Jack & The Pack Lost Episodes RANKED!

Published 2024-04-14

All Comments (11)
  • @TheYellowStryker
    Am I the only one who thinks Patrick looks like a leg-less spider?
  • @amitysluzara2022
    Lovely ranking! It feels weird ranking something that didn't get made but its pretty fun to as well Heres my ranking 1) Kelly's Heroes 2) The Importance of Being Patrick 3) Jack's Snow Rescue 4) All Work No Play 5) Jack and Alfie Swap 6) Pop Goes The Diesel 7) The Sodor Treasure Hunt 8) Isobella Gets Steamed 9) Bossy Byron 10) Jack and The Quack 11) Alfie Has A Secret 12) No Dozer is An Island 13) Safety First
  • @toby.fan9198
    Intresting Ranking, Here’s my (unofficial) ranking. #1 Kelly’s Heroes, I actually did an audio adaptation on this episode, I think this episode would have done a much better job at showing Kelly’s character (no offense too Kelly’s Windy Day) his dynamic between jack is really intresting, and the humer between Ned and Oliver was the icing on the cake, It’s a shame they didn’t make this one. I just wish it had a better title than Kelly’s Heroes. #2 Jack’s Snow Rescue, as a kid, I always wanted an episode that takes place in the snow, so it’s nice too see that the crew had planned too make one. And it would have been intresting seeing Jack with a snowplow. #3 Bossy Byron, you can shoot at me all you want Peter Sam, but that is my opinion, I understand why you don’t care for this episode, but I actually really like it, Byron had nothing too his character in the finished series, and this episode would’ve given Byron the episode he needed too expand on his character. It also does the moral about asking nicely way better than a certain Season 8 episode which’s name escapes me at the moment, and Byron is way more interesting than Season 8 Emily is. #4 The Importance of Being Patrick, like Byron, Patrick is also a character who was wasted when half of the episodes were cut. So it’s nice too see how the crew had more plans for him, and I love how this episode mentions Miss Jenny’s Fature. Something that was never mentioned in any of the finished episodes. #5 All Work No Play, It’s a shame they didn’t make this episode as it would have shown us more of Byron’s character, and it contains a good moral about loosening your self up. I also find Byron’s Rumba quote too be quite funny. #6 Jack and the Quack, I find this episode too be quite sweat. Jack’s caring nature in this episode is nice too see. And it would have been nice too see more of Maithwaite. #7 Isabella Gets Steamed, ok now a good episode, I like how this shows a new side too isobella, and it would have been nice too see Trevor in this series, since we did see him in the background of Mud Glorious Mud. #8 Jack and Alfie Swap, I do think it’s quite intresting seeing Alfie and Jack switch jobs, and I would have been interested too see a scene of these two in the sheds. But the story is nothing and I can see why they cut it. #9 Alfie Has A Secret, this feels like a bob the builder episode, and I didn’t mean that as a compliment, this episode has literally the same plot as bob saves the hedgehogs, and i don’t get why Alfie wanted too keep the crossing a secret, although I would have been interested too see Alfie with a drill. #10 The Sodor Treasure Hunt, this story isn’t very intresting, and I don’t think we would have missed anything, although I never heard of the term, mineral water before watching this episode. #11 Pop Goes the Diesel, the only bad episode of the entirety of jack and the pack, and the only cancelled episode that I’m 100% glad was cut, this felt too simular too Mud Glorious Mud, and the title itself is just a reuse from that one season 2 episode.
  • @TheGingerEngine
    A great video my friend, really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on these list episode ideas for what should've been a full series of the spin off. Really like the new thumbnails and always appreciate how well you do with editing these videos ☺️🚂🚃
  • @liamconnollyst
    Here's my ranking based on how they work: 13: Safety First 12: No Dozer is An Island 11: Bossy Byron 10: Jack and The Quack 9: Alfie Has a Secret 8: Isobella Gets Steamed 7: Jack and Alfie Swap 6: The Sodor Treasure Hunt 5: All Work No Play 4: Pop Goes the Diesel 3: Jack's Snow Rescue 2: Kelly's Heroes 1: The Importance of Being Patrick
  • @Kieran113
    I appreciate your reference to have they destroyed this series in favour of their equivalent Bob the builder.