Rep. Lauren Boebert talks with reporters in Windsor after primary win

Lauren Boebert spoke with reporters for 9 minutes in Northern Colorado after her victory speech on Tuesday night.

コメント (21)
  • @DocGrimm
    "I vote against bills and then take credit for them when they pass"
  • This is why voting in November is so important. There are no standards.
  • Is Colorado competing with Mississippi and Georgia for most stupid state?
  • She worked hard trying to stop the infrastructure bill but took credit when it was beneficial to her.
  • There was not A SINGLE other Republican candidate the people of that district of Colorado could get behind. Not a ONE? Truly disappointing ….
  • She voted against new infrastructure for your district then took credit when you benefited from it are you people blind ignorant or both ?
  • She ran to a new place because her district was wisely done with her.
  • Hard to believe that people vote for someone with no accomplishments to show. She takes credit for democrat legislation that she voted against because it helped her district.
  • The incident at the theatre immediately replays in my mind when I see Boebert
  • @tigq1430
    From Jan 2021 to Jun 2024, Boebert missed 83 of 2,003 roll call votes, which is 4.1%. This is much worse than the median of 2.0% among the lifetime records of representatives currently serving.