How Much Free Stuff Can A Fake Politician Get?


コメント (21)
  • "I knew deep down that there was no way I was ever gonna do anything to address their problems. And that's when I realized, I had finally become a real politician."
  • They haven't colour graded one of the cameras raw footage, and that is EXACTLY what a politicians team would do. Brilliant video
  • First politician i ever met walked in my shop, presented himself, handed over his business card and asked for donations. I was like "mate you're dressed up in a suit, you pulled in a mercedes with a camera crew, this is a family business that struggles to employ three people how about you make us a donation eh ?".
  • The conclusion is both hilarious and depressing with how spot-on it is
  • If I see a politician walk into my store and eat a raw onion, I'm not voting for that guy
  • "I was just there to get free stuff, and I knew deep down there was no way I was ever gunna do anything to address their problems, and that's when I realized... I had finally become a real politician." LOL
  • My heart especially when you went into the restaurant. That man was nervous and really cared about his shop
  • @Boy_Boy
    If anyone has a business, I'm happy to show up and get some free stuff... let me know.
  • Having the unfortunate experience of working restaurants and retail for longer than I'd like to admit: anyone shows up with a camera crew, don't ask questions. Give em the full treatment just in case they ARE legit
  • @RayMak
    We need good politicians like you
  • On the downside, These small business owners with their social problems may never be answered or acknowledged, but the upside is I now know food places I can go to in Aussieworld
  • @zyobr
    Add a ladder and you can get in anywhere and get anything for free. So true at the end though.
  • @Inflake
    “I knew deep down there was no way to do anything to solve their problems,” This line is so real when it comes to this
  • When he said the people told him their problems, i felt so bad
  • He's so convincing at every fake power position he takes on
  • This is just the candidacy. When you get elected it gets better with free internet, free car to all the way up to free airplanes for Presidents. No wonder politics is the most lucrative profession and they don't care a damn about common people
  • Well being a politician is essentially lying a bit here and there to get stuff you want from people.