Shocking UFO Encounter: Deputy Sheriff Speaks Out | Close Encounters 104

JAL: NOVEMBER 17, 1986 - A Japanese airline crew is en route
from Paris to Tokyo with a cargo load of Beaujolais wine. As
Captain Terauchi and his crew cross Alaska, they encounter
blindingly bright lights flying in their airspace. These lights
illuminate the cockpit and seem to be keeping pace with the
Boeing 747. Captain Terauchi then reports seeing two
unidentified crafts, one the size of a ‘mothership’. The UFO is
tracked by both ground and airborne radar, though its origins
remain unknown.

CRASH COURSE: AUGUST 27, 1979 – Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson
is on patrol near Stephen, Minnesota in the early morning hours
when he sees a beam of light shining down on the road ahead.
As he continues to drive, the beam of light engulfs his car.
Johnson briefly loses consciousness and wakes up to discover
that he had skidded off the road and has sustained eye damage
similar to welder’s burns. Both his wristwatch and the car clock
are 14 minutes behind.

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コメント (21)
  • What happened to the crew of JAL after was disgusting. Took them years to get their jobs back.
  • @Tam0de
    I always find it funny when skeptics & debunkers seem to know more about a particular encounter than the persons who were there & witnessed it first-hand. "No, you did not see what you think you saw. I'm sure what you saw was actually (insert planet here)," 😂
  • I'm just a regular guy and work as an electrician. I'm nobody special, but I had a close encounter. It was when I was young and my brother was there as well. We were playing in my parent's backyard like always at dusk and I still remember it coming over the trees and I could see the lights on bottom. It came down into the backyard and hovered over me and brother about 15ft above us. It was a black, metalic, circular craft about 20ft in diameter. It had these 4 domes on the bottom grouped together like this :: The domes were dimly lit up and they were sort of white and cloudy. It made no noise, but I specifically remember the vibration. The vibration was very similar to how Bass feels when you're next to a speaker, but there was no sound, just a pulsating vibration. If we would have had a 8 ft ladder you could have put your hand on the bottom that's how close it was. My brother was terrified. He was 4 years older than me and I guess he realized the gravity of the situation, but specifically remember that I was completely fascinated by it and as my brother was screaming " Go away, Go Away" I remember screaming " No, no come down , come down"!! It drifted along about the pace of a walk and went over my parent's one story house. I have no memory after seeing it go over the house, but my brother, 4 years older than me says that it tilted about 45 degrees and shot off into the sky. I just cannot believe that we saw that. We didn't see aliens or the pilots, but we were within feet of this craft.
  • This video leaves out an important part of the 1986 JAL ufo encounter over Alaska, as I recall. Years later, at a government "UFO Disclosure" event, John Callahan related the following. Immediately after this ufo-incident, some government agents visited the airport that had been in contact with the JAL plane during the ufo encounter. The agents confiscated the recording of all radar data associated with this ufo encounter, and I think they told the airport workers not to discuss the incident. However, John Callahan, or some other airport employee, had printed out all the radar data on paper, and the government agents did not confiscate this copy [I may have it backwards; perhaps they took the paper copy and left the electronic copy; I don't remember which]. At some point, John Callahan had this copy of the radar analyzed, and it indeed showed objects in proximity to the JAL plane, apparently moving in response to the actions of the plane. I watched this "UFO Disclosure" event many years ago, so hopefully I am recalling the main points correctly. Hopefully it's still available on Youtube.
  • @config2000
    I just can't take the dramatic music, over the top camera shakes, and how explanations from witnesses are just broken into small sound bytes.
  • This is a much more detailed account than those that I have heard before.
  • Seeing an "object" this MASSIVE up close would've psychologically broken me: To this day I cry over an "object" I saw up close with a paralyzed witness, but the "object" was only the size of a small room.
  • In 1996, I was working nights in Mississippi close to the Mississippi River. I was working outside, and I looked up, and movement to my left caught my eye. I saw what appeared to be a plane heading towards me. As it got closer, it appeared to be 4 planes. As the planes got closer still I realized that they weren't planes at all. There were 4 triangle shaped objects flying in a 1,2,1 formation. They weren't lit on the 3 points of the triangle. Rather, they glowed an amber color as if lit from the inside. Its how I was able to see them in such detail. They weren't perfect triangles. The sides were slightly longer than the rear section was across, and the rear section was slightly concave. They were traveling at about the same speed and at the same altitude as a twin engine plane, but they were completely silent. As they were directly overhead they did a tumbling, rolling, flipping, over, under and around each other for about 3 seconds then instantly froze into the original formation and continued on. I have no idea why they didn't crash into each other. I did 6 years in the US Navy as a cryptologist and I never heard even a rumor of anything like this existing. Thare are no known aircraft that could do a maneuver like this without ripping the airframe to pieces let alone anyone inside surviving. Paul Helyer, former defense minister of Canada said years ago that the US military has weapons to fight an extraterrestrial invasion and has discovered a new form of energy. I dont know if these were the weapons or what the weapons were meant to fight. One thing is for damn sure; we are either FAR more advanced than we're being told or ET really does exist.
  • @dianneD27
    Glad I found your channel. Loving these shows. Cheers from Australia 😊👍
  • In the early 90s I was 7 or 8 I was Playing with 15 other kids. We all were playing hide and seek and I remember we were about to start a new game and 2 kids come running from the back alley and they are yelling “ look look look” as they are pointing up. We look up and there it was a round very big and I mean big saucer coming over the apartment building. All of us started oohing and awing. Then all that amazement turned into fear as it was about 15 stories above us and it was making a crazy humming sound kind of like an electrical sound, it was like a pulsating electric feeling all threw our body. We all literally started crying at the same time and it wasn’t normal crying , that cry like if we were being killed. We all ran home terrified for what we just saw. This thing was so low and really big , the city lights lit the thing up, u can see everything. We can see the windows and in the windows there were little people waving at us. I swear I ain’t making this up there was a lot of people who saw it. Then the next day we all gathered around the spot we saw this and I swear I ain’t making this sh!t up. So we were sitting there talking about what we saw and this guy walks up and ask if we saw weird stuff last night. We told him everything he wrote it down and then when we were done he tells us not to worry about it because what we saw was a weather balloon, I shit u not. Oh did I mention the guy was dressed in a black suit. I thought he was FBI because this happened before the movie men in black came out, this sighting was way bigger than the Arizona sighting and I don’t understand why the story didn’t blow up. This happened either in92 or 93 in Orange County California.
  • @tomray8765
    Examples of "Sweep it under the rug" "Skepticism".---- "It was Jupiter and Mars." ANYTHING "to explain it away". Never mind the "explanation" does not conform to what was described. No wonder serious skeptics are no longer trusted by the public.
  • I have seen one as big as 2 aircraft carriers joined in the as anything I have ever seen.
  • Fantastic reenacting! It just gives even more credibility to an undeniable deed!!! 🛸
  • @Gemini9298
    You know, they seem to be showing us they have been here all the time. We are still primitive and hostile. I pray they will stop this endless cycle of wars.
  • One of my ufo encounter stories. That flight crew must have been scared shi4less
  • @jhh2001
    Not enough drama for me and I wished they’d play the music louder
  • In the original video Val was driving a Ford, this one he is driving a Mopar.
  • JAL1628 is one of the best reports ever. This depiction left out a lot more detail tho. There is better content available on this w actual audio.
  • The original Ford LTD Johnson drove that night is still kept in the Sherriff's Office garage, untouched since the incident.