space marines and was unarmed, he had to fight his way to safety like Jackie Chan. He threw his table, ink pot, paperweight and whatever he got in his hand to buy time to steal a weapon from them.
  • @KurtTransem
    The gist of what I learned from this video: Rowboat Gorillaman is not particularly imaginative, but he is extremely adaptable and surprisingly grounded for what may as well be a demigod.
  • Guillliman is the most tragic charecter in the setting because he gives you hope it could be better
  • Gulliman is the middle child of the primarchs he’s mentally, emotionally stable and proved to be reliable general so nobody payed that much attention he had the freedom to pretty much do what he wanted and no one seems to question that ultramar was his own personal empire in the imperium.
  • @robotsix6268
    Superhuman by human standards but human by Primarch standards. Roboute is the ultimate example of nurture beating nature. Gifted people crash hard when they start losing.
  • @TheSpicyLeg
    Ah, yes, Guilliman. Can never get too far away from him in any lore discussion. What’s amusing about Guilliman is that insofar as people love grim dark, Guilliman doesn’t quite fit it. No one misconstrues what is going to happen when Angron shows up on a planet with a band of screaming World Eaters, or Logan Grimnar ends up anywhere near an Inquisitor. We intuitively expect characters to be murder hobos, big battles, much dying. And there are grudges from thousands of years ago, or undead killing machines, or simply getting murdered for no real reason at all. That’s what we expect from 40k. But none of that is really Guilliman. Sure, he’s a Primarch, so he will kill with astounding ability, but Guilliman is not spoken of as a warrior like say, Sanguinius, Fulgrim, or even Corax. He isn’t on some grudge match like a Leman Russ or Corax, he isn’t on some secret mission or on some incomprehensible goal, his legion is almost boringly vanilla. Guilliman is basically a boring character as 40k characters go. Yet it is exactly this that makes Guilliman interesting to people. Guilliman would fit in to the real world where no other Primarch would, aside from his size and whatnot. He is as close to a normal human in reality than most 40k humans, to say nothing of primarchs. He is as civilized as they come. It’s just weird.
  • I hate to give Kor Phaeron any respect, but taking a punch from a Primarch and living to tell the tale is pretty impressive, especially for a man his age.
  • @engine4403
    "A cyber cherub clattered in a clumsy search pattern around the scriptorium on metal wings. Such things were grotesque, techno-alchemy far removed from the purer machinery of his day. The madness of Mars had infected everything; The cherub’s emerald eyes flashed at each word. The sensibilities of this age did not appeal to Guilliman. Hateful art for a hateful time; The primarch watched it go back to its roost with critical eyes. The wings were more than adornment; from the sound of it, there was not enough lift in the gravity impeller to keep it aloft. The machines of this millennium were crude. The engineers among his brothers would probably have caught the thing in a net and rebuilt the motor; he was close to doing so himself. Either that, or tossing it out of an airlock into the void and replacing it with something less ghoulish." – Big Bobby G, reviewing a Cherub in Dark Imperium
  • @cjstanky
    Gulliman's depression at seeing the modern imperium is also fascinanting, so many moments where he sees things from the current Imperium and just goes what the fuck. Also his moments with Dante are solid to read just two depressed leaders having a moment of respect and him basically giving his one of Sanguinis's best sons command of essentially half the Imperium, which is nice considering he felt that the Angel would be a better emperor than he would be (even making him emperor of imperial secundus) and now he actually kinda live that idea with Dante