Democrats fear President Biden becoming a liability, now deciding whether he should drop out of race

Recent polls show 49% prefer Trump over Biden.

コメント (21)
  • It’s up to him though. Good luck getting out of that hole we all watched you digging for yourself the last 3 years.
  • Put Whitehouse and Sanders on the Ohio Ballot NOW! How do we do that? Signatures? Can someone who has done this before drive that initiative?
  • If biden was a school bus driver, would you have let your kids get on the bus last Friday? We're stuck with this because people voted with hate in their hearts.
  • Oh now they see how unfit he is.... Made that bed, have fun sleeping in it. Must suck being late to the party!
  • 43% of those polled are drunk on the democratic Kool-Aid.
  • Dear President Biden, Thank you so much for all you have done for this awesome country of ours. I know you are a very good person, but please hear what I'm saying. Please put your ego aside, and put our country first. No offense, but we need a more youthful candidate. Please, please, please, step aside, and put all your efforts into mentoring someone more capable of beating Trump. If you step aside now, you can leave with a tremendous legacy for all the great things you have done. Most importantly, if you refuse to step aside, most likely you will give the Presidency to Trump. I trust that you absolutely do not want to do that.  You giving the Presidency to Trump could very likely destroy our country, destroy our Democracy, destroy our freedom, and so very much more, that we may never recover from. Please have the strength, courage, compassion, and wisdom to do the right thing. Please, please, please, do the right thing, Mr. President.
  • @wats59
    His strings are weak and broken. And the ventriloquist running the show can no longer talk through an old rotted puppet. They have no use for him. In the box he goes.
  • This should be such a no brainer. Most Democrats desire a younger, more capable, candidate, and when the pitcher passes his prime, they step aside for the sake of winning the game. The country needs to come before Biden's Ego! In a baseball game, if you're falling behind, do you pick the pitcher based on friendship or loyalty, or do you pick the absolute best pitcher you have available? We need to thank Biden with our deepest gratitude for his incredible service, but then pick our very best pitcher we have, to make sure we win the game. And the consequences of losing this "game" are millions/billions of times more severe than losing a baseball game!
  • The democrat party worrying about JB now because how it effects THEIR party and THEIR chances to run the country should tell you everything. IMO, they should be worried about JB on how his lack of performance effects the American People, We the People, and not worry about just their selfish desires
  • @bgorg1
    Not one mention of his mental state we all could see until the debate. 3 minutes in they are calling for a new candidate. Get out from under your media masters and be you own person! It’s obvious- you have eyes, ears, and a mind.
  • In 1968 the Democrats prevented Lyndon Johnson from running for reelection when they saw how unpopular he was. The got a new candidate but it was Nixon who won.
  • Is the audio out of sync for anyone else on this video?
  • @Fgji230
    People called me all kinds of names. All I asked for was competency from democrats. 3 Years ago. Warned you democrats. Anyone but Biden I said. Biden would drag you all down. But ofcourse I was the fool.