Decision Paralysis and Change in Routines

Published 2023-10-22

All Comments (21)
  • @eliseroseshier
    Yes this is very relatable! My mum said I never had trouble making decisions when I was young though(apparently I just said no or yes) but God the daily decisions now KILL ME
  • @tomasvoldrich
    2:40 totally relatable. I have always chosen after mum,dad and brother one of their 3 choices to be able to choose:_mushstar:🍧
  • Decisions, I totally agree, I browse books in book shops don’t make a deduction. Possibly visit the shops more than twice and spend weeks thinking about the next purchase! Coffee shops I just tend to buy the same drink unless I feel ready to get something different.
  • @cassielee1114
    I spent years doing the haven’t washed my hair but need to go out meltdowns. I solved it by waking up and showering before I’m even aware that I’m a human 😂 I’m always ready to leave the house or open the door. Both me and my bf have the same problems as you feeding ourselves, still haven’t solved that one
  • @brianfoster4434
    I call it "over analysis paralysis". But for me it only manifests its ugly head when I must make a decision that impacts other people. Day to day items like bathing are hard coded into a robotic routine that must be completed before anything else. If the "must do" items are interrupted, strange things can happen.... perhaps skipping the tooth brush to get back on schedule even though that only takes five minutes. Some decisions are made based on history. I like this or that so I will get this or that .... no need to ready the entire menu.
  • I tend to have sponge baths more now instead of full on showers. I just run the water in the bath with the plug in and stand, quickly wet my body with the shower head and then just stand washing my body for about 10 minutes. I have my hair in a hair net. I will do that maybes 3 to 4 times a week. I will have a proper shower and do my hair maybes twice a month. It really depends on whether I can be bothered or motivated to do it. I have hair half way down my back now and washing it is such a hassle now and it takes about 4 to 6 hours to dry completely. Really should get my hair done but don't know what to ask for.
  • @heedmydemands
    Oh my god i love your cat so much. I can tell they're s sweetie. I love tabbies.
  • @gmlpc7132
    The agonies of choice... Obviously choice can be very useful, sometimes essential but it's easy to be confused and even overwhelmed - indeed this bewilderment can not only cause indecision and procrastination but really bad decisions just to get the matter over and done with. I think there is a lot to be said sometimes for not having choice - just knowing you have something to do and you can just concentrate on getting it done.
  • My strongest memory of having problems making a decision was using the bus to get home from uni. This was at a central bus are in Southampton in the wet winter. When each bus driver stopped I asked if this was the best bus to get me home and the driver would advise to use a different bus. On asking that next driver he advised to use another different bus. I was probably walking about and waiting for different busses for a couple of hours being told to use another bus. Left feeling tired, confused and overwhelmed I called a friend and they picked me up. I struggle to get the hang of the London Underground and prefer to walk when in London. Is this an executive functioning difficulty?
  • @karenlp5867
    I can really relate to this. Sometimes I spend ages at the supermarket standing in front of the cabinets trying to decide what type of pizza or chocolate or crisps I want. I’ve had staff members approach me and ask me if I’m ok because I’m just standing there, staring at the options for who knows how long.
  • @Catlily5
    Yes, I could easily waste seven hours freaking out about when to bathe. Bathing is very stressful to me. Getting some spray-in dry shampoo has helped. Now I can do a sponge bath on the dirtiest areas of my body and touch up the greasy parts of my hair.
  • @theseeker4911
    Dana, I just wanted to send you a message to say this is surreal listening to you. It's like hearing myself speak. I was only diagnosed with ASD and ADHD 2 years ago at the age of 33. Just know that many of us are with you in very similar struggles if not exactly the same. I'm actually getting quite emotional thinking how many other people have our issues. Stay strong lass
  • @youtube__handle
    I thought that was my ADHD thing. Huh. My latest indecision comes in how to name certain things "right". Really frustrating and paralyzing. I think school really helped me to be more organized, creative, disciplined, social , motivated and in general, "normal". As much as I hated school, I must admit it was one of the good things that happened in my life (apart from traveling, but that's my complete passion). I have developed a lot of strategies, so apparently I need to work out one for indecision as well, because narrowing down doesn't work with everything! Thank you for sharing, your videos are helpful indeed!
  • @miezepups15
    Three words: Random number generator. Install one on your phone. So when you're faced with X options and can't decide, have it narrow them down to two by giving out two numbers between 0 and X for you to choose from. Or just flat out let it pick one for you. If you don't hate that option, go with it. And if it turns out to have been a shit choice, you can blame fate instead of yourself.
  • @coololi07
    oh god the hair and shopping dilemma.i just lost monday and tuesdays freetime to that one. I've been good at keeping emergency food around in the freezer at least. knowlsey is such a shit place to get stuck 💀I struggled to get an uber round there even at a time like 10pm
  • @Catlily5
    Thankfully you didn't get in that van. I know teenagers who were sexually assaulted getting rides from strangers. I have a hard time making decisions as well.
  • Totally get this - wish I knew how to get over it & make a decision to break the brain freeze!! I now recognise that I've always struggled with decisions & whether the decision will be "right" or "wrong" (even if the decision is what flavour herbal tea to choose 🤣). It can make everyday living just so much harder - I totally understand why people stick to rigid routines that don't require any decisions!!
  • Great video. Does anyone think their should be a help/advice number to call if you have problems with not understanding how the best and safest way would be to get home?