I didn't want Lyney, but the haters changed my mind... was he worth it? Genshin character review!

Published 2024-04-23
I was very happy when Lyney was released, because I did not want to pull for him.

It’s honestly pretty great when Hoyo releases a character I’m not interested in. More time to save up for future characters, fewer resources needed, not to mention no need to farm more artifacts…

While I didn’t dislike Lyney, he didn’t appeal to me either. And the last thing I needed was another pyro DPS. So why on earth did I pull for him in the end? And did I regret that decision?

00:00 Intro
00:27 First impressions
01:39 Archon quests
02:41 Release & controversy
04:21 Kit basics
05:36 Stacks mechanic
06:26 Build
07:48 A4 passive
08:38 Team members
10:05 Favourite team
10:46 Furina team
11:23 Conclusion

Genshin Impact is an open-world action/exploration game, available on PC, PS4, PS5 and mobile devices (iOS & Android).

I'm always happy to talk Genshin and other games, streams 3pm UK every Wed/Fri/Sat/Sun

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#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #genshin #lyney

All Comments (21)
  • @kasuha
    On topic of Lyney's "garter belt", I am unfamiliar with the english terminology in this area but looking up "punk garter" revealed a lot of pictures of what looks quite like what he wears and these things often are just leather straps with no clips or any other means to hold onto anything. So I assume even Lyney's straps are meant to be just decorative.
  • @Hyeinniii
    ALSO we were robbed of Lyney being a cat boy with actual real cat ears like his sister Lynette. It's such an unfair thing,bc look at how many cat girls we have.
  • @Jacobturtle
    Btw! You can press the skill button during his burst to end his burst early. This is useful mainly because his burst can only hit an enemy once.
  • @raptori
    The whole "waifu" thing is weird enough at the best of times, but when people react like that it's SO beyond weird. Even worse is the whole thing about that new gacha which announced they would not have male playable characters at all.... just wtf. It's perfectly valid to get attached to characters, but some of it is several levels too far 😅
  • @calico3202
    I find lyney to be such an outlier in my interest in genshin characters- was initially not interested in him at all design and lore-wise when fontaine first started out and his banner released. Then freminet came along and i fell in deep adoration with him. In a roundabout way, liking freminet inevitably got me interested in the twins since the trio are so closely linked. Wanting freminet cons on the current banners of arlecchino/lyney i was confronted with the choice of who i would mind less to end up with if i hit pity (also known as rock bottom for my funds). And even though arlecchino seemed like a no-brainer just a week ago,,, i ended up pulling on lyney's banner. Something in my head just clicked - the sibling's dynamics, the way lyney hides so much of his fear and doubt behind a mask of bravado and magic tricks, the hearth as their home challenging their sense of loyalty etc etc- it had to be him! Charged attack bow user be damned, i'm going to take him along on my journey. I think the moment lyney first broke his streak of indifference with me was during the meropide quest line. As much as i love and main wriothesley, in their confrontation i found myself firmly on lyney's side, because wriothesley took the whole thing too far. Lyney's composure finally cracking was the moment i saw potential in liking him
  • The moment i heard that Hoyo would be releasing a pyro dps magician, i was like, “F*CK WHATEVER HIS PLAYSTYLE IS, I NEED THAT.” He came down lightning fast and to this day, is my favourite Genshin character.
  • @greebooki
    I agree - Lyney looks wonky, but I reaaaally loved his playstyle. hoping for a 50/50 win tomorrow!!!
  • @magiclover9346
    The irony of Koreans being mad at a femboy design doesn't escape me. That said my fav Leney team is the overload team with Chevy, Xianglin and Yae. Especially on single boss enemies. It frees up bennet for my other teams like national and Xiangyun plunge
  • @bighat8794
    As my first pyro dps, Lyney never disappointed me. I do not have a shielder so at first I was really worried after hearing so much warning about him but at the end that issue added a lot of dynamism to his already so strong and so visually captivating gameplay. My only issue is that Lynette isnt his best anemo teammate, they are my fav duo in genshin😔 The fact that I got his weapon in a simple 10pull also helped him to become a favorite for me 😂
  • @fierecat
    Irt the garter— he had a proper one in his concept art, but it got changed when it came time for modeling and release. My assumption is that this was partly due to Hoyo already having received some flak from the CCP for Venti and Gorou— and they wanted plausible deniability in Lyney's design so they could claim it wasn't really a garter belt. That and, they may have anticipated a negative response from the incel players and tried to quell it by doing that. As a character though he's great! The biggest numbers I've ever seen in game were all on my Lyney team, while some of my other teams may technically deal similar or greater damage-- they tend to do so with more attacks, so he holds the funny number crown.
  • @Theachen7
    Lyney was the first character I wanted just because (also i was curious for the charged attack playstyle as i didn’t have anyone else like that), and I don’t regret it. While I never use him in abyss, and mono element isn’t generally my favourite because of certain immune enemies, I love to use him in the overworld. Sigh one day I will get C4 yanfei for him, but Zhongli is a good companion. This makes me wish we had more pyro supports.
  • @MeySamana
    Oh so the same people who were hating on Wanderer came for Lyney too? :x yikes..
  • @Sunrose-
    I've adored Lyney and his playstyle ever since Fontaine began. I wish Abyss was a little friendlier towards him since it really discourages you from running mono-teams but that's not going to stop me from slowly working towards getting him to C6 as an F2P
  • @spectrum778
    Tbh I don't have a ton of interest in Lyney or pulling for him, but I really love your guide style and how you embed your personal impressions and thoughts to tell a narrative before diving into the mechanics. It's super unique, and the effort put into these videos is much appreciated!
  • @kimarimoi
    My one disappointment with Lyney is that he wasn't a two-in-one unit with Lynette. I sort of expected double units to be Fontaine's gimmick, but they went with the less interesting pneuma/ousia thing instead. And just to add insult to injury, they don't even work particularly well together.
  • "We were supposed to be shocked that the siblings were affiliated to the Fatui for some reason when it was obvious from the start." I agree, but what bothered me more of that moment was that the Traveler was pissed they hid this information from them when 1) it's completely understandable why they did that, like ????? Especially when it was also obvious that part of the reason they hid it was because they didn't want our view of them to be tainted by that, not because they wanted to harm us. And the Traveler can't be like "bUt FaTuI bAd" 'cause 2) by this point we've already had a lot of instances that showed us that the Fatui are more grey than black, especially the low ranks. And also, 3) you have a problem with the siblings but let Childe treat you like you're best buds??????? Fking CHILDE???????? Excuse me, I can't. 🙄🤦
  • @yptrumpet
    Been looking forward to this. Smart to release a video while folks are waiting for maintenance to complete. I got Lyney for a bad reason, but it turned out super well. I tried to get Aqua Simulacra but got his bow instead. Out of pity for wasting a signature weapon, I got Lyney and was pleasantly surprised by how heckin strong he was, and fun to play! His high single-target damage helped me (skill issue player) clear the abyss many times recently (all of those cycles with 3 bosses on the same side) "slutty magician police" 😂
  • @auroram8511
    Yay! Always happy to another character review from you! 😃 I never knew this backlash against poor Lyney! But he was always Luke-warm to me since the archon quest. Although he is gentle to the traveller and friendly, I can never get over the fact that this was his mask.... the voice actors and animators did a great job to protray that sense of unease with this character. And like you, character likeability is important for me when deciding to pull. Your video strengthened my choice to skip this round. 😊
  • @natsuyuki8415
    My 'I wasn't interested until haters made me angry' character was Kokomi. She was cute, but I wasn't really interested until all the 'no crit trash' bashing started. I pulled her, built her and she performed wonderfully from the start. Now most people know that Kokomi is a good character, of course. For me Lyney was a must pull during his first banner because his exploration passive just makes finding all those Fontaine specialties so much easier. I am not a fan of his costume, but it is a costume meant for the stage. I hope we get alternative, more normal clothes for him some day. I would consider buying them. I will but my 'baby' f2p account's wishes on Lyney, but it would take a miracle to get him. Always worth trying.
  • @razurii_
    Agh Lyney has been my favorite ever since I’d seen the TRAVAIL TRAILER. Even without knowing anything about him I felt so attached to him and Lynette. He’s still my favorite to this day!! I love him smm <33