1st Minnesota Gettysburg - Liberty Rifles - July 2022

1st Minnesota Living History Program at Gettysburg, hosted by the Liberty Rifles, with an encampment at the Leister Farm and a recreation of the charge of the 1st Minnesota on July 2nd, where the regiment made a bayonet charge against an entire enemy brigade, suffering 82% casualties. The participants numbered the exact amount of men who made the actual charge. This event was part of the 159th Battle Anniversary events in July 2022.

コメント (21)
  • This hits hard. I cant imagine the final thoughts of the brave men that charged across that field. They saw a massive line of gray beyond those woods and knew their fate. That final measure of devotion should never be forgotten. The Liberty Rifles did an excellent job here of bringing the Minnesota back to life. Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us. God Bless you and the United States.
  • Thank you for recording this. I was a participant and we really love finding footage of our events. I hope you enjoyed it!
    A lot of great people. And effort by those who treasure what they do.
  • The return of the "survivors" did a fantastic job representing the conclusion. Amazing thing to see recreated.
  • Outstanding video and very well put together. Thank you, pard!
  • Very good 👍 Reminds me when I was a civil war renactor here in the UK, in our society there was a 1st Minn regt. I was Johnny Reb in the 55th Va . Keep it up boys!!
  • My Great great grandpa was in 4th Regiment Minnesota volunteers, his two older brothers were in 2nd, and 3rd Regiments. They lived around Waterville, La Sueur County. Greatgreat Grandpa is buried at Satakah Cemetary. Albert Augustus Henry Ripley, he named his son, my great grandpa, Meade Sherman Ripley.
  • Four of every five of the men in the 1st MN became casualties during the famous charge.
  • Wow! Great to see so many forming a single regiment like that. Very moving just watching these guys marching into battle, the bravery of all who had to do this for real - surely this is what reenactment is all about.
  • Nicely done gentleman, may the departed souls on that battlefield feel the honor paid for their sacrifice.
  • @HkSniper
    This is really impressive. Awesome work.
  • Very impressive numbers for the charge. Hats off to the Liberty Rifles!!
  • Thanks for posting this. As much fun as it was to be part of it. I was also wishing I could have watched it as well lol.
  • Seriously, thank you so very much for this. Means the world to me. Will be there next year, driving from Michigan. Visited the battlefield in June 2021. Intended on being there for this but finances and life happened so I am grateful someone out there did this. You got my sub!
  • Heroes of Gettysburg. I salute you and the originals.
  • Fife & drum are playing 'Frog In the Well'....'Yankee Doodle' and 'Battle Cry of Freedom'! Awesome!
  • @beardyeighty
    This still gives me chills watching it a year later
  • Well done! I was a reenactor in the 33rd Alabama / 6th Indiana years ago.