Thoughts for 3.25 Leaguestart & Lightning Strike Tips | Path of Exile


コメント (21)
  • @Palsteron
    I guess one thing I forgot: If you never played melee, definitely check how the "feel" of your main skill is before the league. I know you just got double damage, but depending on what melee skill you're about to play and what you're used to (high speed bow builds, big aoe casters) you might get dissapointed.
  • @PotatoTK
    Question: The temple mod gloves, what drops these? Special rooms chests in the temple or just any unique room boss? If its rooms, which rooms would have these?
  • The clarification on the Flesh and Stone aura was very important... Welp, time to find something new for my 30% mana left over xD (Likely playing a minion build)
  • Thanks for video! Having huge problems deciding between lacerated glad and lightning strike warden for league starter.
  • @SAFBLight
    do you think that static strike autobomber will return this league?
  • Any way to drastically increase the range of lightning strike? I like the skill but you have to click so close to the character model to shoot off the skill
  • @judgehett
    The tooltip also states: if you not gained rage in the last 2 sec. If we constantly attack, doesnt that let us just sit on max rage? Sure boss phasing and stuff like that would delete our rage but for mapping at least shouldnt that be up constantly?
  • @wesbrow
    A small tip: if you are using phys conversion or are going to use "No physical damage, 100% increased elemental damage" enchant on your weapon then you can use a Poacher's Mark to still be able to benefit from the bleed cluster.
  • FYI: From datamines, Dark Marionettes now come back after a 4 second delay, basically killing the free aura tech for non-summoners.
  • Melee skills are DEFINITELY a learning curve over spells. I’ll power through though. And leap slam doesn’t seem so good using controller. No control on the distance of the leap. It’s not good for escaping from being surrounded by a mob.
  • Finish practice leveling today. Before you get barkskin, you might want run grace for your first lab to avoid getting 1 tap by Izaro. Because you dont have alot of life node even in Act 5. GL in your league start. Edit Note: Use essence of wrath, hatred and anger you find during campaign to upgrade your bow or even claw, if got a open prefix craft another flat element damage. IF you plan to stay at merciless Lab for abit, dont kill kitava so you dont have -60% ele res total.
  • @gr0g01
    All the upgrading you do seems not to be gated behind real time, as you see in the clips if you got the resources you can upgrade it. For mining mark said in the FaQ they changed the times on that too, it won't take the "10 hours" to mine somthing like you see in the clip. So all the loot and stuff you get is gated behind the real time aspect but I don't think the city building itself is. Mark also said you get more resources/mining stuff compared to the content you do.
  • @Elurahu
    Please start calling them Tictures instead of Trinkets :D I confused the hell out of me in your other, great, video.
  • Starting 3 day late due to vacation, is there a point in playing or should I just go next?