Hogwarts Legacy - Full Sebastian Friendship Questline

Published 2023-02-10
Hogwarts Legacy Full Sebastian Romance/ Friendship Questline

All Comments (21)
  • I’m about 90% sure that despite any of our houses we all are trying to befriend this guy
  • @koir9972
    sebastian taught us more spells than most of the professors
  • Sebastian reminds me of Anakin (darth Vader). He tried so hard but ended up losing the person they loved the most. Both so desperate and willing to go dark to save them. How tragic really :/
  • “Spiders aren’t insects” “Don’t start” ❤😂 this moment is adorable
  • @BlueBirdsFIy
    sebastian is THE morally grey character i wanted from the game. anyone who sees him in black or white is not recognizing this. think about sirius black, draco malfoy, etc.. beloved characters for a reason.
  • @daufinmusic
    The fact that you all are in the same house and that it’s a trio quest line, reminds me so much of Harry, Ron, and Hermonie 🥲
  • @smb0621
    Sebastian is an interesting character who very much makes this saying true: “many bad things are not inherently bad, but good things gone wrong.” Virtues that are innately admirable but inordinate, misapplied, or unchecked by other virtues can go very very wrong. He starts the game confident, but not arrogant. Loyal, a keeper of his friends secrets, willing to pay a price for others, optimistic, curious, intelligent and driven, but not callous to the feelings or sufferings of others, and deeply motivated by love and devotion to his sister and a desire to help her. It’s all admirable and it makes sense why players would be sympathetic to him. But his optimism blinds him to the real negative impact his decisions could have, as he believes he has everything under control when he doesn’t. His view of magic as pragmatic (a tool, neither right nor wrong, just useful or not useful) blinds him to the impact using certain kinds of magic can have on the soul of a person, and how it can change them. And indeed, he changed, becoming deceptive and overlooking the impact his choices have on his friends and family. He underestimates this entirely. His desire to save his sister and his belief that he can causes him to disrespect her wishes entirely. And at some point, he becomes so consumed by an innately noble goal, he fails to see the collateral damage, and the pursuit itself becomes the goal. It all culminates in the death of his uncle, which he had to “really mean” at the time, but was ultimately the passing hateful impulse of a boy who acted in the moment and realized only too late he had done something that could never be undone. He’s a very good character because he’s not really callously evil—he’s sympathetic, and has very good qualities. Even heroic ones in the right context. But his pursuit of the greater good for his sister is unchecked by other virtues, like restraint, wisdom, and most importantly, respect for his beloved sisters wishes. That he expresses remorse and regret over his actions shows his conscience isn’t seared. I would like to hope for him, because he is indeed such a heart string pulling character. Because he’s not a callous villian so much as he’s a foolish boy who meant well at first, and continued to use his love to further justify his actions and assuage his conscience—but ends do not always justify means. He’s a good cautionary tale about how everyone has the capacity to become something they don’t recognize if they aren’t careful.
  • Of the four companions, you can definitely tell that the developers put the most work into Sebastian's questline. Like, Natsai's and Poppy's questlines were okay, but Sebastian's was on a whole other level.
  • @TheJRSvideos
    It took a video game to finally give us a well-written, complex Slytherin character. Snape was probably the closest we got, but even he could be cartoonishly mean for seemingly no reason at times. I hope we get to see more of Sebastian and Ominis down the line, or at least more characters like them. It was also nice to see more interaction between students of different houses. The whole approach this game took was such a breath of fresh air.
  • @Darth_Nox13
    "I realize I can't undo what's been done, but I can try every day to make up for it" Thoughtful self-reflection on his part.
  • I hope the devs will add romance eventually to this game. I ship Sebastian and my Gryffindor girl so much. I see so much potential in their relationship. So adorable 😍
  • @v222s
    So shocked by Ominis being so kind to her as a Slytherin. My Ravenclaw character only got snide remarks about trying too hard and not being arrogant 😂
  • @jo979
    Seb was wrong to do what he did, but he literally tells his uncle “You’re supposed to be protecting us!” and all the uncle does is try and kill him and MC instead of protecting us from Inferi! I adore Sebastian and really hope he’s a companion in the sequel and finds a cure for Anne
  • Every other sentence out of his mouth is delivered flirtatiously! The cheek of this boy! 😂
  • I pity Sebastian. There aren`t many options to dispel Anne`s curse. He was desperated and willing to do anything as long as she is cure, even to dark magic. In wizarding world, It`s rare to find a professional of dispelling all kinds of curses because i guess that's a very hard thing becoming a powerful anti-curse wizard.
  • Bloody hell, at first I thought of him as the best friend ever…But now I am madly in love with Sabastian Sallow, May actually be obsessed😅
  • @ryhi5
    I feel bad for how helpless and desperate Sebastian feels, but he is reckless and hot headed to a fault. He acts way more like a Gryffindor than a Slytherin
  • @maniatissa
    I love Sebastian to bits, I mean he is probably the most interesting character in game, with the most compelling story, and I maxed my friendship with him, BUT, I can't help feeling that both my character and Sebastian, are being total d$cks towards Ominis. The guy has severed ties with his family, with Sebastian +Anne being the closest people to him, plus he suffers from a deep trauma, and we are being manipulative as hell, in order to further our goals. We lie to him, break our oath to him, drag him in dangerous situations, even have the option to cast Imperio at him, while never acknowledging that Ominis just wants nothing to do with the dark arts. Poor guy.
  • @Nigel222
    Best character in the game by far. Hard to know what they can do with him in a sequel due to the choice the player can make.