Published 2020-06-02
Hi all Wolf Lord Rho here,

Today we continue our look at Perturabo, and the Iron Warriors... with his first ever meeting, with the Emperor of Mankind.

Spoiler warning to begin, the events we are discussing today, are from the Horus Heresy Primarch novel: Perturabo, The Hammer of Olympia.

As always I really recommend you read the story, for yourself first, as that's the best way to enjoy the lore. For yourself. Not only that, but we help to support the great games workshop and black library. Because without them, we don't have this great lore to talk about! Link:…

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All Comments (21)
  • @jobo3244
    Perturabo hopes for the best, but prepares for the worst. But if you reason your way through every possibility, all the time, that eventually takes its toll on any human being, Perturabos ability to calculate eventually overwhelms his ability to hope. Moreover, because he is seen as calculating by everyone and because of his title of Lord of iron, combined with his strong desire not to be a disappointment, he portrays himself as calculating and is seen as calculating by others. Its no wonder he fell - even the most calculating of his brothers had something or someone to treat him as a man, rather than a machine. Tale well told, Skald.
  • @Escalipse
    To the people wondering what the tubes going into Perturabo's head are for: they are a highly sophisticated archeotech machinery from the Dark Age of Technology that feed his insecurities right into his cerebral cortex.
  • @Wayoutthere
    No one noticing how Perturabo is able to SEE the Emperor's radiance, even visually obscured by a storm? He was psychicly active, although heavily suppressed later on. That's why he was always 'seeing the Eye of Terror' when he looked at the night sky on random planets.
  • @Akeris91
    This scene of him climbing the mountain is a great metaphor for Iron Warriors doctrine, he climbs the mountain no matter the injury, altitude sickness or hypothermia. He's set his mind on the objective, and nothing will come between him and it. He's absolutely smart enough to go about this another way but it's like subconsciously he's decided the most efficient way is to drag himself up the mountain driven by emotion rather than logic. Wouldn't be long after this that the rest of the iron warriors would be marching over each others corpses dragging themselves up battlements in much the same fashion
  • You know Perturabo is in a rush when he doesn't even grab a shovel on his way out.
  • @birchall1984
    I was gutted to learn he turned as he is one of my favourite.
  • Ah Perturabo. His sister summed it up perfectly. He was a genius and had such brilliant dreams. But it was not because he was unappreciated, that he fell. It was because he never allowed himself to believe he could let his guard down and talk to others. If he did, he would've learned Rogal Dorn wasn't making fun of him at the victory toast and, honestly, the two could've had a great bond.
  • @stephenwood6663
    The irony is that, of all the times in his life when he could have been paranoid, this was one occasion when Perturabo wasn't remotely paranoid enough. We know that the Emperor hardly ever tells the whole truth, even to his closest confidantes. Perturabo, whose paranoia is usually his greatest vice, makes the mistake of trusting him without reservation.
  • @ShadowFox178
    I believe the Emperor only foresaw a few things in the future, we dont know his motives or much of how he thought and would truly act. Which I think is a good thing honestly, leave the Emperor an enigma. But I believe he only knew or chose to know that his son would betray him or he chose not to look at all and just saw the pain and sorrow of his son and his achievements on a planet of schemers
  • @Alpharius708
    I Cato Sicarius use this history channel to find information about the enemy of the imperial emperor of mankind
  • @BTDTChino
    Perturabo has been one of my favorite Primarchs since I first started learning the lore of 40k. His story is a truly tragic one. A brilliant architect that wanted to be accepted for his works of architectural art, but abused for his masterful siege warfare knowledge.
  • @KaiserAfini
    Perturabo: " sight Why is dad taking so long to arrive ? Oh well, I have some spare time, might as well take over the planet, push science and technology forwards a few centuries and create world peace. Wish there was something interesting or challenging for me to do, I AM SO BORED !"
  • @BlackeyeVuk
    You know Rho. I've been on Youtube since 2007, since beginning basically. Never did I scrolled on someone's channel after one random video in order to find the very first and watch everything from the start, listen every second of that content. Guys like you makes youtube bearable. Thank you.
  • @lesyeuxduciel
    For all his famed brilliance, sometimes I find the Emperor really dumb, because you really need to try hard to turn such an obedient and benevolent son into a daemon prince.
  • @tobi2174
    Maan! This brought a tear to my eye! Now all i want is Perturabo and Angron to be happy but they never will be D':
  • @scylocieben
    I so desperately want Perturabo to be redeemable. He's always been one of my favorites and his story is such a tragic one.
  • @Sebastian-jr3cf
    I don't think even if Perturabo was redeemed, he would be happy to see the Emperor. Remember when Guilliman first came back with his audience with the Emperor, if he was treated the same as Guilliman, then it would only push Perturabo further down into chaos. He treated Gulliman as a tool rather than a son, and if thats how he reacts to one of the loyalist primarchs returning, just imagine what he would say or do to Perturabo.
  • In pre-Socratic times, in the Heraclitian fragments and Homer's rhapsodies, Logos had meanings wholly different from Ratio. Two of such meanings were Fire and War.
  • @NewGuy2534
    Turbo hated 99% of Olympians. He did love his sister.
  • @atomictoad399
    I feel mabye Big E's sadness was because of Perturabos eger willingness too serve dispite not knowing the tasks layed out ahead of him. Here is his son who by design will win no glory, acumalate no fame, have his legion ground into the mud time and time again. But dispite all that he knew Perturabo would follow, but prehaps not the toll it would take. I dunno mabye 😅