My virtual Ants are rising through the Tech Tree


コメント (21)
  • I think the name “Inhabitants” works well because it fits the fact that youre controlling a bunch of ants but still references the old name
  • Ants Take Over The World is fun, but it is long without a good acronym "ATOTW". Ants Take Over I think sounds better "ATO". ATO could also be the base for expansions, such as Ants Take Over: The Garden Ants Take Over: The House Ants Take Over: The World Ants Take Over: The Galaxy Ants Take Over: The Universe That is more long term of course, but it could also be you expanding through levels if you have different biomes Ants Take Over: The Plains Ants Take Over: The Jungle Ants Take Over: The Desert Ants Take Over: The Artic etc.
  • I 100% agree with two commenters' suggestions here: "Ants take over" "Inhabit-ants"
  • Ants take over the world sounds like a game where giant ants are attacking cities which I don't think fits the game
  • Looks great Liam. Pharaoh was great back in the day and one thing that frustrated me was doing the same thing over and over. Like on the first level you build buildings 1,2,3, then on the second level you start again and do 1,2,3,4, then the next level you do 1,2,3,4,5 etc and the first part got really tiring. What I wanted was 1: levels which have different resources so it's possible to develop in a different way each time. 2: some kind of links between the cities I'd made. So if I spend ages making a city the exported a lot of pottery then other cities could import pottery without having to build up so much of their own industry. I felt like that would have easily made it feel like a whole big kingdom and not just a lot of independent cities. 3: returning to earlier levels but with new tech. I liked the idea of going back to my first tiny city after a while and upgrading it with all the new things I'd unlocked and making it better. That would have felt really satisfying to end the game with 10 fully upgraded cities I'd played in multiple times rather than 30 levels of just slowly growing complexity. Love the idea and how it's shaping up, good work :)
  • I've always liked the naming structure of feeling + context. Satisfactory uses this formula masterfully its a factory game that leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction. Your current naming is in the direction of applying context focusing on words like ants and colony. Though the feeling seems a little mix. The aesthetic is definitely driving a cozy/relaxing/satisfying vibe. The city builder/resource gathering mechanics add an element of exploration, and the tower defense aspect seems like it adds a feeling of stress/pressure.
  • I believe the name "Antennae" would be a good fit because; - Contains "Ant" - The game is centered around pheromones which are used to communicate with the ants - Antennae is only one letter off of antenna, and antennas represent/enable connection (the most essential part of a kingdom or dynasty) - Ants have antennae - Sounds pretty snazzy Ants take over the world is also nice, I'd just shorten it to "Ants Take Over"
  • I like "Ants Take Over the World". My suggestion: "Age of Anthills"
  • Love to see some varying architecture based on environment and preference to give variety to people's bases
  • I like Ants Take Over, more than the longer version. Not crazy about Mega Colony. Love the progress, keep it up!
  • lmao my brain just said "Ant-lantis" but that's a little goofy when we're not underwater 😂
  • I love all of this! Name #2 or "Queen of the Anthill." Some thoughts: It's starting to look like a (worker) management game due to the pheromones, and personally I love that. Leafcutting into mushrooms, and aphid farming would be wonderful. About the Mega Colony idea, I think it makes perfect sense if you have a Queen Emperor and her capitol colony and she sends you (her daughter(s)?) out to do her bidding (like in Against the Storm) hence why you start new colonies all the time from scratch! Suggestions: We have yet to see the Queen! She is important, at least in the lore or story even if she is never seen on the map. I think it'd be funny and appropriate if the colony had a flag with their queen in profile on, or if the coins did. Just throwing it out there that the queen should figure in somehow. I think taking a page off the leafcutter ants and being able to build something to cross terrain would be nice, or having your antlings clump up to create a living bridge of their bodies, for something less static. On that note, I think it's time to add some terrain that block paths, and maybe something (weather or enemies) that can disrupt the pheromone trails? I think it'd be cool if there was an enemy that could use the pheromones against you, a sneaky enemy perhaps. Or perhaps imposter "ants" that try to disrupt your settlement (you'd probably want some antoganistic ant colony enemy, which could lead you down a path of multiplayer-style play - not my first choice)?
  • I 100% agree with Glytch and Isaiah’s name ideas. Inhabit-ants is a very simple and catchy name that clearly represents the fact that you are a bunch of ants that live somewhere. Ants Take Over is very modular as Isaiah suggested so I think it would be better if you’re planning on adding loads of things and levels since the name lends itself towards the idea of progression.
  • "Ants Take Over the World" is definitely the better title in terms of SEO. "Mega Colony" also has the issue of someone forgetting whether it's "Mega" or "Super" and getting a legitimate but wrong result, where "ATOtW" doesn't have anything like that.
  • I prefer some of the commented names, like "InhabitAnts" or the shortened "Ants Take Over". I just feel like they sound a bit more cutesy and charming, which fits the art style!
  • Might i suggest the name "ant-y virus". The lore could be that you are a caveman civilization that gets infected by an ant virus, which gives them higher knowledge